Serious question here Sup Forums

Serious question here Sup Forums

Although distros like ubuntu have made progress, why havent linux neckbeards made a real alternative OS for the mainstream? Specifically, why havent they focused on GUI development in order to push mass appeal?

Linux users always claim its a superior experience and the future. but realistically, its just too command line dependent and there are too many quirks that pop up (like driver issues) that need technical troubleshooting.

Youd think now is the time to push development, considering there are so many reasons to switch (windows spying on you, apple hardware so far behind and overpriced).

Elementary maybe? I think Ubuntu is very user friendly - only thing missing is audio codecs out of the box. You don't have to use the terminal really.

You don't get more mainstream than linux. It's the most used kernel among normies.

Id lige to indergegd for a bobent :DDDD

GUI is not the focus as Linux is not limited for desktops (unlike Windows and OSX). Although times are changhing

because we don't care about mass appeal

there are projects like that
but most linux users don't care if your old mother uses linux or not, and don't care about the things that people who buy laptops at walmart care about

Ubuntu tried but redhat shills killed Ubuntu desktop

Let me answer your question with a question.
Why would I want mass appeal? I think Linux is in a great spot right now as far as popularity goes.

What advantage will it bring me if more technologically illiterate people use the same operating system as I do?

much larger PROPRIETARY support
I guess OP is some retard who can't into kvm

we dont want want proprietary support, alot of people who use linux are running away from proprietary software

> why havent they focused on GUI development

GNOME is doing exactly that for their DE, is just that GAANUU/Lonux professional software 'alternatives' like GIMP so often are utter shit or still in 1999 and not a subject to change.

>GAANUU/Lonux professional software 'alternatives' like GIMP so often are utter shit or still in 1999 and not a subject to change.
That's actually sad. I would like to use a bullshit free system (even with some quirks) full time but lack of sane (not even good) software is stopping me. I mean, Scribus is just unusable, GIMP is laughably bad and Inkscape is too basic and so on.
Video editors are also complete shit. Kdenlive works half of the time and Blender is just a hell to work with by itself (at least for editing).
Is all this software made by people who have no idea how industry for which they are doing their programs works?
It would be very nice to have some software in this fields that has more advantages than just being FOSS.
That being said, I really enjoy using GNU/Linux as it is right now (it's more than a capable system for everyday tasks). It's just sad that for my "work-mode" I have to boot into Windows.

I would say Ubuntu and some other distros are very easy to use and in fact what the OP claims is mostly false. But let's play the devil's advocate here and go along with it.

People who use GNU/Linux generally don't care. They're happy with what they have and are usually more technical than the average person (they went through the process of actually installing an operating system all by themselves after all) - hence they don't mind small inconveniences if there are such and few people come to think of those inconveniences being fixable.

Gnome has the artstyle of a windows XP ripoff.
At least KDE is a MacOS ripoff.

>Gnome has the artstyle of a windows XP ripoff.
It's not. Gnome is a very consistent and unique DE. Adwaita may look a bit dated, though (still take it over sime ugly Numux shit(
>At least KDE is a MacOS ripoff.
You wish

Uuugh look at the shadows on those buttons. ANd the colours are all off. Not to mention the cheap way they try and make everything pop out.

Because there's no money in it or at least it's hard to make money with it. A lot of the software surrounding linux is made for free and making a real, functional and easy-to-use alternative will cost a ton of money. They will have to hire and pay people. You also need other people to work on it and not just programmers.

I don't know, why haven't you?

Linux contributors aren't some strange coven hidden in a cave. Either they're working for a company sharing progress for industrial applications (the real advantage of open source) or they're nerds who only add things they want to use.

Because they have to use GIMP

Because I don't care? No one cares if "normies" use Linux. I don't care if the themes upset you, nor do I want to mimic Microsoft's UI. We will never appeal to people like you. You're nuts if you think we will. lol

t. Xfce developer

No one cars if normal people use Linux, tard.

>appease people who like apple's interface

no, fuck off

I really don't see what it's missing beyond a few minor tweaks. Most, you click on an icon, it runs it. That's what normies expect. Ubuntu's software browser also allows quick installation and searching for programs like the windows store. I don't really get what you think the barrier is.

In defense of Blender, it's really not a video editing software. The video editing is tacked on so you can make that crappy 3D showreel for your portfolio. It is very nice and I have used it a lot, but it's certainly not a good video editor if you're trying to do anything complicated. Blender is a 3D modelling program first and foremost

op youre dumb af if you think linux developers or DE devs care about making normal users comfy with the UI

I kind of like not having Winfags/Macfags in my userspace. I'd prefer it doesn't get "streamlined" for normies. Happy without them.

No one cares about your opinion. Go make your own desktop environment.

>Specifically, why havent they focused on GUI development in order to push mass appeal?
Because noone cares about mass appeal.

Everything that once was good was ruined by normalfags. Because once normalfags get a gist of something, the people behind that particular product start noticing how much money you can squeeze from them and they become the primary target market. Your needs as an advanced, sane and most importantly not-a-drooling-amoeba-user stop being relevant.

Windows 2000 was the last version of Microsoft's OS marketed at professionals. Sleek, consise, not in your face, stable.
But then Microsoft noticed that you can make a shitload of money of soccer moms, old people and children. And so the era of consumer-oriented OS started with XP.


>Windows 2000
>Microsoft started appealing to normies with an NT kernel

Stop pretending you know what you're talking about

Stop trying to invite fucking normies into Linux.

GNOME is far better than what Windows can offer in terms of appearance in my opinion. You don't have to use terminal for user-friendly distros like Ubuntu but most Linux users are tech enthusiasts and therefor they like to learn more about the system and frankly using terminal is less time consuming and easier than GUI once you get hold of it.

There are no driver issues I ran into except when installing proprietary nVidia drivers(which have good enough open-source counterpart) and had some issues with my Asus Stryx mouse which I found open-source driver which fixed the solution. On the other hand, I had to install bunch of drivers by hand on my Windows machine.

Linux is just superior to Windows. You have ancient laptop. There are lightweight distros that can run smoothly on that machine. You have a powerful PC, you can install nicer looking DMs. If you want to use keyboard only, you can. Linux is just versatile and doesn't tie you to one option. For some people that many options is just too much so they just give up because they get lost in the sea of options that are provided by open-source community.

Stabler than any previous Windows. Microsoft was never known for a rock-solid stability, so comparing to other OSes is a silly thing.

photographer here. The creators environment in linux is so limited it makes me want to crie everytiem.

I love the GNU + Loonix phylosofy but i cant deal with how shitty the software actually is. Sadly I'm no developer so I cant do shit but complain about it

I'd say Cinnamon is probably as close to a Windows-y an experience as far as GUI shit goes. You could install Fedora or Ubuntu for daily use without even once opening the terminal

It needs something more like Yast, when I was a newbie to linix I had a lot of problems just installing basic stuff. I know just google it ,but man frist time installing everything was a bitch, wondre how many not so tech sawy people gave up...

hardware/driver support is still shitty
detecting resolutions/refresh rates or just soundcard drivers in general are terrible