Stratification of culture

How do we prevent future like this?

Few years from now, every TV show and movie will be owned by a bunch of companies which will have them locked behind a monthly paywall and you won't be able to watch anything unless you pay them.

This means that a bunch of tech companies will own culture.

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yar har fiddle de dee

Simple pirate stuff not on netflix

>mfw aussie paying $70aud a month for net anyway
>mfw average dumbass has $50+ worth of monthly subs to different digital shite anyway

>wanting to prevent this
Why? This is what everyone wanted with cable package plans.
Pay to support only the shows you want.

given how successful they''ve been at taking down pirate sites in 2017, by 2020 they'll shit them all down. not to mention they'll sue downloaders even more vigorously.

japan's fucked the most tho... in Japan, torrenting is an equivalent to a federal crime and police can arrest you for it.

that's not shows, that's networks

no way i love this
get netflix, get sports channels, fuck everything else

So, TV channels? This is literally what everyone has begged cable companies for.

>get sports channels
Why are you here

>get netflix
but why? they'll only have few shows and few movies by then. every other studio will pull out and won't allow them to stream shit.

sports are fun

it's still bundling.

Fuck you.

no you moron cunt. what if i watch silicone valley and the crown? i now have to subscribe to two networks. that is like having to subscribe to both spotify and itunes in order to legally listen to my favorite music

>bawwww muh common culture
fuck off normalfag

Pay $140 a month for cable instead of $56 for Netflix, Hulu, Hbo, disney, warner bros, and fox.

That's completely fair, because supporting Trump means you oppose net neutrality which hurts Netflix business model.

Cry about it cuck.

Maybe the networks will allow you to bundle?
Regardless of if you wanted it or not, people have been asking to be able to purchase channels piecemeal from cable providers for many years now.

Getting rid of net neutrality would actually help Netflix's business model because it would raise an additional barrier to entry for any competitors.

>Cry about it cuck.
that's a funny insult coming from a faggot who craves BBC.

>Sup Forumstard brings black cock into the discussion for no aparent reason
every time

What? Jesus, I hope you are memeing. I pay 20$ for unlimited wired phone, 130 digital channel, 100/50Mb/s net and 3GB mobilenet

Gee, I wonder.

>what is I2P

how about "watch less TV"?

Is that real? That billboard costs way more than the losses of the 3 license free home

>How do we prevent future like this?
Kill DRM by refusing to pay for non-OSS software

last mile is expensive, turns out.

It's already happening.

raspberry 3 model b with OMV
old 120GB notebook hdd(don't care about the files on it)
I just torrent stuff and than view it, costed like 50$ total

never subscribe in the first place, tv and movies are shit anyway.

>be on board of directors for a company
>support president who wants to fuck over the industry you're in
>be surprised when people in the industry don't like you for that

No, it wouldn't. They would risk getting shut out of the market of people using mobile data by mobile ISPs zero rating their own services. Not to mention the same thing possibly happening with regular home internet service.

The OP image is still cheaper than cable. The future is going to be shit honestly. The premier popular medium will be TV shows unlike the past which was movies. TV shows are a great way to kill time but even the best pale in comparison to movies. I can't wait for the new wave of TV shows crashes and burns.

>Youtube Red
>Youtube TV
>Google play music
>Google drive

Or just pirate everything.

I don't know sounds like some shitty honeypot meme network like zero net and freenet.

>watching TV
found your problem, kys

Who has time for TV anyway. Work, games, shitposting, going out pretending to be normal and crying because it doesn't work, etc. Where does watching goyim thorns or wanking dad or whatever the meme is these days come in.

jesus what
is it really that much
adblockers are free

even just 1 (ONE) hour of watching goyim thrones enables a multitude of shitposting
visit Sup Forums to check out how effective it is at boosting your shitposting potential

TV streaming will be free by 2020.

I pay £90 for my net.

Police can arrest you for it almost anywhere, mate. It can land you in some serious shit here in the UK.

>Few years from now, every TV show and movie will be owned by a bunch of companies which will have them locked behind a monthly paywall and you won't be able to watch anything unless you pay them.
How is that different from how cable TV has worked for decades?

I embrace it. I just have a few friends, and we exchange passwords for everything. One friend picks up HBO Go, another picks up Showtime Anytime, a third picks up Neflix, another picks up Crunchyroll, and I have Amazon Prime. Good enough for me.

By stop watching their shit

I'm similar, only I also have a friend who is willing to pay for cable, and like 9 friends pitch in for all that shit, meaning everyone just pays like 15 bucks per month for all the cable channels, on top of what you do.


delete this

All the content companies have realised that Netflix actually worked... and now are either trying to gouge them on price or start their own service. Netflix used to be a great service because nobody else took it seriously. Funnily enough the same thing is happening to crunchy... Amazon just started their own rival as a sub package of prime, though the shitty thing is, i don't think you get as it as part of prime.

Then that sub package can fuck right off. Amazon doesn't have a good history of prime streaming, in my experience. I have it, because I have prime, but if it wasn't for my literal abuse of their free shipping, I wouldn't pay for prime.

Life in 2020:
$9/mo on Netflix
$25/mo for ISP access to Netflix
$9/mo on Hulu
$25/mo for ISP access to Hulu
$9/mo on HBO Now
$25/mo for ISP access to HBO now
$9/mo on Disney
$25/mo for ISP access to Disney
$9/mo on Warner Bros Flix™
$25/mo for ISP access to Warner Bros Flix™
$9/mo on FoxFlix™
$25/mo for ISP access to FoxFlix™


If that happened, I would just go without. I don't watch much TV, anyways.

>How do we prevent future like this?

Stop signing up and paying them? Seems pretty obvious.

The difference is that with red you're actually helping the content creators that you watch.

>2017 in the year of (((our lord)))
>watching television

>what is piracy
Whew, that was hard.
Netflix isn't even popular outside US so I have no worries.

So why not donate directly to them?
Stop supporting google.

Thanks for letting me know.
WTF I love Netflix now.

I do that anyways. Also, believe it or not, a $9/month sub also pays out to all those studios and actors on Netflix.

Youtube does not offer nearly enough value for what they are asking for, especially when I can just adblock everything without even trying.

The Pirate Bay

>What is seedbox
dumbfucks lol

I sure the company hosting your seedbox/vps will not give up your infos...

Why should I help them? I want every muh 'content creators' to die painfully

I love their contents tho, I just want them to starve

I have a vps in some pacific nigger island paying through bitcoin, How can they catch me?

I'll move my server to Brazil or Ukraine if my server is about to get caught

Ok, carry on m8

>one click movies

They won't, literally it's nothing illegal


Thanks for the reminder, just cancelled Netflix and Spotify.

I'll just pirate shit or use cracked apps.

Are you for real retarded?


>What is pay/hatereon?

$90 m for adls2 is great

Read books.

>content creator
you mean content middlesman

>paying literal jews for pozzloads