What's stopping you from installing it?
What's stopping you from installing it?
Common sense, Mr. Bond.
Worse performance
Okay use Windows for older gaymes anyway.
its exorbitant price
The Botnet, Mr. Bond.
will ruin my grub and I'm too lazy to restore it if that happens
Nothing. LTSB is comfy.
My autism
Its malware
why would I have any reason to?
Massive botnet to the point of being literal malware
OS as a """"service""""
Looks like utter shit, even worse than Aero
GNU Common Sense
I never had a windows after 98se - why should I install a literal botnet?
>will ruin my grub and I'm too lazy to restore it if that happens
W10 messes with grub?
Every Windows since 8 actively interferes with GRUB.
Lost my product key
8/8.1 never gave me any trouble.
This. Now leave me alone.
Voice enabled installation, with long winded, unskippable rambling at the beginning.
I already have it installed, why would I install it again?
Every Windows since 95 will overwrite the mbr and your grub
first video is interesting, heres the background on it:
ruskie replaces the microsoft public key with his own public key in the windows 10 install binary.
he installs it in a virtual and MITM's the connection so that the virtual thinks it is communicating with microsoft.
he is able to decrypt the packets because he has the private key and windows 10 thinks it is using microsoft public key but is actually the ruskies
The disgusting interface and 0 possibility for real customization without pathcing DLLs, in which case it still is shit because all themes are made for amateurs and look like complete shit.
Just went back to Windows 7 after using 10 LSTB N for a few months, and how I missed using a good OS dear god.
I don't know how or where to get one of those free activation thingies that isn't loaded to shit with warez or bitcoin mining shit
after all the work I went through to customize 8.1 to look and act like 7/xp windows 10 wasn't worth it especially with the added botnet
no incentives multiple drawbacks
every dx12 game sucks and/or also runs on dx11
that is fucking insane.
lawsuit surely?
not when youve agreed to it in their terms of use
the only person who could be targeted by the lawsuit is the ruskie for reverse engineering and modifying Microsoft's proprietary software
just read this:
microsoft can do anything if you agree to let them.
all they have to do is make the terms of agreement intentionally nebulous at parts so that they dont have to specify exactly what they will be collecting
This is within the context of having the ceip and such turned ON. What's being sent when they are turned off though? That's the important question.
I actually quite like the 8.1 start menu. It provides a nice unified launcher for steam, PC, emu, gog, etc games and is fairly easy to use and access. And, since the only worth windows has is games this a boon as far as I'm concerned. I do dislike the changes they've made going to windows 10 though. It kinda defeats the purpose of the whole interface to begin with, not to mention all the compat. problems with games and game related tools. A better compromise would have just been to allow both a 7 and 8 like start menu with a toggle. The apps menu is already similar enough to the old 7 menu that maintain the two and keeping compatibility is completely doable.
already known and can be disabled. images stored in 2 different locations. look up "windows 10 screenshots feedback"
Nice try NASA
I got it for 3€ on Ebay
>posting youtubes that have been debunked decades ago
internet traffic does not automatically equate to spying, there's no such thing as an RSA decoder and the guy has all the shit enabled.
windows 10.1 MAK key corporate edition free download legit real no survey no download 110% working official enterprise march 2015
I installed it. Occasionally do stuff with C# in Visual Studio. It's not bad, just wouldn't use it for regular use.
No classic theme
dude it's 2017
I still want my classic theme, it is tradition for all Windows OS I use.
>accidently unplug wireless adapter while plugging in usb drive
hahah fuck windows 10
well then don't do that
Good taste.
>microshit windaids
Just cuck my shit up bro.
It was pushed upon users like it was malware and I don't willingly install malware on my machines. it offers nothing new, I'd need to install third party software, tinker with the registry, and go out of my way just so the system does what I want it to do, for as long as I want it to. Honestly, if I wanted to give up control of my machines to someone else, it would be fine. But since I can't trust them to do things the way I want them done, I'll stay with what I have.
Bash on Windows doesn't have native SSH support yet.
Basically this , you shouldn't have to fight for the same level of control you get with windows 7 and not have it study you so it can shove advertising in your face.
I tried avoiding the spying/advertising bits because the cocksleeves just say "you can't prove it! You can disable it! It's fine if you have nothing to hide!" But yeah, the advertising and spying are another reason I don't want Windows 10
I like the aero 3d stuff in 7 over the boring flatness that's meant for phones and stuff for battery reasons. Should let you utilize 3d stuff if you want to or have a desktop and don't need to give a shit about battery life outside of a UPS battery but even that's mostly for safe shutdown purposes or for quick power cuts so your system doesn't shut off not to keep it running for hours.
