Have you started ditching Google products and services Sup Forums?

Have you started ditching Google products and services Sup Forums?

I'm about to close my Gmail account as soon as I notify all my contacts about email change.

Not sure what to use as YT-account replacement.

Also, how do we destroy this evil corporation?

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no email service is better than gmail
but other than that I've never had any other google related accounts

Nice blog faggot.

what are some actual non shitty replacements for google products? what's the replacement for youtube? for google search? for google maps/earth/street view? google scholar?

No because I have to use 20 different lower quality services to achieve what I can do in one place with Google. I don't care if they know what I like to jerk off to, call me when I can get anything even close to the user experience provided by Google elsewhere.

>says the cia nigger monkey faggot with a trip code
Enjoy your botnet.

GMail is probably the only Google product I use

The only google product I ditched was Google Search, but that's because DuckDuckGo is objectively better.
There's nothing better than YouTube, Gmail, and Google Drive/Docs

Nope. In fact, I just made a Play Games profile for android gaming. I love Google.

>I love Google
catch AIDS and die.

Nobody else exists that can bring down Microsoft.

No, even if Google is shit company it has best products. Make something better and I'll ditch them.

>bring down Microsoft
Microsoft is already dead. They lost mobile. They have no future.

>Have you started ditching Google products and services Sup Forums?
Why would I? They have the best web search I've ever used, the best email service I've ever used, the best video streaming site I've ever used, and so on. I mean sure there's "muh privacy", but unless I give up internet-based services altogether, there's no real way to solve that, I'll just be relocating the problem a little. And sure they've done some shitty things here and there, but honestly not any worse than any other company and probably not as bad as most.

>Also, how do we destroy this evil corporation?
Destroy capitalism. Everything Google is doing, some other company will do if Google were to suddenly stop existing.

And why did they lose mobile? Android. And who's the force behind that? Google.

They lost on mobile because of Google. They'll probably lose on desktop because of Google as well. Google, unlike microshit, creates open source operating systems. So even if it is as botnet as Microsoft you'll still be able to remove the botnet.

Fok of, modofoka.

For me the real problem is email, because alongside with the contacts there're also lot of services registered to that email which I can even don't remember.

And the second problem is Android, even though I use LineageOS, I don't want to remove gapps and Play Store just because installing the apps manually is a waste of time.

I've been off google off a long time mate. Not hard.
Do you need all your contacts anyways? You can't copy them off your phone or w/e?
Any account you actually use can be transfer to a new email via setting for the account. If you can't remember a account you signed up for then clearly you don't use it enough for it to even matter.

The responses in this thread amkes me sad for Sup Forums.

You do realize Yalp store and Aptoide exist?

whats a good gmail alternative?

it's the summer, aka the time of the year when Sup Forums turns into le tech support subreddit. what did you expect?

Why the sudden hate for Google? Some reddit post go viral?

There's been a certain degree of Google hate for some years now. Any current increase would be people getting butthurt because the idiot who wrote that (anti-)diversity manifesto got fired.

DuckDuckGo, Startpage, or searx? Things that concern me:

DDG: amazon botnet?
Startpage: (using this now) no news or social media search results
searx: public instance secure?

So people are mad at Google over politics? Fuck when did Sup Forums get so infested with SJWs.

Yandex Mail

No, people are mad that Google are being SJWs.

Which is still fucking stupid.

And people on here about being SJWs too.

I'd like to do this too but unfortunately, Google has me hooked up. Mainly by YT (I have a channel that is monetized), which in my opinion has no real alternative yet.

Also Google Maps is way to superior compared to other services.

So I think basically it would be best to just escape where it is possible.

For gmail you have actually a lot of options. G+ is shit by itself and only survives due to YT integration, You don't need the voice assistant or any of the apps on a phone.

Starting by renting a domain and setting up a mailaddress to it is probably the most professional one, but it costs money.

>use google services while blocking all their ads
>you're wasting their bandwidth and they lose money

>stop using google services
>you save them money

this is like being an animal rights activist and and choosing to boycott a grocery store instead of shoplifting their ham to make them lose money. how dumb are you?

They still can gather and sell your data.

>Mainly by YT (I have a channel that is monetized), which in my opinion has no real alternative yet.
start building up a channel there too. upload vids to both places.

You've never tried alternatives, have you?
At worst, you're missing out on creepy targeted ads.

