Rust will rape C in the future

Rust has the potential to be the successor of C

low-level control and safety together, for only these 2 reasons I think it is just matter of time and Rust will be a valid substitute of C.

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>sjw are retarded
wow what a surprise

nice blog post

Heard that for 4 years now

>Rust has the potential to be the successor of C
*C++, not C. But yeah. However Rust needs a lot more polishing and a native GUI framework like Qt

C already was replace by C++ for applications a long time ago. C's greatest strengths aren't something that Rust could easily replace, if at all:
>old and well established: lots of platforms have a C compiler
>very simple to create a compiler for
>stable ABI
>almost every language can interface with C, including Rust.

>C already was replace by C++ for applications a long time ago
you need to step outside of your "academic work" and look at the real world applications. notice how anything worth mentioning is written in c
also, rust sucks ass. it started out alright, but hen took a wrong turn somewhere in there

go is the successor of c for general purpose programming

Lol no

>native GUI framework like Qt
But you're right, it should have its own Tk but good.

>mfw sjw's need to design a language to be safe

Rust already failed, try again with a new language.

1. disgustingly complex
2. bloated
3. slow compile times
4. community full of SJWs

>very simple to create a compiler for
And even that's not true if you want something better than a toy compiler that compiles binaries to something about 50x+ slower than what LLVM or GCC produce.

kek, dual dubs of truth

lol yes

it's only the successor in the sense that it also is targetting brainlets that can't into metaprogramming or appropriate type systems.

What went wrong for Rust then?

It was literally designed by people who don't know the limits of "safety"

This, I've never heard an adequate answer to that question.
Valid minor complaints would be suboptimal syntax or relying too much on github repos for package management.

>What are some non-goals of Rust?
>We do not intend to be 100% static, 100% safe, 100% reflective, or too dogmatic in any other sense. Trade-offs exist.

No one cares about safety.

If you're allocating memory on a constant basis within function calls or loops, you're doing it wrong.

The language doesn't seem so bad. You're delusional if you think anything will replace C though.

I'd like to.see you try getting away with something thats anti sjw agenda

What has that got to do with the language?

>tfw too smart to use Rust

That's kinda the point of Sjw's

>You're delusional if you think anything will replace C though.
Not really. It might not happen completely or at one step, but over the course of decades, it might happen. It's not that the new shit is so great, but that C is so abysmal at an engineering level. Progress can't be stopped.
>these days: report of successes replacing some C shit with Rust/D/whatever shit, making it faster, shorter and more correct in the process (think some GNOME libs like svg, for example)
>five years from now: some libraries are replaced, as well as some userland tools (e.g. GTK, that is, given GNOME managed not to kill itself)
>ten year from now: lots of libraries are replaced and the compilers are now part of everyones standard userland (actually d is soon enough)
>tooling florishes from many vendors
>microcontroller vendors slowly create shitty subset of D/Rust/whatever compilers instead of shitty subset of C compilers for their > 8bit microcontrollers
>three decades from now:
>C++ finally has proper modules instead of headers and maybe Unicode support
>Linus and his apologists are long dead. Remaining, company controlled kernel devs decide to take a big dump on his grave and start using all kinds of languages in the kernel
>low power microcontrollers use small, restricted DSLs only, as they should
>devices powered by C start failing
>companies that compile C to X start popping up and C starts being the new COBOL
>five decades from now (given some event hasn't wiped out civilation yet):
>C is replaced for the most parts
>everything is a bugfree, high-performance botnet
>still nobody uses lisp or ML style languages, despite some spergs claiming their superiority

>given some event hasn't wiped out civilation yet
Well, there might realistically be not enough time to replace C.

I dunno. C has a well established ABI which is used by a lot libraries and languages to interface with. Also, people actually enjoy programming in C, and as long as people enjoy programming in C, there will always be libraries and software available in C.

Make a circular linked list in Rust.

>I dunno. C has a well established ABI which is used by a lot libraries and languages
And since all other languages support it too, that makes it replaceable. Might as well call it extern shittyAndLimitedCompatMode instead of extern C. It's not like actual C code is required as adapter.
>Also, people actually enjoy programming in C
Well, the kind of people that actually, really enjoy C instead of seeing it as a tool (like kernel devs) is a bunch of mentally crippled spergs that never produce anything worthwile. See also [Lisp coders].


