Have a homework assignment (API test) i was given after the interview on thursday

>have a homework assignment (API test) i was given after the interview on thursday
>33C outside (over 90F)
>literally impossible to sit inside the house let alone do any work
>gotta complete it til monday if I want to have a chance for a better paying job
Do you think they'd understand if I contact them and tell it was too hot to work?

Close your windows and open your fridge. That way you'll cool down the house and the cold air won't escape.

> Australian heat wave has constant 40c+ days
> Still able to work on projects and go to the beach

Australians have thick skin cancer crust that protects them from the heat

> and need a jacket because i am uncomfortable if its lower than 20c

everything has its trade offs

t. Australian

Are you too poor to buy an air conditioner?

Very high temperature and very low humidity is much more bearable than high temperature and high humidity.

>33C outside

sounds wonderful 2bh

u stupid?

>20°C outside
>start sweating

Fill a large bowl with cold water and put your feet in it while sitting by the desk while working.

>hiring people who stop working when it's a little hot

Nobody does that.

There's a reason for legal maximum temperature when you're allowed to leave the workplace

>mfw spent entire internship in a pisspoor isolated yet also pisspoor ventilated office room that went nuclear on a 15C day
>didn't even get paid

You cannot grasp the form of my migraines.

>wagecuck can't afford air conditioning
What's the point of slaving yourself off then?

If you're implying Australia is low humidity you'd be mistaken. Queensland is 40+ and 80%+

It only gets this hot for about 3 weeks a year, air conditioning is not worth it for for most people

Fuck are you, an eskimo?

go to the library, free AC and free internet.
go to starbucks if you can afford it.
put a shitload of water bottles in the freezer and do pick related, it actually works.

>work part time for my cities transit authority
>underground metro platform level is always hot as fuck
>normally rotate people so nobody has to spend entire shift at platform level
>ramadan happens
>all the muslims get "accommodations" because "waaaahhhhh i cant drink water"
>have to spend almost entire shift at platform level
>accommodation just means making other people pick up the slack

>be Canadian
>melt at 30c
>thrive when it starts getting below 0

Its an abstract of feel

>be Fatman
>sweating when above -15°C outside

>36°C outside
>instantly start sweating liters when i'm out of the fan's radius

manwhale friend of mine is the opposite, it blows my mind
anything under ~30c and he's practically shivering
i always thought my lanky self was sensitive to cold weather, but this guy takes it to another level