Professional email host, I rent a hosted exchange server, gives me better integration and quality of life than gmail - for throwaway I have a hotmail account since 2001
Bing/DDG/various, but often times you'll search longer until you find something
In recent years, Google has turned to shit because it's showing me sites it thinks are related but don't even contain the words I'm searching for... and I can't fucking tell it not to show me such sites. Often first thing I do when clicking a link in Google is to ctrl+F the search term and get 0 results.
I use Bing for everything in English (it sucks hard in German)
Openstreetmap and Bing Maps and local offerings (search.ch for me)
Depends on what you're watching. Paid services for movies and sports and there's still TV. Unfortunately nothing beats it on the info/review side and video compilations, so this is the only G product I actively use.
Nope, nothing I know of. If you're in a specific field, you can try the journal specific searches. I often looked at ieeexplore directly during studies.
Sometimes use it on a shared account for coordinating a project with a friend, but that's it.

I avoid Google wherever I can and use it sporadically when it makes sense to use it anyways. At work I'm on Gsearch about once a day for something that doesn't want to be found using other methods.

I'm moving out of it slowly. I've switched to Search and cock.li, and I'll replace my Android ROM when it's convenient.

>Also Google Maps is way to superior compared to other services.

Are you sure about that? openstreetmap.org is fucking awesome

No, Google is the least SJW infested tech company around.

As I last looked, they didn't have real time traffic information. Also google's feature of showing visitor density for sights is unmatched.
While the other things that are important to me, like route finding and movement profile, are also able with OSM, Google Maps has some really nice Icings.

Except for perhaps hiking and biking routes, for which local map projects are overly superior.


The idiot that wrote a stupid text about some real bs and got fired just had it coming like every other worker for any other major company and provoked a shitstorm by sheer stupidity.

They don't go into bs diversity management just for the hell of it. They scout their experts well, be it by their own connections or by their abilities. And they get really pissed if something get's between them.


im unironically a google employee and can assure you we take user privacy very seriously :)

t. software engineer intern

Why should I?

I tried, I really tried but their services are just too convenient and using anything else is a hassle.

Every (paid) provider that uses IMAP. Go for a local one or if you're in a shit tier country without data protection laws (eg Murrica), choose one in the EU.

>russian botnet

It's time for the government to step in and regulate Google. They're a legit danger to our Democracy.

SJWs are mad at Google for letting Bearing and co still exist on youtube.

Google has been mostly neutral in politics. Sacking one literally who guy doesn't change that.

Since some years now, there's been no bigger danger to democracy worldwide (and domestic) than the US government.

Unfortunately not. They have been doing a lot of "covert" actions in foreign countries, at least that has been in the news. Mainly rankings of search results before elections.

I mean, who can blame them? Would you as a company not hinder a potential government that wants to control you if you could? They just cut the middleman in lobbyism where they can.

>US government
You misspelled EU parliament


> (OP)
>For me the real problem is email, because alongside with the contacts there're also lot of services registered to that email which I can even don't remember.
For a easier transition, you could simply leave your Gmail account open and set it to forward all incoming mails to your new address. Yes, Google gets to know your new provider in doing so and still learns from the forwarded mails. But whenever you notice a forwarded mail, you can change settings at the respective service.

Nah, they're currently too fucked up t to get anything done. Mainly because of the US "intervening" in Syria, Lybia or Ukraine.

It's amusing to watch from my viewpoint, though.

They are gladly slamming sanctions left and right, outside and inside the borders. They are massively lobbied, let literally anyone participate in the parliament, and are sucking freedoms away every month like firearms and border security. They are also biased towards minorities and don't want to listen to any reasoning.
Funny enough, the EU still doesn't check where the project funding they give goes, so a good portion of the budget goes into mafia sinkholes and mass money laundering.
The US government is fine, who cares about cavemen 3000 miles away?

>US government is fine
oh you sweet summer child

YouTube is the last le-goog product I use.

I wonder if a Russian can download all the videos from YouTube and make a replacement...

I would use it.

Eu is literally the last bastion for consumer rights. EU constantly sues US companies because they violate basic consumers laws.

People would have no problems scraping youtube and re hosting everything. The problem is bandwidth and storage. Google is pretty much the only company who can afford a site like Youtube.

In the good states you can carry most any gun anywhere. You can have your own house for much cheaper than in europe and the gov't respects your private property. You have a consumer choice better than Europe and regulation agencies that at least try to do their job. You can refuse an unwarranted search and literally tell a cop to fuck off.
None of this applies anywhere in the EU. Especially not in eastern europe.

You do forget that Google knowingly helped and pushed for Syria to happen.

>YT-account replacement

Unless you're addicted to commenting you can use Ageless to watch age restricted videos and RSS for subscriptions.

