I installed KDE because GNOME wasn't being nice to me with all the crashing and stuff, but it turns out I hate KDE and it doesn't even restart itself when it crashes. So what's left for me? MATE? A hodgepodge DE made of various third-party components that I insist is just a WM?
I installed KDE because GNOME wasn't being nice to me with all the crashing and stuff...
We should make our own DE.
I'll make the logo
>I installed KDE
well that was a mistake
just use i3. there's no crashes or drama there. it just werks
Look how autistic this shit looks. No self respecting person would ever install this.
Why would I install and maintain a super hacker DE when I have a job and can afford RAM?
Install Unity
>can't get linux to work
>replies to suggestions with passive aggressiveness
maybe it's time to accept the only OS you're smart enough to use (wangblowsten).
I'd question why your DEs are crashing at all.
it's neither super hacker nor a de
you would install it because you want a functioning desktop that's not a crashing piece of shit
Croc ripoff?
Hate gnome
Love KDE, but for some reason the dual-monitor functionality starts breaking / glitching after a few days.
Now I'm on xfce.
Don't forget to read up on installing compton to fix the screen tearing.
Because it works with no issues
>use a bloated, resource-sucking worthless graphics layer just to kill tearing that actually doesn't sometimes
There are ways to kill tearing that doesn't involve a fucking shitty pile of garbage left over from the LOL WOBBLY WINDOWS days of GNU.
just use xfce. lightweight, fast, and stable.
плaзмa нe пaдaeт
fuck you m8. Tell me how
xorg config, go search or just look at the arch wiki (will work for anything, not just arch)
By ricing a WM, you exactly do that.
which distro
>xorg config
Thank you for pointing me in the right direction, senpai.
Why do you install bloated DE on shit PC?
I run KDE even on Nvidia graphics card with open source drivers because my PC is beast.
Couldn't run it on my previous laptop because it was shit.
>it doesn't restart itself when it crashes
It almost always restarted properly from my experience with KDE Neon.
Using KDE on Debian Stable, it just works and it's smooth as fuck. Based Debian developers did a great job there.
>tfw two years of stable KDE without fearing new bugs and regressions after updates