What's your score g/?
Typing test
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350 cpm 70 wpm.
I'm usually a bit faster.
On my phone currently or I'd do one now
About 60wpm though it's only been like 1 year since I've learned to actually type properly.
jesus christ, i thought my 94 was good.
what do you do for a living?
please dont be a basement dweller =^)
I'm ok with this and I see no reason to improve.
Get on my level
Heh, thanks.
I'm a Linux systems administrator, but there isn't too much typing there. I shitpost a lot and used to play a lot of games; I think that's why I type fast.
sorry if the question is kinda dumb but does your job have anything to do with programming
with one hand
In practice you will very rarely feel constrained by your typing speed as long as it's at least ~80wpm
link for anyone who wants to try
entire thread BTFO
woah calm down bro
prbly has 40 fingers
Your question isn't dumb. If you consider shell scripting programming there's a fair amount of that, and in CM tools such as Puppet languages like Ruby and Python are used.
Knowledge on C helps me a lot when I need to find out where a program crashed and why, but it's by no means necessary.
what the fugg
Sysadmins generally don't do a lot of programming, although it's becoming more common for sysadmins to be expected to be able to do that sort of thing.
nice man, i'm a web dev myself
I want spiders out of this board.
i got 80 wpm. I use my left hand properly on the home row with my right hand using only my index finger flying all over the keyboard, even getting keys on the left side for reaches. i can type pretty fast like this but i make more mistakes since my right hand is never set.
60wpm and i'm totally okay with it.
i make a lot of mistakes
Your score: 400 CPM (that is 80 WPM)
that's on my first try - could probably get it up to 90. Tips? Does it just come naturally eventually?
If i took the time to slow down and not type like shit it's usually 150wpm range.
tell your friends about me
417 cpm 83 wpm
another try, 465 cpm 93 wpm
Haha good job mate you got 1 wpm higher than me.
>110 words typed correctly
>190 wpm
Nice try
First try, made sure to get 0 mistakes
>not loading up the msdos typing game
kys faggots
60 WPM is the fastest for me
But normally I type at 30 WPM
70 wpm on this shitty microsoft ergonomic keyboard. pretty proud desu
On average, I'm 100-110 wpm on my T420 keyboard.