/wdg/ - Web Development General

>Getting started
Get a good understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
MDN web docs offer a good intro (independent of your browser choice)

>Free online courses


developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - General documentation for HTML, CSS & JavaScript
stackoverflow.com/ - Developers asking questions and helping each other
caniuse.com/ - Check browser support for front-end web technologies

>Youtube channels
youtube.com/user/TechGuyWeb - Traversy Media
youtube.com/channel/UC8butISFwT-Wl7EV0hUK0BQ - freeCodeCamp
youtube.com/channel/UCO1cgjhGzsSYb1rsB4bFe4Q - funfunfunction
youtube.com/learncodeacademy - codecademy

>in-depth comparison of VPS hosts

Other urls found in this thread:


first for react

second for react

back end > front end

MEAN Stack Best Stack

Trying stuff out, I think I understand why people bully web devs.

Everything is so drag-n-drop. There are like 20 bazillion frameworks and libraries and APIs and whatever the fuck and you're completely constrained.

I understand that this is the nature of the standardized web, but I hate this shit.

What should I know before diving into mean?

that angular and angular2 is not backwards compatible.


But now you also understand why there are so many JS frameworks. It's just boring to glue the same shit together over and over again with the same old technology.

If we only had ONE web language and ONE modern framework left, we could still do everything with it. But nobody would enjoy his work anymore.

Node is OK, but for the rest:

Check PostgreSQL or MySQL instead of MongoDB. NoSQL is sometimes great, but also has downsides.

For Express check alternatives like Meteor, Koa or Sails.

Also I'm not gonna lie to you: Vue > React > Angular.

why do you think vue is better than react?

also jwt or oauth?

1) One cool dude & team > facebook > google
2) Vue is more light weight and more to the point. React is OK, Angular is like Java.
3) Vue code looks better to me (though I also like React). Angular is just an ugly b*tch.
4) React's JSX is refreshing but too experimental for me.

>also jwt or oauth?

Personally I think JWT it the future.

Ok /wdg/ what is THE book or learning resource for TDD? I'm sick of being a shit lord and writing untestable code.

>get TDD framework for language of your choice
>learn how to write a simple test
>red-green-refactor each new feature/funtionality

That's basically it.

Javascript question:

Say I'm holding a .wav file inside a Blob object. Now I want to pass that object's URL to an audio tag. How do I do that? I'm asking because since this is a Blob, it doesn't end with .wav, it's just an extension-less object.

MERN is superior.

everybody knows WINM is the ultimate choice

(windows iis .net mssql)

the last one is where i need a concrete definition and set of guide lines

Anyone got tips on landing a remote web dev job? I'm still a junior dev but I do have work experience, not a complete newbie.

I've been applying to a lot of remote jobs because I want to move out of this country and have a more flexible schedule. But no calls back.

developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/API/URL/createObjectURL Check this out


I want to learn Vue but unfortunately most jobs are for React devs, and there are much less tutorials for Vue. So I'll stick with getting gud at React then move to Vue.

kys... it's not a bad option tbqhfamalamb, in hindsight i'd pick this over my php pajeet days
isn't remote where you don't leave the house tho? hows that going to play with finding residency in a foreign land

Dude, thank you. I'm going to apply for everything.

You can do remote anywhere, it just means you don't have to go to an office. I live in Europe so I plan on moving to Spain or somewhere within the EU.

the only thing I don't like in Vue is I have to any small callblack to onclick for example in my methods, is there a way to make it like in React
something like
Mein Nigger

>I want to learn Vue but unfortunately most jobs are for React devs

And this won't change anytime soon if you do not learn what you want to use but instead slave to some statistics that change every few months. The "Eat shit, 10,000 flies can't be wrong!" philosophy..

>there are much less tutorials for Vue

Vue is very easy to pick up and you can be productive much ealier.

>So I'll stick with getting gud at React then move to Vue.

I'd rather do it the other way arround. Build a few small toy apps with Vue to get the hang, then learning React will be easy.

thanks that did the trick

>I have to any small callblack to onclick

sorry, I wanted to say it there is a way in Vue to define a callback on events inside the template just like in React without adding it as a method in js section

Why do people get so buthurt when a service is no longer free because it can't sustain itself?

Why do people think website owners have billions of dollars so users feel entitled to free content?

for events you use "v-on" or "@" as shorthand



It's called entitlement. Society creates norms, and when norms are removed people react as if it were abnormal or unjust, when in reality there are no objective norms or absolute morality. Nietzsche etc.

Which service are you talking about in particular?

>have to integrate with a WS via JS
I hope whoever came up with SOAP and WSDL chokes on a tsunami of dick

Can anyone give me a link on VueJS/ReactJS pulling from a JSON API server? Just need a good code sample

Applying to a job and they fucking as for my gender pronouns. Fuck's sake now i don't want to work there.

They might not get anything done. You should look for a job where they squeeze out the productivity of the developers.

import Vue from 'vue';
import axios from 'axios';

Vue.prototype.$http = axios;

const RootComponent = {

template: '{{body}}',

data() {
return {
body: null

mounted() {
.then(response => {
this.body = JSON.stringify(response.data, null, 4);


new Vue({
el: '#app',
render: h => h(RootComponent)

There is vue-resource as well, but it's been retired (axios can easily take its place)

Not even forcing a fee. I just put up a donation link and half the users lost their shit.

Got a simple question.
I'm making a photobook-like app, where user can upload images, descriptions, then get a pic of what they uploaded in its entirety
I'm not interested in having any permanence; images should be removed when user has received pic.
QUESTION: How should I store images?

I'm thinking I'll get sluggish if I store on client side (I might be wrong).