Nothing? I just don't want to do it.
Still not ideal
Don't care enough
>it offers nothing new
>what is UWP
>Dealing with all of the other shit just for uwp.
That's literally the stupidest excuse to upgrade. It offers nothing new, it offers nothing that I want, and even if it did offer either those things, they are absolutely not worth the bullshit that the system pulls.
>offers nothing new
>offers nothing that I want
UWP is literally what Windows has been waiting for for the past 2 decades. It may not be worth upgrading to Windows 10 for just yet, but it represents a huge leap forward for Windows looking ahead. I'm afraid your knowledge on the subject is very limited if you think UWP is "nothing new" or doesn't offer any advantages over archaic Win32 shit.
did you even look at the image
>Using VLC
First strike
>Not having HW playback on win32 VLC
Second strike
MPC-HC doesn't have this problem.
what's wrong with vlc?
enlighten this no nothing
You are ignoring the bits where I've stated "it is not worth the bullshit that the Windows 10 operating system pulls to keep me running my system how MS wants me running my system".
Yes. UWP VLC uses less memory. Fascinating. It is not worth, read: NOT WORTH, the switch because of all the other shit the OS does. Do you understand where I'm coming from? One thing, even if it's the cure for cancer in technology form, is not worth the switch if the rest of the technology doesn't do what I want, especially if it's something so pervasive as the operating system of my entire computer.
>dude it's 2017
>You have to want to use a bloated badly designed theme
>Instead of a clean perfectly functional interface
Get out of Sup Forums casual.
It's shit. That's what stopping me.
my laptop is from 2011 and runs W7 better, I was getting higher cpu usage on W10
also botnet
I have it installed on a secondary partition here but I haven't booted that shit in 3 months. Performance is noticeably worse than in my Windows 7 partition.
>what's wrong with vlc?
ayy lmao youtube.com
That Win32 VLC isn't using hardware acceleration, no wonder cpu usage is high, one would need to manually disable that for it to happen.
Regardless of how trash it is, if you ever need that shit for free. microsoft.com
yeah if you're recording/ripping. I already knew it was a terrible tool for that
I don't have any problems just watching dvds though, that's all I use it for
forced telemetry
forced updates
shitty interface
uwp retardation
no useful features compared to win 7
Non user, that's a capture of normal vlc video playback.
Mpc-hc or mpv is better in all user cases.
>no useful features compared to win 7
Looking at their site it looks like they are done maintaining it as of a few weeks ago. Do you think someone else will pick it up? I currently use vlc, but I'll not opposed to switching
Vulkan. Or the fact that hardly any games use DX12
how many games actually use dx12 meaningfully?
and no, proprietary xbox ports don't count
You forgot native iso mounting
Windows snap on corners
Virtual desktops
Less ram usage
Less disk usage
Faster boot
Better thread dispatcher for multithreaded applications
Better battery managment on laptops
i dont have a back up of all 30 tb disks right now
i have my OS in a SSD purely for OS but i dont know how to upgrade on the SSD and not fuck with all my other files
if i can figure this out, i might just update to win10
>Native iso mounting
Okay, that might be something useful, but since I'm using a light iso mounting software already this feature is not that exciting to me
>Window snap on corners
I'm not even sure what this is, but if it's just window management stuff that's only situationally useful, especially if you have more than 1 monitor
>Virtual desktops
Welcome to linux and Osx like a decade or more ago
>Less RAM usage, disk useage, faster boot
Newer systems do that, but I'm willing to bet that W10 will have more disk usage and RAM usage than 7 in a few years. As for the faster boot, slapping an older OS on a solid state fixes that
>better thread dispatcher
might be useful for the applications that need it, but if those applications work fine without it then it doesn't really matter if it is in W10 or not
>battery management on laptops
>not having Linux on you laptops
only 1 of those is a feature
>if you have more than 1 monitor
Actually, its helpful more when you only have 1 monitor, your clueless guess tell me you're only trying to be contrarian here.
>Welcome to linux and Osx like a decade or more ago
Im comparing it to 7, I know linux/osx had them before, no one is arguing that
>I'm willing to bet that W10 will have more disk usage and RAM usage than 7 in a few years
You would be incorrect in this one too, windows 7 is huge and bloated because they keep patching it, every patch add disk space while on windows 10 you're installing a new build every 6 months replacing entirely the older one. Also 10 on ssd is faster than 7 on ssd, so your point is null again.
