Just nvidia and amd things

just nvidia and amd things

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Does this mean nvidia will bring back physx cards?

fukin gay

t. Nigger


t. Lashuiquinqua'd'te`rone|roide~jeeta™

intelfags on suicide watch



Vega is shit, AMD makes only garbage, fuck you


But threadripper anit for gayming.

the cringe is fucking real


>both choices are early adoption
the Jew always wins

AMD pajeets don't know when nvidia is lowkey mocking them

>the company that can't into CPUs mocks company that created the best datacenter CPU since fucking Beckton

>the company that can't into good GPUs is mocked by the one that can

Nice one.

>i-i didn't want to win anyways

seems to make Nvidia a very successful company

Nvidia are taking a shot at Intel more than anything. Do people not realise that they're not exactly on the best of terms? Intel let their licensing agreement with Nvidia expire recently and turned to AMD instead.

Well no one really likes to work with nVidia.
No, not even Sony.
Come back when nVidia can make at least a decent fucking SoC (fucking hell random chinks make better SoCs).

doesn't AMD make their own video cards?

I know its big for nvidia to shill any other cpu company than intel, but for amd to approve of their messaging is kind of a low point.

What's wrong with friendly banter between old friends?

competing businesses is a little more intense than banter between old friends.

To me its not that different than if ford tweeted that the new honda accord was a compelling new car with a ford engine swap, and honda replying with a thumbs up and a smile.

Just seems like AMD should have followed up with a marketing ad about how compelling a Threadripper-Vega build would be.


>how compelling a Threadripper-Vega build would be
Oh, they did demo a ton of systems with WX9100's and TR.
Consumer Vega is in launch hell though.
AMD focused (maybe a little bit TOO much) on Pro lineup.

This is about CPUs you fucking retard. Why would Nvidia high five the competition?

Nvidia finally join the good guy

You're now remembered when amd and nvidia want to merge.

This thread is extremely anti-semitic. Please take it down.


But pooripper is terrible at gaymes because of all the latency issues and the glued dies


>just runs passmark on it

>playing gaymes on a 16 core CPU
It's meant for workstations, not Little Timmy's first gaming PC that mommy paid for.

>inb4 Intel tweets out 'welcome back amd, Vega is a compelling offer with a i9

>the only things that are done on a computer are games and benchmarks

>Because 159fps vs 207 fps matters :^)

high quality with no ssaa and only 4x af is pretty fucking terrible

>implying that's not true
Yes, let me pay $1000 for a new CPU in order to render one minute faster in Premiere and decompress .7z files 30 seconds faster. I can feel my productivity increasing by the second! The only good thing about Threadripper or i9 is I/O, and it's only because of Jewry that neither Intel nor AMD give consumers more PCI-e lanes. (((Workstation CPU's))) are a massive meme.

but nvidia makes graphics cards that doesn't make any sense

Picked up a 1080Ti bout a month ago, pretty pleased. Hoping, to replace the 5820k with 1950X in the near future seems like an awesome pairing.

My friendship with Intel has ended. AMD is my new best friend.

So does AMD.


but then why is intel on there

Because Intel has never liked Fair competition.

For what purpose?

>neither Intel nor AMD give consumers more PCI-e lanes
All TR CPUs have 64 lanes IIRC. What do you consider "more lanes"?

Include the lanes from the dead silicone spacers

>Include the lanes from the dead silicone spacers
Isn't it obvious that there is a reason why they are called "dummy dies"?

I'm talking about consumer CPU's like i7 and Ryzen 7. It's bullshit that Z270 and X370 don't have 32 CPU lanes, we've been stuck on 16 for ages despite GPU's taking up x16 meaning no room for any I/O or full power SLI/Crossfire. You shouldn't have to buy an HEDT CPU just to stick something other than a graphics card in your mobo.

yeah the buyer is the dummy because they dont give us that

They only need x8

I bet they're just feeling relief from early RX Vega leaks.
I still don't understand how AMD made it possible for it to under-perform this much, and I bet Nvidia was feeling the same.

The thing is, for SLI/Crossfire, you don't really need to have all cards at 16x.
Especially since Gen3.
Games load up the memory at level startup, and that's the only place where it kinds of matters.
The only use case for multiple x16 lanes is heavy GPU compute tasks.

>I'm talking about consumer CPU's like i7 and Ryzen 7.
We are on the same terms then, I thought you were saying that TR has too few lanes. To be fair it's shitty that both AMD and Intel do this but it's understandable from a business perspective, not that it makes it more acceptable. What bothers me the most is Intel's ""HEDT"" chips not supporting ECC and having 44 lanes at most.
I'll bite. Yeah why wouldn't AMD put 4 quad core dies on the same package instead of 2 octa core ones, cause more cross die communication and decrease performance?


Is this what your talking about? I don't understand

Nvidia already knows that amd is onto them. That's why nvidia has been diversifying. They know the end is nye

Its necessary

Intel jewed Nvidia back then when they used to make chipsets, so yeah they obviously love seeing them suffer.

The cores actually hold the CPU back. Like with the ryzen 1700 you gain nearly 20% performance by deactivating 2 cores for gaming.
And that not the only thing that can be done to push out performance.

>is Nvidia trying to incite the second holocaust or what the fuck is going on ?

oy vey!

You do know increasing the quality would put a higher load on the GPU and decrease the gap between CPUs, right?

Why are all of the marketing departments of companies these days filled with dank memers?

>Come back when nVidia can make at least a decent fucking SoC
Nvidia makes the most powerful ARM cores outside of apple

to reach the target audience easier

they want the Sup Forums/reddit audience

holy shit

That are absolute housefires.
