NEW Radeon RX Vega 64 3DMark Performance

>The clock speed reported by 3DMark is a peak clock, it may or may not mean that the card was overclocked at the time of testing (1247 MHz base/1546 MHz boost vs 1630-1750 MHz boost for this test)

>for GPU score it doesn’t really matter which CPU is being used, but since some reviewers already started testing Threadripper and Vega, I thought it might be interesting to know where the performance of AMD HEDT platform sits

Other urls found in this thread:,1.html

Are AMD, dare I say it, finished and bankrupt now that Threadripper and Vega are both confirmed flops?

Pick one

>1080 performance level with the 1080ti TDP

At least Ryzen is good

Vega is a flop, Threadripper is a success

Holy shit what a disaster. No gamer has any reason to buy anything AMD now.

More of this please and spread the word.
With more of such publications, maybe they might be msrp at launch

How does that Gaming X compare to a reference 1080?

If Vega is anything like Ryzen it may be much better at work applications.

>With more of such publications, maybe they might be msrp at launch
That's not what's driving launch prices insane. The rumored crypto hashrate is.

>there are drones who waited over a year for this

lmaoing @ their soul

Miners clearly inserting themselves by force into the upcoming timeline. A place will be made for them.

Was waiting to see if I'd build a full AMD PC this time around since I've had all the other combinations already but it's definitely not worth it to replace my 1070 with this

Vega 64 in the leak is overclocked

>15% faster in Extreme and ultra than a OCd 1080
>same as a OC 1080 in Performance and Timespy

Hmm, I wonder what this means

>Vega 64 in the leak is overclocked
It looks like the lower clocked one is the aircooled model while the higher clocked one is the watercooled model.

1080 Gaming X =/= 1080 Gaming X PLUS

Even if it was 1080ti + 30% you STILL wouldn't be able to buy it.

Still looks like there's a difference.

The thing performs silly (in gaums) given the die size and uarch improvements.

>Stock Vega reference blower as fast or faster than factory OC and huge heatsink/fan 1080's
Looks promising.

This is the gayming x plus not the gayming x,1.html

It's 484mm^2 die.
For gaymen it's as shit as it gets.

Gotta "just wait" until September for partner GPUs. Shit sucks, should've been out 2-3 months ago.


The clock speed reported by 3DMark is a peak clock, it may or may not mean that the card was overclocked at the time of testing (1247 MHz base/1546 MHz boost vs 1630-1750 MHz boost for this test)

Vega is Oc, read the link

>(1247 MHz base/1546 MHz boost
That's 56.
We're talking 64.



All I'm interested in is to see if the Vega56 will perform better than a 1060. If the 64 results are anything to go by it seems likely, and if the price is reasonable where I live, it may end up being a great deal.

>For gaymen it's as shit as it gets.
Like gaymers would be able to buy it.

True that.
If hashrate is as good as "rumored" - the cards would never even leave China.

At least SSG is hilariously good.

Even bigger Polaris would've performed better in gayms.
Why didn't they make a bigger Polaris for consumer market? The die would be smaller and cheaper than Vega10.

>they put a 2TB SSD on the PCB

Vega was trash
Ryzen was a homerun living and surpassing the hype.

And it works!
Wonderfully so. It's so good they basically got Hollywood on lockdown.
Also Vega's HBCC is their sikrit sauce for both Vega and Navi.

it's a mining card

Vega is absolutely incredible for big datasets.
In facts it's the only GPU uarch to handle large datasets.

SO glad I didn't. Bought a 1080Ti a couple months ago and I've never been happier.

>intelshill always try to shoehorn CPUs into a thread about GPUs because they know AMD is kicking Intel's was and all Intel can do is accuse AMD of anti-semitism

compute* :^)

V100 is a better compute card though.

This might be worth it a month from now when partner GPUs are out and Vega 56 is confirmed to be close to Vega 64 speeds while not costing $500.

It costs $18000-$20000. That's "buy a house" money. Good luck.

someones gotta buy it

>loses to a 1080 in opencl benches

>muh big dies

>Wonderfully so. It's so good they basically got Hollywood on lockdown.
Is amd using a different type of ssd for the ssgs?

It probably uses some enterprise-grade Samsung drives.

>they basically got Hollywood on lockdown

No, it's just physically close and is treated as video memory and doesn't have to go through from storage to system RAM to the gpu and doesn't need the OS to handle all i/o.

Well, it's more powerful than Vega10.
GV102 will also be bigger and more powerful than Vega10.

