Anonymous takes over white supremacist website

>Activists claim to have taken over white supremacist website, The Daily Stormer, and threatened to shut it down within 24 hours, in the name of the woman hit by a speeding car in Virginia.

Other urls found in this thread:

I haven't seen a good news on Anonymous in a long time. Kinda makes me nostalgic of the real Sup Forums days.

Wait, do you mean Anonymous the Super Heroes of the Internet (tm)?

Bullshit. That's the stormfags themselves pulling a stunt, having had 24 hours' notice of being taken down by their host GoDaddy, trying to pin it on someone else. That's why the message reeks of Sup Forumsfaggotry.

Good riddance. Dumb frogposters.

no. go daddy kicked them off their domain.

>good news

Why Sup Forumsacks can get into tech?
Also, they guys show visit the place with a Dodge.

>lefties attack jew in a dodge with bats
>jew freaks out and rams into car 10ft in front of him
>fat cat lady dies, other lefties injured
>blame nazis

>fat ladies
Many sides are to blame. Many sides.

If it's gotten to the point where the media are championing antifa and blm as defenders of freedom hopefully the nukes aren't far away.

Anonymous is so fucking gay. If you still don't hate anonymous there us something wrong with you

t. Black guy

This, it the MSM trying to spin this shit and Anonymous is more than happy that the hand that feeds them is finally throwing them a bone after years of obscurity.

are you the famed "based black guy"?

It's the baitrix

... wait, James Fields is Jewish?

worse, he's George Soros's and Hillary Clinton's love-child, and spent his early teens being radicalized in the basement of a pizza parlor

>threatened to shut it down within 24 hours
Why not right now?

Satan sarcasm is worst sarcasm.

>Supremacists can't install Gentoo.
>They have to prove their worth some other way.

I like this image

is that teh legendary hacker named Sup Forums?


The guy drove into an angry mob and then panicked and tried escaping.

>muslim drives car into crowd
>"damn muslims, remove them all!"
>alt-right supporter drives car into crowd
>"this totally wasn't his fault!"
oh Sup Forums, you never cease to amaze me. try to twist it all you want, but he is tried for murder.

When will Sup Forums man save us from the SJW and Jews?

When will he come back. The prophecy's I know, but sometimes I loose hope.

Yeah except the idiot made the mistake of leaving his license plate on and not leaving the chance for suicide through cop. Why does he want to go to jail so badly?

Because of thisThey lost their server host.

cause theire're two dump

>lasted only 4 months in the army
Anything could be wrong with him. Maybe he wants to hang out with the bigboys in prison.

8/10 nice bait.

Is Anonymous even in the public's radar nowadays? The only major news I've read about of them were the DDoS attacks and doxing some kid who abused his cat back before.

>he gets off on self defense

must be going crazy right now

I'm not really sure how to feel about this. I'm not a nazi, but when I read the article on it on the daily stormer there were a lot of dog whistles in the text, so whoever wrote it was clearly familiar with 14/88 style redpills. Hackers don't necessarily have to disagree with someone to hack them for fun though, and they may be going for that Streisand effect.

Overall I think it's best we just don't talk about it, it's not really that significant.

>anonymous used to do anything for lulz
>normalfags took the name and now use it for muh social justice
I blame that scientology demonstration.


you have to go back

This turned out to be the real story

You know tumblr is not smart enough to be the original creator of that image.

Do a reverse image search

>tumblr literally telling white people to kill themselves
i know horseshoe theory is a meme and yet both sides seem exactly the same

Kill yourself race traitor

N-word please...

He does minimum 2 years for manslaughter. He's not a rich faggot. He's some local hillbilly who tried to barrel roll his way through life as a martyr.

Sup Forums is invaded by shills.

Didn't Drumpf posted on r*ddit?

That's amazes you? Sup Forums is an incredibly predictable hivemind. Given any single news story, you can predict how Sup Forums idiots will react with 100% accuracy.
If it exposes them in bad light, they will justify it or flat out deny it.


fuck you
we used to be an internet hate machine
hackerz on steroids


>anonymous giving a fuck about politics
That ain't user. Those are the worst kind normie faggots.

You know tumblr is not smart enough to be the original creator of that image.

Hillary,Bernie and every other candidate posted on reddit.

>implying that anonymous was never racist
fucking faggot, you have to go back

Scientology deserved it either way.

Everyone is on reddit

user, you are posting on reddit right now.



