Stupid Questions Thread
Don't bump your questions and sometimes stupid questions get stupid answers.
Not kosher or halal.
B L A C K E D . C O M
I can’t decide whether to get an UPS or just use a Surge Protector.
I wouldn’t be getting the UPS to save anything before shutting down, it’s more just to shutdown the PC properly in case of an outage.
Can a sudden power surge or outage cause any damage to a computer?
Of course, but in the event of an outage the damage is much more likely to be done to any files being written at the time. As a home user you're probably just fine without a UPS unless you have money to burn or you're THAT concerned about the value of your computer.
SQL and PL/SQL or backend java? which option would get me in a job the fastest?
Microsoft, amazon, facebook or Google are known to Dell data, or provide them to untrustable people, but what about apple ? I never heard much about them. Any article or part of the user agreament that talk about it ?
What is the advantage of e.g. setting the KDE desktop profile over manual KDE installation in Gentoo?
Whats the fucking point of "sign in with X" on websites if you have to create a fucking account anyway
Does a remote worker deserve more compensation because of the fact that they essentially have to maintain their own work space which is not provided to them, unlike a office worker? Is this something that would factor in, when demanding a salary?
>Not kosher or halal.
what does this mean
What's the best method of streaming stuff to my TV via an Android TV box?
I've heard of plex/Kodi/osmc etc but what is the best option or setup?
Smart remote workers will claim all expenses for and within the designated "home office space" as deductions on their taxes, should their country of residence allow. I've also had compensation for my internet connection and a computer maintenance/upgrade budget while working from home. It's a hard sell to straight up ask for more money but you can get perks if you're thoughtful about where to seek them out.
Plex is a bit more legwork but I prefer it for local files off a home media server. Kodi and its addons are better, IMO, for internet content.
i dont know how else to do it without being straightforward. i'm kind of suffering.
Oh I was straightforward too. I just didn't go knocking on any doors for a raise.
For the tax thing I researched online exactly what I needed to do to qualify. The big thing was setting aside a dedicated space since "a corner of a bedroom" doesn't count as a home office. Then I saved every receipt I could and spoke to a CPA the first tax season to make sure I did everything right.
Internet and computer took a bit more...creative explaining. Basically "hey, I've had home-grade stuff to date because that's all I've needed. Home internet is slow as shit and offers bad support hours. Consumer-grade PC is slow and didn't come with a Pro version of an OS. What can we do about this?" Granted I asked only after proving my productivity from home for a little while. Bossman thought those were reasonable gripes and covered the bill for both.
What's the least bothersome firewall that isn't a botnet itself, Sup Forums?
Is there a program which can edit what character goes on screen when I press a key or a combination of shift/ctrl/... + key? For instance, I'd like to bind ∑ to be entered when I press Right Alt + E. Asking for Linux and Windows.
For Windows, AutoHotkey can definitely pull this off. Just install it, edit the default script and search online for someone who already wrote what you want. Then just make your substitutions as needed.
ufw, just block all in- and outgoing connections except the ones you really need
if you don't want the botnet, just buy a raspberry pi and install libreelec (very small linux + kodi, works out of the box)
I want to build a pc with a e-ink display but want to find a browser that will allow be to ensure that the background behind text will not be the same color. Also will display images non retardedly.
Which raspberry pi? I heard they can barely even view 1080p without lag
Pretty much any popular browser can be configured to ignore background color/image and to not load images by default. That's probably the smartest setting to start with. Simply load placeholders and then render images as you want them so that they don't wreck your shit all at once.
i've been using a raspberry pi 3 (latest model) for watching illegally downloaded (fuck me) 1080p movies, it just werks
I want to use a Japanese software known as WinDia on my PC but seems like it is a 16-bit program and not compatible with my 64-bit OS. How to fix that?
you need to make sure you use arm based hardware encoders and you're fine
it might work on a 32 bit Win7, otherwise install a 32 bit Windows XP (VM), which will likely work (in compatibility mode)
My OS is a 64 bit Win 8.1 with not enough free space to install a VM
> not enough free space to install a VM
well that's your problem then senpai
AGESA fucking when?
Can I bypass tumblr's requiring an account to log in to view NSFW, and if so how do?
Are you fucking kidding me? You best hope you're just superficially triggered so you screeched in blind rage.
I literally don't have a tumblr, have never used tumblr, see literally no reason to use tumblr, and refuse to ever make a tumblr account. Yet I'm looking for a way to extract porn from it without holding their flag, so you're upset I see they have content. It's time to think for yourself and ask yourself what you're really mad at.
If I start identifying as a woman, does that mean a tech company is gonna hire me as a woman?
Or do I have to put on a wig too?
