post your cute terminals
Post your cute terminals
First time I've been ashamed of being a Manjaro user.
>post your fagg terminals
nice terninal girl (male).
I see it now, but if you use color blocks and increase density the logo will be clearer.
w-what font is that?
what a cute os xd
lmao whats this gay ass shit nigga hahaha
That's gay.
>This window will close in 3 seconds...
fantasque mono or somethin like that
its a trap niggu
this is how cute terminal fags actually live
living the dream
goals desu
>it fell for the 16 gib meme
>please activate windows
who are you quoting?
>paying for windows
wtf are you doing OP?
what program do you use to blur senpai
I literally edit it with GIMP.
thanks senpai
Comfy as hell.
ohaio~Sup Forums-chan
Read the rules.
what font is this?