I just did it again

No shit. Why the fuck would "hackers" have simply posted a new story announcing that they'd taken over and leave the rest of the site up? They were looking for more attention and got it. The MSM is fucking retarded.

good, fuck racists

>go daddy kicked them off their domain.

who cares?

>muslim drives car into crowd
Why don't you mention the part where the Muslim yells Allahu Ackbar and had known ties to ISIS?

Jeb was clearly posting in /r9k/

>he is tried for murder.

Second degree. And is likely to get off on manslaughter charges. Either way, skinheads killing other skinheads isn't going to make me lose sleep anytime soon.

they always do this when they think they have a victory.

They haven't even charged him with murder. He's probably going to get off with manslaughter or even be acquitted since there's video of Antifa smashing his car with a bat before he plowed into the crowd of libcucks and niggers.

underrated post

In Virginia that still means he dies by the needle.

Ah yes I forgot the part where the crowd in Nice swarmed the van and started hitting it with baseball bats before the driver hit the gas.

/leftypol/ never ceases their mental gymnastics Olympics. You have to be going for a god damn medal in false equivalency to compare the two.

aka corporate bootlickers?
that's what they are

Minimum sentence is also what, 5 years? Ain't no chance he's getting the death sentence, charges will be reduced and he will be out before you know it.

Of he really wanted to kill people, he would have at least brought a gun and shit people.
If I recall correctly, those Muslims who ran over people proceeded to get out of the car and stab people.

Fuck you. Fuck every single one of you. Fuck you alt-righters and leftists alike. Fuck you for posting a thinly veiled political thread on a fucking technology board. Fuck you for making this a daily occurrence. All of you just fucking go die. I am not here to talk about politics. This board is Sup Forums - Technology. You have two whole fucking boards dedicated to your shit. Go back the fuck to Sup Forums. You were so bad that they made you a second board to fuck off to. Go back to /bant/. Or even just fuck off to Sup Forums or /r9k/ or /trash/ or any other board dedicated to your bullshit. God. I just want to fucking talk about technology in a fucking technology board.

moralfag spotted

>I just want to fucking talk about technology in a fucking technology board.
imagine being this new

no we didn't

Hey Faggots,
My name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.
Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than “jack off to naked drawn Japanese people”? I also get straight A’s, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It’s me and my bitch

I will just love to watch you and the nazis being crushed by the normies because they're tired of extremist retards in general.
When both sides use retarded purity tests that excludes 95% of the population and keep calling em names, the end result will not be pretty.

It will be quite glorious to see the mass of "SJW alt-righters" trampling over you.

I might take your opinion seriously if your ilk held any political power

>those Muslims who ran over people proceeded to get out of the car and stab people.

Actually the difference is:

>Muslims drive into walkways to kill people, so those people weren't even on the street

>this guy plowed into a bunch of protesting libcucks who were blocking the street after an antifa hit his car with a bat

It should be legal to drive into libcucks who block streets with their protests.

Its a false flag by Anglin to promote his irrelevant website

Political power is just the power of controlling the normies.
And if you exclude em with retarded ideas and purity tests, you toss your political power in the garbage.
And both sides are doing this.

good. it worked. tons of people flooded the site. he was laughing about it all day today.

his Alexa numbers are even bigger now.

>his irrelevant website

That's where you're wrong

Retard, the point of "centrism" is you can have both strong "left-wing" views and strong "right-wing" views instead of being a moron who decides he has to be "right" or "left". Take your strawman comics and shove it up your ass.

>the point of "centrism" is you can have both strong "left-wing" views and strong "right-wing" views

this isn't really the case for most people. they tend to be neutral.


>consistent beliefs and ideals can only be found by marching lockstep with fanatics
LOVE this meme.

Y'all realise anonymous isnt actually an organisation

tell that to the dumbass media

>Left is suppressing free speech
What a bunch of Nazis

Wait, you mean to tell me Sup Forums isn't a hacker?

he's not even a person!

>Political power is just the power of controlling the normies.


>white nationalists
>white people
two differents things


how do i get into anonymoose lads

This might surprise you, but all moral people are predictable. It's kind of a requirement for a society to function. I'm sure you'd be a lot unhappier if you couldn't predict what pedestrians, drivers and airplanes were doing next. You might be a bit upset if law weren't the same for everyone. You've actually given a very good argument for why Sup Forums is right again: it's super consistent. Also, Sup Forums is the scifi-Sup Forums.

Anonymous are our enemy then they are fucking leftist cucks

mu*lims and g*ys will defend this