What text editor does Sup Forums use? Be honest

What text editor does Sup Forums use? Be honest.

I use gedit mostly. I like its relative minimalism that still allows for plugin integration and GUI.

It has few dependancies and still has all of the features I need in an editor.

Vim. It has all the features and more. GUI in a text editor is bloated cancer.

The WHITE MAN uses Vim
The YELLOW MAN uses emacs
The BLACK MAN cant read so such things do not matter to him

>use vim and vs in combination
am i brown mixed with white?


Vim for actual editing
Gedit for quick edits from file manager

GNU Nano


Kate, and previously Textpad.

vim of course, like any right thinking individual.

NP++ because it has a console and automatic indenting but doesn't shove 10gb of stupid shit at you.

What $FCEDIT do you guys prefer?

On windows, ATOM. On linux, Vim or emacs.

I mainly use IDEs. Fight me


xed, because fuck GTK3

neovim or vscode depending on what text I'm editing

nano. It works perfect for what I need.


Why not take advantage of both emacs and vim?

Slowness and bloatness of Emacs, clunky controls of Vim.

vim and leafpad

>java without a java ide
you really hate yourself don't you user?

just started using micro. it's pretty good.

You are Greek

Emacs with evil mode (you edit like you do in vim).

Well you're better then Arabs and probably have some rape baby genes from the Balkans and Anatolia.

Best of the Browns, after the Kurds of course. Even with all this Islamic resurgence in Turkey and that you hate Kurds.

nano, gedit, vi comprise all of the test editors I use

Why so many vice presidents? And that's not how you spell acquisitions.

How did this become a conversation about race?

He asked if he was White mixed with Brown?

I work for a health insurance company with 12 VPs and 27 Directors.
Pretty crazy if you ask me

Gedit and nano for config files and simple text files.
Sublime for my shitty scripts.

Brice > Allen > Bateman > Van Patten

VP is used instead of "manager" in some companies. Sounds better than it is.

u better be baiting

vim is like the total opposite of clunky controls. I feel bad for my coworkers every time I see them struggle trying to edit code with their mouse, arrow keys and some occasional ctrl+shift chords

Teach me senpai!

But vim is pure cancer when editing long lines. That's my main drawback.

>Slowness and bloatness of Emacs
kek, Emacs was only slow in the eighties when hardware had no-fun-allowed limitations. These days it's quite a lean and fast program.
>clunky controls of Vim
Pure default Emacs is pretty clunky, but Vim is quite smooth to use when dicking around with a mouse is painful in a text editor.

What is this shit? Fuck off to Sup Forums or something.


GNU Emacs

smbd don't know about gj and gk?
and smth like:
noremap k gk

Leafpad and nano, about fifty-fifty.

usually vim but when I need to work with more than one file I just use gedit. Mostly because I didn't look into how buffers work in vim.

Sublime Text 3

I use ed because only brainlets need screen editors.
wq comment

Emacs for normal use(spacemacs with vim bindings), vim for small fast edits, atom when a feel like too much of a fog to use the keyboard properly (almost never).

unironically this

used vim + tmux exclusively for 3 years.
nowadays I only use them over ssh / small stuff, if I know I'm gonna spend some time in a project Emacs is so much superior it's not funny
of course the chordal default keybinds are total cancer, that's why Spacemacs is a really good starting point
at some point in the future I'm gonna start a Emacs config from scratch though to make it a bit leaner

Vim for real work.
Kate to jot down some quick notes.



>Not using an IDE in 2017

Sadly I am using kwrite. I suck, I know. I am a horrible person and I should die. I do like gedit better tho

I like geany because its note like a minimal side than a text editor

I use gedit and atom mostly
inb4 atom is garbage

Fuck you nigga. I've been coding for 12 years and I'm black. Plus I can read.

Emacs or gedit. Got a little comfy with VS code but I keep going back to gedit.

>webdev software is such shit that even niggers are too smart for it

You can tell Sup Forums is 90% hardware and 5% software based on these answers

I don't web dev.

Nano for quick changes in small files, vim for everything else

I used this for a bit just because there was a free key for it in the wikileaks cia dump.
My motherboard died a month later