>Macs are expensive
>Macs are expensive
>no right click by default.
>people still not accounting for the fact that Apple is the only computer manufacturer making their own OS for all their products, which costs money
>still compare Macs to Windows machines on a price/specs basis
Its so obvious and apparent, but nobody seems to get it, especially people here.
This is pretty much it. No one can seem to figure out why an iPhone runs faster than an octocore 12GHz 32gb ram android phone.
But why though? Their os is shit compared to windows, even Linux has and supports more software. Apple literally charges more for a Facebook machine.
>Linux supports more software
Take your head out of your own ass, please.
¿¿¿All Microsoft hardware runs Microsoft Windows/OS???
Apple isn't the only one dip shit.
>even Linux has and supports more software
You have no idea what you're talking about
>t. Tech-illiterate mactoddler
Ok. Name ONE.
>people still not accounting for the fact that Apple is the only computer manufacturer making their own OS for all their products
They don't make their own processors.
>still compare Macs to Windows machines on a price/specs basis
Lol, if price/specs don't matter, what matters then? Being able to fit into a faggy clique?
Their software is optimized for their hardware. That's why it runs faster. Just look at the iPhone. I don't understand this hype for the newest android phone with octacore and insane amount of ram, if it runs jvm, which means it's slower than ios, hence, lagdroid.
and why exactly would a mac user need systemd? Do you even know what it does? And yes, I've tinkered with Arch for multiple years.
>anything decent
pick one. Not a macfag btw, just hate HP.At least macs work some of the time.
All hail Dell.
> it runs faster.
But it doesn't. In fact, Photoshop and video editors work much slower than on windows. Rendering takes forever.
>macs are gud
Probably youve only had contact with Walmart tier HPs. Their Envy, Elite, and Pro books are incredible. I've had an envy 15 for four years now, still going strong
their business products like the elitebook pictured are very nice and high quality. their consumer stuff's dog shit tho, especially the dv series laptops that liked frying themselves.
not shilling, using one now and loving it
>envy 13 here
>"name one thing that linux has that mac doesn't"
>names one thing
>"you don't need that you don't know what you're talking about I've used linux before
Fucking macfags
Macs are not very expensive, I don't buy them because I don't want to look like a fag.
its not as if theres a microsoft surface line which shits on everything every made by apple
wow you sure live in denial...
even the 200 buck nexus 5 back in the day owned the iphone whatever super hard
But girls love guys with macs, user
I am not interested into three D sluts.
Linux fags, everyone. Literal fags.
>Lol, if price/specs don't matter, what matters then?
The actual experience of using the product you just bought you fucking stupid cunt. Are you buying a shitcoin mining machine or a personal computer? You don't even understand what a computer is, do you?
Microsoft have only just started making their own computers. Taking their always-shit never-optimized-for-any-hardware generic OS and slapping it onto some sourced components. Tell me, when is the last time Microsoft but serious R&D into advancement of their own hardware, when is the last time they made custom silicon for certain products. Do they have a cohesive ecosystem of hardware products unified by OS and able to interact with payment methods and home controls? Yeah, no.
The only thing Microsoft shits on is the street.
>never-optimized-for-any-hardware OS
Yet is unironically better than anything Applel ever shat out. LMAO
I don't even like Apple and that demo is retarded. It's literally animation speed. You can set it in both OSes.
>a website with "PC" in its name runs a bunch of retarded benchmarks such as "CD ripping" and several browser benchmarks
>windows wins just barely more than half of them (mostly the browser benchmarks)
>anti-apple fags cite it for years as proof that macOS sucks
>animation speed is why lagOS sits at a blank white screen for 3 seconds waiting for content to load
PC stands for personal computer, of which apple products fall under
So you would say that despite the common usage of "PC" referring to machines meant specifically to run Windows, the writers of "PCmag" aren't at all biased towards Windows because "PC" technically stands for something that isn't OS-specific.
And further, you would say that a benchmark suite consisting of mostly browser benchmarks is a good way to compare operating systems.
Who are you quoting?
Sure, they hate apple
>even the PC sites use macs
>literally 4 clicks to change
What did he mean by this?
Then again PC stands for personal computer. Only a dumb would think that he is using some special apparatus called a mac that is totally different to a filthy PC.
>Apple is the only computer manufacturer making their own OS for all their products
Nigga do you have brain damage
>dat tiny trackpad
You sound mad white boi.
>its not as if theres a microsoft surface line which shits on everything every made by apple
That's because they don't.
>he's too young to remember the "Mac vs PC" ads
>b-but technically-
>Marketing matters more than technical stuff
Sup Forums 2017
>I don't understand common usage - the post
common usage among whom? apple retards that can't figure out what 'personal computer' refers to?