>It probably uses some enterprise-grade Samsung drives.
That doesn't seem like a love affair that would last too long.

56 beats the 1070 so yes its the only good card of Vega

Bigger and more expensive.

It's literally just an SSD that is closer to the die
still magnitudes slower read and write speed than the actual HBM on the card
16gb+slower 2tb
Literally 3.5+.5 tier marketing, but it's ok when AMD does it

Shame we will never see it because of mining.

They have a publicized interest from RED for the ssgs.

What do you mean?
Anything to maintain mind- and marketshare.

It works like a large (VERY large) L4$ chunk due to Vega's HBCC.

>publicized interest from RED=Hollywood on lockdown
alright buddy

Except they explicitly market it as having 2tb ssd on board rather than saying it's 2tb vram with mystery memory

Just buy 1070.

Doesn't matter what it works like
Still an SSD attached to a graphics card

They're now more expensive because of mining too. At this point it's better to buy 1080 or 1080ti.

Yes, it's just that, but that still makes it fucking amazeballs for doing work with massive datasets directly on the GPU with no overhead.

Stop shilling, stop fanboying, stop sucking JHH's tiny azn penor. It's not even a MUH GAYMAN GPU you're trying to shit on. You're just pathetic at this point.

It's low-latency storage attached directly to GPU that's also paged by Vega's HBCC.
Please stop damage controlling, nvidia will have something similar in ~two years.

Those ssgs will be constantly stressed, and will need replacement more often than usual but I'm pretty sure RED can afford the ssgs since they already go through a lot. I'm only specualting, so take it what I say with a grain of salt, but I think these ssgs might burn through more ssds than usual. Again just specualtion, and not an attack on amd. I don't have my hands on this card, so I'm just making an assumption right now (also I'm pretty tired).

Are they now?
They are trying to call it "2tb of SSG memory" instead of "We put an SSD on our graphics card"

>Stop shilling, stop fanboying, stop sucking JHH's tiny azn penor. It's not even a MUH GAYMAN GPU you're trying to shit on. You're just pathetic at this point.
>Please stop damage controlling, nvidia will have something similar in ~two years.
You guys gotta stop projecting and drop the nvidia boogerman
It's an SSD attached to a GPU, nothing will ever change that

>alright buddy
I didn't claim "hollywood lockdown" that was another user. I just gave you a possible reason as to why that user made that claim.

now you can play games while your mom will make a dinner on your GPU

>trying to compare GTX 973.5 to Radeon Pro SSG

This is why nobody takes Shillvidya seriously.

Stop damage controlling for nvidia, user.
They already did that for you (by raiding 3 NVMe drives).

Meant ssd's

Enterprise-grade MLC drives have great endurance, user.
And you can RMA it or replace drives on your own (probably).

it's a really fast ssd, at least that is good

Call me when AMD loses in court over it.

You're projecting a lot man, not everything is a big shill conspiracy

What's important is latency, not speed.
This SSD is attached directly to the GPU.

It's just an NVME SSD, it's really not any faster than consumer m.2s

As I said, stop damage controlling for JHH, he already did that for (You).
It's much lower latency.

I don't think ssds would last that long under a constant state of read/writes like volatile memory, but I could be wrong since I have no clue as to how they work. I'll just have to wait, and see.

>it's much lower latency
ok cool, still an SSD with far slower read write speeds than the memory on the card. The latency won't cover that up

>The latency won't cover that up
Oh, it does, considering it does live 8k playback.

>As I said, stop damage controlling for JHH, he already did that for (You).
Do you have some medicine you need to take? What the fuck is JHH?

>Oh it does
No it doesn't, live 8k playback doesn't mean anything. My computer can playback 8k video from my camera, what's the point?

But can it do raw 8k playback?

Yes, at least from my friends rented RED camera it can. But it's the lower 15k model but I doubt the higher ones change much
32gb DDR4
R7 1700x

www facebook com/

>www facebook com/
They are using a 4 core CPU

i will so fucking laugh if the new bios is as good as they say

cant wait to see the threads here

~1900MHz is basically stock for Pascal, good custom cards when OC'd end up >2100MHz, so this is actually looking really bad. I bet those 1750MHz results are from the liquid cooled ~350W card too.

Vega is not efficient like Volta and Pascal

It's as efficient as anything ~"14nm" FinFET gets.

Yes they are
>16GB HBM2 + 2TB SSG
Unlike Nvidia AMD tried to be transparent

For the same jobs, Pascal/Volta draw less power. If you buy like 400 GPU, this is a big deal.

Compute-wise they both draw the same amount of power.