Dawn of the planet of the sexbots?

Will they be universally accepted? I would personally accept one into my humble abode but only if it came with a remote.

Other urls found in this thread:


They are getting banned all over Europe because apparently the government gets to say if you can fuck a mannequin.

In what European country have they been banned? Or alternatively can you tell me where talks of banning has actually been brought up in a law making body?

They need to be warm, realistic feeling skin along with realistic sweat, decent AI (in the practical sense, not waiting for some pesudo-sentient AI to be developed), realistic body movements, wet mouth and vagoo, and above all, cute feet.

When technology is here, sexbots will becom popular.

Banned where? I've heard a few countries already starting sex doll brothels.And no doubt they will get some of those robot heads when come out.

I'll only buy one if it's FOSS

I want my GNU/Waifu NOW

They know how to make 3D models, they know how to sculpt small figurines, they even make some large life-size statues for special events.

...yet Japan still hasn't had sexdoll makers that are successful despite the talent and money being there.

They are and won't be banned anywhere.

user probably thinks about the brothel that had sex dolls.
Nobody is going to ban a huge market worth lots of tax money because some SJW cried wolf.

Rigid sculptures are a bit different from articulated limbs and soft-to-touch skin

Only if they're not modelled after elderly women (17+)

Only a little though. Silicone 1/6 scale dolls still have a sculpted master/base, but they're cast in silicone instead of plastic or resin

Spain had a brothel that let you fuck sex dolls. They had to shut down because living, breathing prostitutes were becoming less popular.

Sure. But it's not like they haven't had 3D animators who know how bones work and platinum grade silicone for skin.

I wonder if they will ever get out of the uncanny valley.

It seems much more likely to me that VR/AR will be so realistic at that point that it will be a better experience than a sex doll

They are only banning child like sex dolls. Because it hurts real kids. This is absolutely 100% proven using special magic rituals, performed under close feminist SJW scrutiny.

In other words. Because they say so.

>butthurt women cannot compete with a lump of silicone
>Complain they are treated like sex objects
>Thus proving women only need men for their wallet

My tears of joy



It would also help if it during daytime could cook you food, wash you clothes, iron your shirts, clean your house, tend your garden etc.

62 is the best

Mods are asleep, roll.

No, they won't

>They are only banning child like sex dolls.
And they are only getting banned in Leafland, Britbongistan and Straya

le role


>certain combination of plastic is illegal

Real women can fuck off, not worth the effort for just sex and a good prostitute is expensive... So bring on these sex bots.

how do I 3d print one? wheres the meshes at?

also am I the only one who also wants to build the robot and AI part and not just fuck an inanimate object? I don't want to fuck an inanimate object, whats the point?

>tfw people are in prison for importing loli dolls
shoulda built a robot army dumbass.

I'll save every penny I get by not spending it on wymyn for loli sex bots when they arrive.
Because KEK wills it

>Asian and white brothers will unite together to build a loli robot military expeditionary force that exterminates all the negroids and creates a sustainable utopia
>And they'll have artificial wombs so you can breed them
This is why I'm studying IT

Real thread to women in next 20 years are artificial womb

La salsa mi amigo?


quads of you expect sexbots to be cheaper than a prostitude

My god this is getting real. Let me tell you something.
I fucked my high school girlfriend years ago when we were like 16. Obviously both virgin. When I kissed her boobs she giggled and almost ran to the corner. Bit her ears softly played with hair and those expressions on her face were unbelievably pleasing. First duck and she almost fainted. I had to sprinkle water over her forehead.
Will you faggots understand that sex is not just putting cock in a hole? How would sexbot give you all that realness like fuc king a girl? Might as well make a hole in your pillow and put your dick there.
Anyways I am a lonely fuck now so those things I mentioned doesn't matter anymore. I can fuck a rock and sleep.
Thanks for reading my blog.


Yes good goy don't breed.

>How would sexbot give you all that realness
This is the ting: it does not have to be perfect. It just has to be good enough.

>Let's ban outlets for pedophiles
>This way our children will be safer
Women logic.

Isn't this gal off hollyoaks from 15 years ago?

This is relevant to selling them, how?
A small private brothel is not a multi million...billion company.

Only if it's asian

I wouldn't trust the bitch to not become sentient and kill me in my sleep

>t-they banned my kiddly diddlies so it's not m-my fault I diddle their kiddies
pedo logic

>Create a device that is the convergence of the best technology ever created
>Fuck it

What a time to be alive.


>create a female sex bot
>fuck it up by ugly azn eyebags


come on quads


Meanwhile women have sex toy shops with products stacked from floor to ceiling. And according to my female friends who claims to be knowledgeable about this (don't ask) informs me that products are continuously upgraded.

Typically larger batteries and stronger motors. I wonder when they will be forced to use two-stroke engines but I didn't ask her.



Pedophiles are just so sexually immature that they literally fuck their own age. It's sad.

Thing is once you have that perfect memory your imagination can take over with sufficient simulatory cues. Ie. Warmth softness, wetness, that giggle can easily be programmed and so forth

That's why you should get a diy model where you can install gentoo on it. Just imagine: instead of autistically tinkering on your pc you tinker on your waifu.


54 looks like my wife
creepy to imagine fucking her dead body

I'm tired of you niggers telling me bad things won't happen then they do. This has happened too many times before.

It's like how you come here because you have no social outlets in your life.

Im with you. The notion tickles my Frankenstein fetish in a good way.

>yoshimura butthole


if my girl had a tyrone I would kill it and then fuck her till she raises my son

Fuck off cuck/cunt.

>...yet Japan still hasn't had sexdoll makers that are successful despite the talent and money being there.
>t. guy who has no idea what he is talking about

Just google 4woods and Orient Industries

They are so open to foreigners you can even check out their showrooms and with a little more paperwork and a small fee you can rent them back to your place/hotel/apartment/etc.

They also cost an arm and a leg and take months before being shipped to your door, that is if your cunt's customs are not SJWs who would rip and tear you a new asshole


except like more than half of MGTOW are non-white

successful at making life size anime fig sexdolls .I meant.

Just look at
All of those companies including the 2 you mentioned strive for a more realistic look, and when they don't in the case of #39 and trips it's not good.

Consider this figure.


Aside from its large size for a figure, it was known for having the soft breasts feature.

It's just surprising no one there has scaled something like it to life size, put it in a convenient fixed or limited pose and have a usable soft insert.