How fucked are Androidfags when most phones don't have security patches? Should they be worried?
How fucked are Androidfags when most phones don't have security patches? Should they be worried?
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Depends on if they're cucked by the carrier/manufacturer.
Google don't even support their own products after three years.
Google releases monthly security patches that are added to custom firmwares in short order. I'm using the latest one right now.
>custom firmware
I wouldn't trust unofficial builds.
You're fucked if you're stupid.
Just buy phones with official LineageOS support and you'll have all the up-to-date security patches you'll ever want.
Well you're dumb then.
No? Security patches mean shit. Nobody was ever affected by vulnerabilities. You can use your phone long after it reaches EOL. The only thing you lose in the long run is software compatibility because Google officially only supports android versions up to 2 before the latest one, and recommends that other devs do the same. But you can still use your phone normally.
Only garbage brands don't update phones anyway. It's common knowledge to anyone who cares that you shouldn't buy shit. Most people don't give a shit though and just want a cheap phone for communication and media.
>buying a phone from a carrier instead of directly from manufacturer
It's like you want to be cucked. Putting carriers in charge of updates is android's biggest flaw. Google is trying to fix this, thankfully.
It doesn't need to. Nobody other than iPoors use a 4+ year-old phone. By iPoors I mean people who buy second hand iPhones because "Look at me I have an iPhone I'm rich right guys xD". Even iPhone users buy every 2nd iPhone released, which is every 2-3 years.
This. We should all buy WileyFox.
>Google is trying to fix this
No, Google is trying to make it easy for all involved parties to create updates. So far they have done so for the silicon manufacturers. If you really think that carriers and manufacturers are just going to start doing it, regardless of how easy Google makes it, Apple style you're gonna be disappointed.
4 year old Xiaomi phones don't have this problem and still get the latest security patches monthly even if the Android version itself is old
WileyFox is fine, but the list is bigger and they're constantly adding newer models to it:
If you don't install random APKs that you found on some russian website then you will be fine. Default settings for all phones are only to allow installs from the Play Store, which is perfectly safe
I have no doubts carriers will ignore it. But android should enable both carriers and manufacturers to push updates whenever they need to, instead of ONLY carriers being in charge. Hopefully android will achieve that and manufacturers will be able to push their updates normally, as if the phones were unlocked. Carriers shouldn't even be in the picture imho. That's why I never buy phones from carriers.
I just mentioned it since it's the only brand I know that comes with CM (soon Lineage). Afaik any Google's device will always receive custom ROM support.
Play store being perfectly safe is a common misconception
>play store is safe
lots of malware has been found on it over the years
Dafuq? Dint expect Sup Forums to be this stupid
According to legit "sources" all hackers are from either china or russia.
I wouldn't reccomend anyone an android phone if they don't want to get a nexus device or are willing to maintain their own AOSP build
>Sup Forums is a singular entity
Also, that was most likely a new and/or summerfriend
They can get good
What I see in this thread is that Android isnt a enduser smartphone. That sucks.
Is it hard to install lineage os?
There's a reason why Apple has made more money than the entirety of other technological companies combined.
Market a dumbed down toy for a super inflated cost then make the people buying it think money = quality.
>t. Shill.
What makes you think that? Are you mentally challenged?
>Buy cheap popular phone.
>No support.
Fucking mediatek, my Moto g3 is on nougat.