Is a Mineral Oil Submerged Computer a dumb idea?

My older Brother is planning on building a Mineral Oil Submerged Computer. He has already bought himself a case for it (38*38cm wide and 43cm high)

I think it is a stupid idea, because we have wooden flooring and if the oil spills it would be ruined.

Also, is a Mineral Oil Submerged Computer actually worth it's risk?
Is there any risk or am I just paranoid?
Is this type of cooling so much better?

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It is a really dumb idea and shouldn't be nessecary at all if you have proper cooling. Let me guess .. X299?

It's silly and stupid, but sometimes people take risks for the enjoyment of silly and stupid things.

Consider putting some kind of tray under the computer which doesn't look too terrible. It'll catch slow leaks at least.

He has fairly shitty gear for such a commplicated build and not thinking about buying btter one.

The case is huge. My biggest fear is that it would need to stand on the ground, because of its weight. My brother is a messy person and always has stuff laying on the ground. If something heavy and hard hits the case and it would crack. You would not be able to catch all that oil.

While that is true, the likelihood of a crack leading to a catastrophic rupture is small.

You cannot save the world from itself. At best you can talk people up to the limits of their reason. The rest just has to be how it is. So talk him into putting a tray or pan of some sort under it to at least give him time to see a leak.

waste of time. even servers and supercomputers are cooled with air because anything else is just sperging around.

>Also, is a Mineral Oil Submerged Computer actually worth it's risk?

Depends on the application and budget.

>Is there any risk or am I just paranoid?

Risk of fire.

>Is this type of cooling so much better?

It's simple, cost effective, and noiseless. However, it's hassle if you need to add/remove components.

Your floor alone would make it a bad idea.

Tell me more please about the risk of fire?

I know that oil can burn, but it needs to be hot and in small ammounts.

One solution is to put the whole thing in another leak proof container. That way of it leaks, it goes into your container.

Yeah you right.

The mineral oil Pc idea, is just sounding dumber and dumber.

A stray air bubble and a short circuit is all it takes.

>Also, is a Mineral Oil Submerged Computer actually worth it's risk
You could avoid leaks with a proper case/tank but that doesn't change the fact that upgrading anything or changing a component is going to be a pain in the ass. It might be intriguing but in the end it's not that practical.

For a guy that doesn't like dumb things, you sure post a lot of frogs.

it used to be cool in the late 2000s

Just let him do it.
Even if assembling goes well, he will learn his lesson when the first exchange calls.

I am just hoping my parents will stop him. I care about my brother, but this idea is just stupid.

Linux Shill Tips unironically has a very good video on how horrible it is to build and maintain a mineral oil powered PC. Show it to your brother.

Good luck with ur fan motors in that oil.

Yeah, I just watched it and thought the same

If you're caring that much (and I'm assuming you both still live with your parents), just tell them, it's mineral oil and what a fucking mess even small leaks can do to furniture or any kind of wooden floors.

go away linus pls

also check em

My parents know and my mother said that she will inform herself about it. I am hoping and also pretty sure that she will stop him.

As dumb as frogposting

What the fuck my dude

>2. You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.



The fans self lubricate and actually last longer

>short circuit
The flash point of mineral oil is a substained 335F and would require more oxygen then a single air bubble. It would also require the entire volume to reach that temp.
You are more likely to start a fire running on air and having plastic melt.

There are plenty of reasons that oil cooled PCs are shit and retarded, but these two aren't either of them.

wew lad

horrible idea, even just the sheer hassle and mess if you need/want to change/add/remove anything totally not worth it

Traditionally, Fluorinert has been the choice for immersion cooling of electronics. You might want to look into that instead of mineral oil; it's less reactive, so will cause fewer problems.

>Is this type of cooling so much better?

Not at all.
It's terrible in fact.

Unless you find a way to transfer the heat from the mineral oil to the air, which will probably involve radiators with noisy fans, heat will build up over time until you have to shut it down.

Mineral oil cooling is like putting a fuckhuge heatsink on each component but having no fans.

It also WILL erode the components and crawl up the wires

>mineral oil eroding silicone, plastic, and metal
No, you idiot
>wicking up wires
Can be an issue