Homescreen Thread?

Homescreen Thread.

what is the difference between a homescreen and a desktop thread? why are homescreen threads allowed if desktop threads aren't?

Desktop threads aren't allowed? Not sure why there would be a difference.

Gotta have my green

Thinking of doing a red theme next but can't find good sets of red tiles, any recommendations?

I picked this green set because it makes icons it doesn't even have green also. If anyone can recommend colored icons that also do this so I can have them be consistent that''d be awesome

Pretty nice for iOShit

here is my shitty one

Don't like the tiles but looks good
Kinda ugly desu


Why are homescreen threads allowed but not screenfetch threads?


KISS launcher is the shit


blinding green /10

0/10 see me after class

7/10, minimal to a fault


Why is your phone a start menu

>Why is your phone a start menu
Just werks. I can do everything at this screen

I like this


Swiping up takes me to my app drawer and I've got calendar, RSS, and notes widgets to the right.

Homoscreen (Apple) and homescreen (Android).

What do you use for weather? Looks good

Icons kind of contrast with the wallpaper and clock/date

Very clean, I like it



ITT people post without rating others and expect to be rated

I'm posting while walking in a city at 2am

I don't have time to rank

what theme is this?

oh big city boy out for a night on the town is too busy and important to rate others but still wants rates on his own post

fuck off you double nigger

If some nigger starts walking behind me and I'm fuckin wasting my time rating homescreens on the autism speaks section on a Laotian hand painting image-based and I get mugged because of it, I'll never love it down

don't have time to respond to other posts but I do need to know which icon pack that is





You interrupted my dump ree



Who is the guy in that picture?


baka ricelets are so pathetic
>install klwp
>make 3 boxes
>add text
>add on touch event to open corresponding app

That's literally it


>being a productive member of society