Mfw Bing was the superior search engine all along

>mfw Bing was the superior search engine all along

Bill don't you have some charities to be running?

Pajeet pls.

i use duckduckgo

The only good thing about Bing is nothing.

>The only good thing about Bing is *porn
Ftfy faggot

>he searches porn in web search engines


Run by a jew who has experience with selling your info. Good choice mate.

anything microsoft.
not even once.

hmmmm now that you say it
>be Bing
>try to sell user's information
>nobody buys me information because nobody uses Bing

wouldn't the information be on less places if you use an unpopular search engine

That's not how you spell Yandex, OP.

Bing became my primary search engine like a year or two ago. Had it with jewgle's diversity bullshit and couldn't take it anymore. People always say boycotts don't work you will come back but nope been using Bing ever since and don't miss google.

Your loss if you don't


Cuckcuckgo. Use ixquick or at least startpage

>ixquick or at least startpage
same thing

CuckcuckGo is run by Amazon whores.

Use Yandex or SearX.

ixquick and startpage just search your query through google

duckduckgo doesn't, does it?

Startpage has it's own results but mostly it's Google result through a proxy

DDG is it's own independent engine

You'd be surprised.

You certainly won't get a bunch of bullshit results from YouTube.

>implying Microsoft is any better
You're fighting a lost fight. Diversity is here to stay.

OP didn't say anything about (((diversity))) you retard

>searched for cat goddess
>no relevant results
fuck you and your shitty search engine

Sounds like a stupid faggot forgot to turn safesearch off

Bing is perfect to find nudes of celebrities. You just have to turn the kiddie filter off

>Diversity is here to stay

Wow, Sup Forums has it's own resident faggots as well. Why do you cucks insist in sharing your opinion when no one wants it?