Rust is a nigger language
when you see a CIA nigger, you run it over.
they glow in the dark

Oh boy it's another "I'm too dumb for C so I need a language that can hold my hand for me" thread.

Rust has the slowest compile times of any language I've ever used. It is incredibly complex, forcing you to think about the language features at every turn instead of focusing on the PROBLEM YOU ARE TRYING TO SOLVE. It's nearly as bloated as C++ at this point and it doesnt even support basic obvious shit like default arguments. How the fuck is this a language of the future?

Default arguments are cancer that should never be used by anyone. I'm saying that as someone who writes C++ and C# (and sometimes Python) for a living.

Did I mention how hard refactoring your code is due to the retarded type system? Everytime you think of rewriting a function or splitting it out into it's own thing you essentially need to rethink the whole fucking thing because you now have to track the lifetimes.

Rust doesn't support exploratory programming, it doesnt lend itself to creating prototypes. The fact of the matter is the majority of programming is exploratory programming, so Rust simply is not a good fit.

Put it in cars, planes, space shuttles, but it doesn't belong in plain old commercial software

C is a white man's language
if you're too dumb to write C, then you're a nigger

see or use Option
All of the problems you mentioned are either temporary or you being a feggit. And I say that as a not-Rust user.

>Rust doesn't support exploratory programming, it doesnt lend itself to creating prototypes
Good, those are for plebbit programming beginners and haxxornews VC startups. Same applies to REPLs.
Good riddance, Rust is a system programming language.

Wait you can't do that in rust?

You sound like a Rust user to me. Or at least a Rust shill.

Behold a Linked List in Rust.

Look at the elegance of this language of the future. And it only takes 12 seconds to compile! Mozilla does it again.

use std::rc::Rc;

pub struct List {
head: Link,

type Link = Option;

struct Node {
elem: T,
next: Link,

pub struct Iter {
next: Option Iterator for Iter Option {|node| { =|node| &**node);

I'm actually a future Jai shill, though.

Maybe C will die, but it won't be replaced by rust.
Someday another language that cherry-picked all the juicy part of rust, mixed it with a better syntax will come and take its place.

Just like how elixir did with erlang.

A language with such disgusting syntax won't and shouldn't live long.

type Link = Option;
struct Node {
elem: T,
next: Link,
pub struct Iter {
next: Option

You can. It's just not safe and comfy. Which is good, because the number of problems for wich linked lists and other graph based datastructures not implemented as contiguous memory are a good idea is rather small.

At least it's better than C#

As long as C gets replaced, I don't care much what replaces it, as long as it isn't a brainlet language like C itself.

Not so sure about elixir though, that seems pretty controversial.

I always thought Erlang was just Ericsson's in-house language that somehow found its way to the world.

>somehow found its way to the world
thanks to big name like facebook I guess.

I mean earlier:

Wrong, faggot. Everything is written in C++, Java or C#. C is for fucking drivers.

You take that back. C# is way better than this shittier language.

let x = 5;
x = 10; //compiler error

Rust eternally BTFO
>but muh mut
If you need a special keyword to tell you when a variable is actually a variable you shouldn't be touching a computer

lol how can you not do this? even Java can have circularly linked lists

>12 seconds to compile
>12 seconds to compile
>12 seconds to compile
>12 seconds to compile

nothing will replace C you dumb idiot, they just make a C20 revision and you all get btfo again



>github repos for package management

Erlang is actually really good.

How does this take 12 seconds to compile? It took 0.28 seconds to compile as release on my pc

You've never gone further in software development than jobs interviews, have you?

lmao no.

It has no place, only for functional programmers that need faster compile times than 5 days that haskell gives them.

Its community is more SJW politics than programming.
It has unusefull features that are more hinder than actually usefull.
It has no support from any big company / player.
It will never be used for embedded because the compiler is unpredictable as fuck.
It has no where near the legacy that c and c++ have.

Rust is a meme that will die.
Not even go is this bad, atleast Go has google behind it pushing it hard.

took me 12.443 seconds to compile on a beefy pc.

This fucking language is a meme.