>Muh guns
Everything else is just FUD. Go do some actual research instead of copy-pasting your pol shit you mongoloid.

Searx > startpage > google > ddg

Go back to 2ch vatnik. You obviously have zero experience with the west.

>In the good states you can carry most any gun anywhere.
And you need them because the safety in the US is shit. How's this a good thing? This is like saying India is best because no one regulates how much water you can use for the toilet.

Anyway, back to >>>pol

>They have been doing a lot of "covert" actions in foreign countries, at least that has been in the news. Mainly rankings of search results before elections.

Google bombs are a thing you know. The NSA could easily fuck with search ranking by itself and there have been leaked document to that effect.

There are criminals and wild animals everywhere and I'd rather be able to do something if and when I encounter one.
Only gullible fucks think the world is a safe place and nothing could possibly happen to them.

Do you know how I can get a custom firefox search plugin for searx (with my own settings ideally) like I can with startpage? And will the URL be obfuscated of my settings like startpage does?

what do we do about google captcha? it's literally up to google if i can post here or not.


You have it backwards. Google is the SJW, and people are mad about it. Anything that moves people away from Google is fine by me. I hope that fucking company burns to the ground.


>being this retarded



Oh and before the inevitable
>lol breitbart le alt-right facist transphobic bla bla

I tried to find some on CNN but all they had were fake news about how Trump is colluding with Russia because he once drank a glass of vodka

Is protonmail any good? They are apparently based in Switzerland meaning they are out of the jurisdiction of the USA and EU. Is their company infested with SJWs like google is?

Finished migrating from Chrome to Brave now.
Every password, bookmark etc.
Still having trouble ditching gmail, thats going to be tough.
Youtube is just impossible.
I use a vpn + brave though, they dont cash from me.

Get a fucking grip you cretin.


>Youtube is just impossible.
The total number of videos existing its competitors based in the Western world (Dailymotion, Vimeo, Vid.me, etc.) is just a fraction of jewtube's.

It literally plans to become a botnet and adware once it reaches several million users.

Have some favorite content creators i like to watch.

I took a loom into that and i goes with some kind of Attention crypto currency invented by the inventor of java script and co founder of Mozilla&Firefox.
You can chose to get paid this way for allowing them to display ads into your browser.
This way not jewgle will get paid but you (and brave most likely).
Way better option as status quo if you ask me.

>it's about ethics in web services

nope, still use GMAIL for my daily email needs, I'm too wired into the borg to care. All will assimilate, resistance is futile. every single one of you talking about getting off google, how would you bypass captcha without a pass?

>you'll get crypto currency for viewing ads
So it's like those BTC generator sites which already exist?

You are not mining with your hardware, but with your attention/time.
You chose to get displayed ads on your browser - the host of the ad pays you
You chose not to see any ads - no cons but no crypto currency

That's exactly what I meant by "btc generators". There are tons of sites which prompt you to watch ads every now and then to get a small amount of BTC. It's literally no different and I doubt you'll even get over 10 dollars for a month's worth of browsing, just like you wouldn't by constantly claiming bitcoin on those faucet sites. It's a pyramid scheme and they're on top.

Dont see any cons though, since you can chose just to disable all ads.

hooktube and not logging into youtube on desktop and newpipe for your phone

Is this because of the manifesto?

But don't they still sell your browsing history anyway?

>It took me seeing some sperging beta-autist getting fired to actually want to remove myself from the botnet
People like you need to be fucking shot.

wego.here.com ? Has not live traffic but traffic based on historical projections. Can even do arrive by planning

I've ditched all google products except for YT years ago. I don't even allow google scripts most of the time. The fact that you hadn't even gotten rid of gmail before now means you didn't give a shit about the real problems with Google, you're just hopping on the latest trend because of a stupid memo.

>wego.here.com ?
It's by what remains of the true Nokia.

Brave is open source.
They dont track your browser history.

Vid.me is better than Youtube if the content you watch is on there, if not just clear cookies hourly and don't use an account of youtube.

>google search
Duckduckgo is pretty good but has minor tracking leaks. Startpage and Searx are also good.

>google maps
No good solution. Open Street Map is functional, but not better.

>google scholar
I don't know if a replacement exists since that is a niche tool.

>The fact that you hadn't even gotten rid of gmail before now means you didn't give a shit about the real problems with Google, you're just hopping on the latest trend because of a stupid memo.

>>google maps
>No good solution.
Apple Maps are now superior. Only thing it doesn't have it streetview but I don't care about that anyway and never use it.

>Startpage and Searx are also good.
Much better than DDG.