/wt/ - watch thread

This thread is about the appreciation of horology, as well as the micro-engineering and materials engineering that are required to make a fine watch, clock, or other timepiece.

>Required Viewing For Newbies:

>Strap Guide: pastebin.com/SwRysprE

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?site=&source=hp&q=watch accuracy app&oq=watch accuracy app&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l4.2137.5947.0.6131.

Previous thread




Thanks for the link! Bidding now, can't wait to show it off at work.

That is fucking gross.



Anyone who buys that fake deserves it due to sheer stupidity.

That's not a watch, it's a circuit board.

What kind of strap is the chick on the right wearing? It looks like some kind of wide fabric bracelet thing. Can't be a nato...

Looks kind of like a thinner-than-usual bund strap.


Looks too narrow to be a traditional bund. Could be some sort of velcro strap.

>30 bids
People are stupid.




sorry its not a seiko sarb033

Hey that looks pretty close, maybe the strap is stock. So it's some kind of 90's Casio g-shock maybe.
I thought it looked pretty good, might buy one of those straps for my f-91w.

Would I be a faggot if I wore a 28mm Rolex Oyster Perpetual Datejust? I'm a man.

How big is your wrist? Don't go any smaller then 34mm

No Bateman watch:(

28mm is definitely a woman's size.

Fuck this gay world, some men brutalize their genitals and dress as women but I can't wear a smaller watch

Just because faggots are out there doesn't mean you have to be one of them. 33mm-34mm is about the smallest you should really go for.

Thoughts? Looking for a cheap white dial dive style beater?


Alba is a JDM budget Seiko brand.

Nineball has got me wanting Habrings

I cannot put this magic lever back fuck

Which watch channel is the best on YouTube?

Long Island Watch

ignore the redditors here, 28mm is ok if you have small wrists (6in) or you just want something unobtrusive. 31mm is better though.

28mm is literally a womans size m8. 31mm would be considered a boys size. 32mm and above is where you can say it's a mens size.

>see? my watch is 33mm which means i am a man. anything below that makes you a boy or even woman. upvote me fine sir

Unless it's super-vintage, don't go below the mid-30's.

And even then, make sure it was originally a man's watch.

dude y do you need to wear such a small watch?

Just try and find a 28mm watch that was advertised as a man's watch. Taking the shorter dimension of a rectangular watch doesn't count either.

Does anyone know if the same hand sizes that fit on a 7s26 will fit on a Vostok Amphibia?

Might buy pic related for my amphibia but unsure on sizes.

>pic related


Rate my shitty OC. 500 hours in MS paint.


That doesn't show the size but thank you.

Does anyone know if Meranom will send you a special shipment if you contact them? I lost a spring today from a 2416b and do not feel like paying $40 for a totally new movement.

i have more than a few watches that i try to rotate weekly but now i just wanna wear my new one all day, every day.

You're not buying this are you?

Seiko 7002 and Omega Seamaster


[Insert quote here]




I'm having trouble deciding between a sarb017 or a sarg005.

I like the screw down crown but the face and hands look kinda memey

sarg is more no nonsense design while the alpinist is a bit more polarizing. I love my alpinist but understand why someone would not like it. The sarg is a bit bigger though compared to the alpinist so factor that into your decision as well. The compass crown does not screw down on the alpinist so I consider the thing not suitable for swimming so the screw down main crown sorta is null.

The hands are the best part man.
I was thinking getting a sarg005 (I think you posted an 007 by the way), and when I looked into getting replacement hands for it, I realized I wanted the SARB.

I would buy the SARB in a heartbeat if it didn't have the compass ring. The face, the markers and those hands are beautiful imo.

After wearing mine all the time you really don't even notice the compass ring. Just blends right in.

Should I buy this meme?

I think they're pretty neat and they're like $30, so why not?

hey you guys probably know this, my manual winding watch which is pretty old has been running very fast, where I have to basically reset it every 30-60 mins. what do I do? do I have to get it serviced? where do I get it serviced?

So how fast is it running exactly

im new to watches. how exactly do i tell?

the 38 makes me feel like a trap, 28 is insane

Well, either you use a device or program to listen to the watch and tell you the current rate it is running at. Or you simply let it run for a period of time and compare the actual elapsed time to what the watch is indicating. Expressed in + or - seconds per day, usually.

>device or program to listen
what the hell? how do i set that up?

something that listens to the watch pallet fork

Set the watch to a time exactly the same as another clock (digital or computer)
Record the difference at other times.

can you give me an example?

google.com/search?site=&source=hp&q=watch accuracy app&oq=watch accuracy app&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l4.2137.5947.0.6131.


Wild Spectra phone app. There are guides online for how to configure it.

i set it to the time at 1:45. it's currently 2:06 AM and the watch is saying 2:08. it's on my desk with the dials facing upward if that changes anything.

Dual up is the standard way up iirc
Watch this video and you will learn everything

it has currently been an hour (2:45 AM) and the watch says 2:52. what do?

>over 10,000s/d

Did you fuckin' drop the thing onto concrete m8?

lmao, it's from the sixties. what should i do? try and get it serviced/regulated?

Stop posting that ugly shitter, it's cringe af already.

Even a vintage watch should only be off by a few seconds per day. What watch is it anyway? You could try and get it serviced but don't expect it to be all that cheap.

some old raketa I got for $40 on eBay. dude said he replaced the crystal or some shit

It'll cost more to service it than that watch is worth my dude.

heck. oh well, it looks kinda cool anyway. what should I do with it? resell or keep for time's sake?

>over 10,000s/d
Maybe the watch was dropped, then exposed to magnetic fields stronger than the sun's, then lodged waaay up into Satan's anus.

Nothing to worry, btw.

>current year
>wearing an analog watch

>current year
>wearing a digital watch

>fall in love with a watch
>too big for your wrist
pic not related

You could research and try to do it yourself, that way you'd learn so much more about watches


Just how shit tier are Festinas? I'm buying this one for my first office non-fast food job. I've seen some that are really ugly but this one seems alright.




Been thinking of getting this one Sup Forums.

Combines with most of my smart dress code clothes and looked sturdy and nice. Saw it new for about 139€. Opinions?


...I guess dubs speak truth :'(

Not that guy but why is it shit? It looks nice

lurk more newfriend