I´m mad at YOU
there´s literally a gazillion porn sites and you need tumblr to find porn? nigga please
How would I achieve this in C: determining the types of arguments passed to a variadic function/macro. So that this could become a thing:
print("I'm a {} {}.", 1337, "hax0r");
Also, don't just instantly say
>it's impossible because va_args doesnt store type info
It's impossible because va_args doesnt store type info.
There is a reason that printf() uses those characters in the format string to specify the type.
I know that user, but isn't there any way with macro/union/struct/anonymous array initalizer... tricks?
Not really.
If there is, it would be incredibly hacky and extremely fragile.
Give me a few minutes: I have an idea for how to do it.
Well next time start using your words to communicate the reason for your indignation and why you feel it's just you fucking infant I-will-never-be-criticized-for-screeching-in-blind-anger-so-I-shall hugboxing nigger.
Real talk the reason I wanted to extract it for porn was cause literally the one use tumblr served for me- porn results- is now broken on the outside. So what the fuck. It's literally a useless website for me now. I figured if I could bypass their cheap attempt to inflate their user count and still get porn from them it's a win/win.
Everything 2D is really mirrored elsewhere anyway, especially eastern. Western is questionable anyway but they have other (better) places to host. I don't hunger for tumblr porn, nor have I ever relied upon it, but fuck off m8, it's looking at cancer and extracting value from it anyway, if possible.
> Well next time start using your words to communicate the reason for your indignation and why you feel it's just you fucking infant I-will-never-be-criticized-for-screeching-in-blind-anger-so-I-shall hugboxing nigger.
you sound like a typical tumblr user
How would I make it so that WASD omnidirectional movement is bound to mouse clicks around the center of my screen?
Whats the best free software for converting video?
All the free tools i find are either full of adware or bakes a watermark into the file.
You literally have no idea why people hate tumblr if you think it's because they want a level of discourse higher than your dumb cunt anger. Also if you think they call people niggers.
Gj reading no more than the first sentence then mumbling some dumbassery since you have nothing to say. Don't reply to me ever again.
I'm enjoying this a lot, proceed
Why the fuck do you people recommend nightly? It's garbage and slow as fuck.
Fedora or Arch?
What is handbrake?
Is my motherboard+cpu+graphics card kosher?
Here is my monstrosity:
Hello world, 0.500000 + 2 != 150
Fucking cloudflare bullshit blocked something in my second part.
Holy fuck user, yet to understand it, but one million dibs to you.
Please don't ever use anything like that in real code.
I mean it's bad practise yes, but it's dope. I don't see any real problem with using it.
I have BIOS Rev 3.7 on Packard Bell and I don't see virtualization option. I wanted to run TempleOS on VirtualBox, but it can't run because it can't find any 64 bit processors.
I switched from Wi-Fi to using a powerline adaptor for my PS4, but the download speed seems to have gone down from around 15 Mbps to around 3 Mbps. Why would that be?
WHY can't I boot from this? Is there something with my BIOS? Please help me!
>3 Mbps
something like that could be possible if your powerline adapter is 54mbit (the cheapest power line adapters)
i dont have any of these problems on capable hardware
do you use a poorpad?
format it and install a new iso on it?
maybe enable CSM/legacy mode?
disable safe boot?
disable UEFI and use BIOS boot?
do other USB drives work?
do other ISO's work?
This is the one I got from Amazon:
I admittedly don't know much about this kind of thing, so I just went with the cheap and easy option. I assume this is of poor quality?
in freedom land you don't need to do jack shit.
Other .iso's don't work as well; I used to be able to boot from these before installing Lubuntu. Previously, I had attempted to install Debian but cancelled the installation by pulling out the flash drive (not good, I know). During the installation of Lubuntu, a message showed up saying something about BIOS and UEFI, and that if I don't want to install any other OS on the computer I can proceed, otherwise, my system would be nonfunctional. I don't remember very well.
TP-link power line adapters are fine, not better or worse than A-brands. Unfortunately power line adapters don't always work in all houses on all power grids. I've had situations where they worked perfectly and I had situations where the connection just crapped out every few days. I don't know what the exact cause is but power line adapters are a pretty complex product. Power lines weren't invented for this kind of shit. You can consider trying a different brand but if that does not work, return them and find a different way of making a network connection.
A friend of mine and I like to watch movies and shit together over the internet. She doesn't want to download stuff. We just find a stream and hit play at the same time basically while we talk over skype. Is there a better way to do this I can't figure out? Sometimes one of is buffers randomly and we have to get close to syncd up again.
I realize this is kinda dumb but I don't really know a better way
did you do the other steps? did you disable safe boot and/or disable UEFI and/or enable legacy/compatibility mode?
I will
With this the only types that needs to be known at compile time are strings?
How do i GIT GUD?
Lfs? Books? Ircs?