>it then it doesn't really matter if it is in W10 or not
Im not talking about multi-core application support like you're probably suggesting, Im talking about threads, even single core apps can call multiple threads when running, if you're running multiple apps no matter how old they are, they will run better together in 10 than in 7.
I meant the window snapping is more useful with one monitor, not multiple my bad if it sounded like I meant the opposite.
>Having your OS reinstall itself every 6 months.
No thanks, I don't trust MS to do that cleanly.
The rest of it I can't really disprove but again, the benefits are not worth the bullshit
I'll give those a try. see if the performance is noticeably better
>I don't trust MS to do that cleanly.
You opinion doesn't matter when they already do that in billions of pc succesfully, its just an upgrade that removes a previous build.
Also, you only need to use a local account and disable most telemetry options (last update have more options for that) if you're paranoid about telemetry data being sent to ms.
>Just disable MOST of the telemetry, it's so easy
MS just turns it back on, because the system actively wants to take admin control away from you.
>MS just turns it back on
The fuck, this literally has never happened, in fact, before upgrading to march 2017 build it literally ask you to check your privacy settings before moving out.
AMD and Intel have stopped providing GPU updates for win8.1, and to some extent win7, and I'm sure nvidia will follow suit soon. This kinda forces the issue, vulkan or not. Planned obsolescence is a "convenience" of proprietary products.
>You forgot native iso mounting
This is meaningless considering how limited it is compared to something like wincdemu, and linux already does this and more.
>Windows snap on corners
win8 and linux
>Virtual desktops
linux for so long I can't even recall when it was added
>Less ram usage
not really, and also linux is still better
>Less disk usage
with constant telemetry and defraging/clean up? I seriously doubt that. Again linux is better here, plus no winsxs garbage.
>Faster boot
Not really, no.
>Better thread dispatcher for multithreaded applications
According to phoronix tests, win10 is still behind most major linux distros. Though it is better than centOS
>Better battery managment on laptops
Dunno, maybe. Doubt it, considering the way windows constantly does stuff in the background. At least in 8/7 you enough control to stop these altogether.
>win8 and linux
Did you forgot the part Im comparing it to 7?
>linux for so long
See above
>not really, with constant, Not really, no.
Pretending to be retarded doesn't add up here user:
>win10 is still behind most major linux distros.
So, at this point you still didn't notice this was a comparation with 7?
So, why post if you don't know?
So, what, after the new chips are forced no one will be able to use any system thats not Windows 10? Clearly, that won't be the case and vulkan replaces the propriety drives anyways. I guess I'm not getting why it's an issue if Colleen is a full replacement and also open source?
I think the issue is the thread is asking why haven't you updated to 10, and the responses are that Linux either does it better, or the benefits aren't worth it. You comparing it to 7 is your choice, but other anons have the choice to use another system to compare against
Fuck me. Vulkan*
phoneposting should be blocked
>I think the issue is the thread is asking why haven't you updated to 10
You can only update from previous versions of windows user
>and the responses are that Linux either does it better, or the benefits aren't worth it
Totally irrelevant if you're "updating"
>You comparing it to 7 is your choice
Its a reply to THIS post So, maybe you're just autistic or your reading comprehension is severely lacking, but the answer is for a comparison with 7.
Maybe you should pay attention and read the thread next time.
I'm using it since day one.
Sure. But many people who advocate updating to W10 mean updating from a different OS to W10, not specifically from 7 or 8 only through the update service.
>Throwing insults when we're having a civil discussion
I still think it's totally fair for other anons to point out the benefits their system of choice has over W10
The only version worth installing is the Enterprise LTSB.
If you install any other version you're LITERALLY asking for the NSA to open up your asshole with a pair of pliers so they can peep inside.
>But many people who advocate updating to W10 mean updating from a different OS to W10
I respect your opinion, but my post is a reply to an user who specifically posted about 7, nothing else, nothing more.
>Calling out autism is insulting
Only if youre autistic
That version spies on you just as much you dumb asshole.
The good thing about that version, is that it removes most of the bloatware (store, games, cortana, etc), the rest is the same, don't delude yourself.
>calling someone a dick sucking faggot only offends them if they are one
nice logic, homo
>don't delude yourself.
who is deluding who? you sounds like you are deliding yourself bro
Im not offended, you are?
No, I just thought the insult throwing in general was uncalled for, but it didn't offend me personally
Just telling you the truth, the NSA is peeping right through your asshole in the same way you described trying to warn others.
All Windows 10 is the same, one comes with bloatware, the other doesn't.
no vidya worth even passthrough yet
The NSA spies on you no matter what OS you use, if you're using a CPU from the last 10 years you have a government backdoor in your hardware.
great article, saving...