If you don't need the images for future use, then whats wrong about doing everything client side?
Also saves tons of bandwidth.

That sucks. How intrusive is the donation link?

yeah, a vocal minority always loses their shit over donation links.

Why does webdev always feel clunky and messy

How should I dev without it feeling clunky

Know your tools.
Know your workflow.
Know yourself.

quick rundown

this pretty much
Webpack sometimes gets some shit for being yet another complicated JS tool, but the ability to require/import literally everything is really amazing.

not that user, but what do you want to know?

any good resource for basic login? It's only for administrator access to one page on the site. asp.net btw.

>literally asking us to do his google search


Any way to browse bookmarks on an HTML file from a CLI and without a web browser?

You have a html file with URLs in them and want to open them without a browser?

regex the urls from the file and curl the results

Otherwise you need to explain what you want to do with more details.

I need to tag and sort a lot of urls inside an HTML file. In a way I can view and organize them at the same time.

All this manually but painless, if possible.

small script in your go-to language, that finds all the URLs in the file via regex. Then you do with them whatever you want.

What about hapijs

what you are looking for is called web scraping, even though, you use case is offline. You need something that can parse html to string of your language of choice. There are libraries so you don't need to go down the regex alley

>not listing -brah or -zeezbrah

If you want to try out (document-oriented) NoSQL, you should try NoSQL at its best: CouchDB. It's really slick. It speaks simple REST, so no DB connector's needed, has master-master sync, and a built-in web interface to manage the data. Since version 2.0 it even lets you use a MongoDB-style query language, so some what you learn will apply to MongoDB.

I've heard of CouchDB before, and using REST to access it sounds appealing. Any good resources?

I'd start with the official docs at docs.couchdb.org/en/2.1.0/. guide.couchdb.org/ is a pretty good book and may be more clear than the docs, but it's outdated.

This shit is ugly. React all the way.

Please provide a react equivalent example


Literally everything is better than fucking JSX

Give it to me straight /wdg/. Is there a way to save MULTIPLE inputs from a single element into localStorage or can it only save one? I want to make a page where the user can take down notes, which are saved in Local Storage. At the moment, I can save one note but any more notes overwrite the previous entry.

Just...deliver the news to me /wdg/. Am I going to die or can Local Storage save more than one instance of an entry with the same key attribute?

I love learning web development with you guys :)

Learn the fundamentals of JS, man.

You know what, I have been. And I don't like asking questions about simple shit. But I am tired tonight. If nobody wants to help me, that is perfectly understandable. I can just go to bed, wake up tomorrow and revisit the problem.

>I can just go to bed, wake up tomorrow and revisit the problem.
Do that. If you still can't figure it out, post again.

nigga use indexeddb

You can store all your notes into a notes array thats made up of notes. then just stringify it before saving it to LocalStorage

Hell,being a fucking lethargic I skipped a few days without thinking of this project,alright a rundown on project.

>Simple Login and Password.
>Non EMAIL Authentication.
>Goes into user panel.
>on the left there is a notepad directory.
>functions includes,creating a main folder then a sub folder and then notepad files.
>on the right there is TO DO LIST window.
>Zoom out levels include weeks,month and year.
>functionalities include remainder via mail,pie chart and graphs.

PIC RELATED is the rough overview.

and here is the user window after the user logged in.

react is hated around here because spergs literally think facebook is going to hunt them down and sue them into oblivion for making yet another imageboard

Continuing the project from a week ago,here is the index.html code,yes I will try to import the css from a folder and the current problem I am facing is due to the Jumbotron class its overlay-ed and the input box isn't working.


Backend + Frontend = 100k+/yr

I'm getting burnt out in I.T., system admin and cloud shit. I've got great Linux, AWS, and networking skills. Would a switch to webdev mean more money? I already know my way around Python and JavaScript. Would I have a leg up if I came into webdev already knowing Linux/AWS/Security/pentesting shit or would that be irrelevant?

>Not sleeping all night
>living in Pakistan
At least you like a good text editor.

>I'm getting burnt out in I.T., system admin and cloud shit.
>Would a switch to webdev mean more money?
Probably. If you can deliver everything to your clients on your own as a one man army kind of freelancer, then the sky is your limit. Though I am not sure that is the right way to go if you want to avoid burnout right now.

Your inputs work fine, your text color is white, so you cant see it. you need to override text colors on your inputs to black.

input {
color: #000

If you get burnt out in IT, lmao good luck in webdev friendo
Unless you don't actually mean burnt out and just bored, in that case I can understand, webdev is pure thrill desu


The rote-ness of it. It's more maintainance than anything, and even that maintainance is being scripted into nonexistance.

Is freelancing popular with webdev?

That is more what I mean. I love the infrastructure side, I love building systems. But I.T. jobs themselves hardly have that.

Then you'll love this shit bruv. Maybe you'll enjoy sticking to backend but honestly full stack is comfy. Plus, none of the jobs are so intensive, so you have plenty of time to learn things you want to even if your company is using a different stack or whatever the deal is.

Thinking of doing a "twitch plays bitcoin"

I know how to do it. Already have a twitch wss bot
What do you think?

That sounds awesome. I've been getting that feeling but don't wanna get my hopes up.

Markets are adversarial. Your viewers, if they trade, would have an incentive to bankrupt you.

>Is freelancing popular with webdev?
Yes, it is.
If you don't mind doing shit jobs for lowball pay, and competing with Pajeets on Fiverr, then being a freelance web dev is right for you.

Freecodecamp down for anyone?

Well if the pay and demand for working a steady job is there in this field, I won't see the point in fucking with the Pajeets.


I cant connect to the freecodecamp with any browser on my computer for some reason while my phone (wifi) does it fine