I wanna be the very best
I had to set allow-non-mpc-extensions to true to install on Nightly some extension I needed (Rikaisama), but it only works in new tab or if I turn multiprocess firefox off.
Any way around that? Multiprocess is much faster so I'd like to keep it.
be around best people
get made fun of by them
I got a really good student job at a huge company, earning good money and learnin a lot. But everyone in here is so antisocial its like theyre just empty hulls. Is that what my future looks like as a computer person?
And is there any good collection of must have IT books? I already can do c, c++, python, bash, linux in general and git, but repetition cant hurt
Damn, that's a shame. I'm trying to get a decent wired connection for online play but there's no Ethernet cable available, so I thought this was the next best thing.
Anyone know what pic related color scheme for vim is called?
I ssh over wifi (802.11n) to a local server but there is so much latency sometimes that I wait seconds between keystrokes in vim. Obviously this is making it hard to do any work. Is this likely a problem with my router, or radio interference, or what? If I restart my router it clears up temporarily.
there is the gentooman wiki but why dont you build something and experiment with shit instead of reading stupid books.
Can I get student discounts if I have access to a .edu mail but not enrolled in a college?
My HDD started making clicking noises when trying to access some data and during this parts of the OS can freeze for a minute or two while HDD goes "click, click, click...", e.g. browser will work fine but desktop will be frozen. Started happening some time ago but then this issue went away and it's back again today.
Is this a 100% mechanical problem? I've seen some articles on the net that some HDD problems can be fixed by cleaning contact pads of the HDD because they oxidize with time (that's the English word for it?) and I've been using this HDD for about 6 years. I suspect this won't do shit but might as well ask here in case someone knows better.
Crystaldisk attached, numbers or reallocated and pending sectors didn't change ever since this issue started so it's not getting worse?
Will disabling android system web view fuck up things? What will happen when I open a link in an app that uses it? Will it just open in an external browser?
Click of death. Google fixes for it but the drive is probably on its way out. How old is the drive?
Furthermore, it is a mechanical issue. The needle on the plate cannot initialize properly. Theres hacky fixes like sticking the HDD in a freezer for 12 hours, but 95% of the time its going to fail anyway.
I use to get discounts with my dual enrollment college ID when I was in HS
My Odroid running mpd occasionally hangs on music, and the ssh connection to it is slow (it can take up to a minute to just get in), which affects ncmpcpp, so it's basically sluggish in general.
How do I find what is bottlenecking the thing? It should be fine enough. The music is on a HDD over the usb2.0 port, so that might be a part of the problem, although I most certainly doubt it, since it's only mpd accessing it.
>I wanna be the very best
like no one ever was?
It's about 7 years old IIRC (mistyped in the previous post). Did a quick google search and all the fixes I found were basically about how to recover the data/ Not that I'm worried about my data, I don't really have anything valuable and I backed up some things but it's rather annoying.
The first time it started clicking was maybe half a year ago? I did run a chkdsk /f /r and it ran for quite a long time because it froze and clicked multiple times during the check-up. But after that the clicking went away. Thought maybe those were bad sectors or something. Yesterday I cleaned up my system partition (update files and whatnot) and today clicking has returned while Win10 was downloading updates. And it also clicks sometimes when I go AFK and Windows starts some maintenance tasks.
But thanks for confirming that it's a mechanical issue, won't bother with contact pads then. is going to be your best friend for that
Leaning Matlab. It's pretty good. So is Python really better than this?
Yeah you can, all they usually do is email you a verification, just having that email is enough. I recommend using it for the GitHub student pack, it's full of good shit
Disable it, try to open a link, if it fucks up, enable it. It's that simple user
How do people on YouTube have two headsets with mics connected to the same computer, with a DAC? Is this a standard feature with DACs?
Some websites don't ask if I want to save my password meaning I have to manually login everytime. Is there anyway I can make the site ask to save my password?
Why didn't you just think to screenshare your window over skype?
Can someone please post the Sup Forums bingo image?
A computer ultimately just adds 0s and 1s. If its clock speed is say 2GHz does this mean that it is doing 2 billion sums involving 0 and/or 1 a second? Is it 2 billion times the number of transistors? Help
Yesterday my laptop fell off the desk an took a nasty hit, the screen froze and had to reboot. When it tried to boot, the system analyzed the dusk and tried to repair it. That went for a good 8 hours. When it finished, it gave me several options and that was it, no error message or shit. Decided to reboot and the system went on repair again, this time the system offered me to return to a Restore Point but the system wasn't able to restore. It now told my that my PC wasn't able to ve repaired and gave me options. Ran CHKDSK on command and now it got stuck like this, it's been 2 hours.
Is the HDD done?
Are used APU-based laptops worth it these days?