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The absolute state of Nightly firefox
what do you expect, these idiots are all transsexual furries.
I would almost take a bet out on the fact that some mentally ill SJW tranny made a "reasonable" argument for this "cute" new icon.
That's not even a fox
They're promoting nightly for what it's become now that absolutely all add-on functionality has ceased: an unstable meme browser for autists (as opposed to yesterday, when it was an unstable meme browser for power users).
wow, assuming species like that.. fuck you sir
>Head Unicorn wrangler
>Proud intersectional feminist
>does not suffer fools
At least one of these is a lie, otherwise she wouldn't be able to stand herself.
Why would you upgrade Nightly exactly? Just stick with 56.
OP is clearly too young to know Calvin and Hobbes, it's a classic newspaper comic
Well, you're using Windows, and you're an idiot for wanting shit to update without your consent. May as well use Chrome.
how exactly is this related to firefox?
Someone liked the comic and decided to do this, why is this even an issue?
I am using chrome, genius. I only post here to make fun of firefox and any loser who uses it
Lovable, but in the end everything you like about it is just your imagination while everybody else sees you as an autistic child.
>Uses Windows and Chrome
>Thinks he's in a position to make fun of anyone.
Ok, bud.
That's a fair point but C&H gets a free pass because its writer refused to put up with corpcucks trying to get him to sell his soul.
it dosent look that bad do
Atleast mozillas degenerates have a husband and kids
The small version is horrible though
Dudes like yotsuba, refuses to animate it because he knows they'll ruin it. He's not wrong about the dangers over overly commercializing a work
Hobbes a cute
MOre like single mothers with mulato children.
>Why would you upgrade nightly
Are you fucking retarded?
some of the numales pushing this shit
i like it
wtf I love firefox now!
But why?
Why not?
ugrade your kernel
Algo sipeojyeo!
Where can we send in submissions for this shit?
die weebs
twitt it to one of the lead cis mozilla developers
Goddamn fucking Slavs and Germans. Why are they ruining America?
I hope it's not an official logo, it's kinda cute but the butanefox logo was literally perfect.
it's only temporary you fucking morons
How did you get that ascii? Did you make it?
Watterson is incredibly against using his stuff outside comics. Firefox better sleep with both eyes open. They've unleashed the fucking fury.
I like it
Calvin and Hobbes is peak /comfy/
He only hates commercialization
Anglicans ruin all countries, actually.
>murrica is a corporative shithole with no freedoms
>UK has more cameras than people and it's run by Muslims
he SHITTY fucking browser that only works on the OS designed for homos has more share than firefox
> safari for one OS outperforms firefox on all OS
> mfw mozilla employee tells me that firefox dominates the darkweb
yeah, a bunch of literal pedos and drug whores are your clientele now. FUCKING LEL LLLLLELELEL
now they gonna update the extensions to a new system which literally nobody asked for
just keep going man, it can go way lower than 5%
all the hipster idiots who care about privacy even jump to some idiot alternative ala palemoon made by a hobbyist on his weekend
Firefox literally has no core users anymore, they pissed EVERYONE off.
oh wait, they do. FAT TRANNIE DYKES
you sure are going to convince people to switch with those level headed and rational arguments user
i dont give a shit what mozilla faggits are doing, keep enjoying your shit browser 24/7 i love it when you suffer
Thank you for working with Alphabet Inc.
$0.02 has been deposited into your account
C&H != furries. it's probably the most beloved comic strip there is. The only people I've found who didn't like it didn't have much of a childhood
Dunning-kruger effect
>he defines his childhood with the media he consumed
Da fuq?
Can't they get sued for this?
>not pic related
Firefox logo isn't a fox either it's a red panda
>They're attacking mozilla for a C&H reference
Now i'm completely convinced this place is full of kids pretending to be adults.
That's not what's being said at all.
People who grew up playing outside and using their imaginations read the comic later in life and to brings them back to that time by reminding them about it. I don't understand how you could think that in anyway implies someone defining their childhood by media.
>he uses chrome
>and windows...
>ruining america
You think we want this degeneracy? Fuck you
>man neoftech
>Sup Forums has never heard of C&H
If this isn't proof enough that this place is mostly underage I don't know what is
I remember I used a sexy firefox icon at some point, but I didn't save it when I changed computers and couldn't find it again.
I've been meaning to make one once I get into digital art.
It's a bit eye opening. although 1995 is over 21 years ago.
Wait, what the fug? Surely they didn't manage to get permission to use Hobbes?
I pity her child
He's against any third-party use.
C&H has that sense of humor that never can become dated
They pushed some inane sjw shit in the firefox homepage yesterday talking about trolls (people who disagree with them).
why are you so upset
>upgrading your kernel
why would you do that?
People having a bit of fun with their alpha software
How horrible.
wtf why is firefox 57 so fast?
i am team firefox nao.
Putting aside the tone, what exactly did he say that was wrong?
What a great, professional browser. With a focused team of experienced programmers. Man, I just can't wait to make the switch. BRB, gonna go download Firefox right now.
I saw this shit and thought I got a virus.
Then I assumed someone pushed this by accident, I don't know how they customize their own browsers.
But apparently this was on purpose? Didn't they just change the logo like two updates ago?
It's trivial to "fix", but I'm really not understanding why it was there in the first place.
They're removing a lot of cruft and being a lot more strict about what the add-ons can touch. It should help a lot to reduce ad-don breakage in the future too.
>using anything other than Iridium
wait till they turn him into tigress
two of them are "bacon enthusiasts"
they should be fired immediately for being islamophobic
This is super cute, what's wrong with a little Hobbes?
there was a "thread" on bugzilla with all the useless bloat that will be removed after full migration to webextensions but I didn't save the link and I'm too retarded to find anything there. so basically then there's wiki.mozilla.org
Can you autists explain me whats wrong with this?
>come to Sup Forums for an explanation of something completely pointless and frivolous that was changed without explanation
>get shitposted at about being autistic and having a shit childhood
If they did this with certain pastel creatures, y'all be flipping shit and rightly so.
I think they're trying to make the Firefox devs out to be furries.
Fox ≠ Retarded Tiger
there isn't just underage thinking anything from a comic or cartoon = furries.
Everyone would have been fine if it was Calvin pissing on the chrome icon or something.
The tapermonkey dashboard isn't working for Nightly not quite sure why. It just shows a small blank box under the icon of the extension.
it's actual a red panda, it was never a fox
this is my chance!
They don't have the legal rights to use hobbes.
context matters you dumb fuck.
Red Pandas have dark fur on the bottom and legs, and striped tails, you retarded blind idiot.
You can't pass that off as a meme no matter how much your small brain tries.
Parody clause
But he's right. The designers are retarded though.
>A firefox is actually a cute red panda, but it didn’t really conjure up the right imagery.
>i had this retarded idea that a firefox is a red panda, but then i realized i was an idiot and the imagery isn't comparable, so i stuck with a proper fox
People need to get some reading comprehension classes these days.
It's a logo of a red panda that's on fire, they can follow whatever color pallet they want in order to convey it.