Sends your IP address to the websites you visit

>sends your IP address to the websites you visit

How else would you connect to the website?

>performs a TCP/UDP "connection"

literal botnet

>Tcp 3-way handshake
NSA backdoor literal botnet tier

Oh noes, i have been bamboozled this whole time

installing Uzbl right now

>Utilizes TCP/IP protocols at layer 3
literally spyware

>logs your keyboard if you write on a text box
fucking russian hackers

good thread

CMOS is botnet

What the flip!? let me check that.

>Internet Protocol Address
>Internet Protocol

>o jeez, i haven't updated windows firewall for a while, mozilla is probably going to use my ip to ddos me and steal my rule 34 folder!

your talking about motherboard bios memory?
cant you just remove the watch battery to wipe it?

you can protect your ip protocol

>you can protect your internet protocol protocol
What did he meant by this?

I think he meant you can use a VPN private network

he probably means internet ip protocol

No I meant transistors, transistors are botnet too

i'm sure what he intended was internet inter-network ip protocol

is this true? wtf I hate firefox now

>transistors are botnet
im browsing Sup Forums on an analytical engine, got rid of all my transistors and went analog about 2 years ago

wait, so the cia niggers knows that I have a fetish for chubbie bitches?

hahaha oh lol wow so original thread

of you op

hahahah lol epic meme my friend xDD

your dumb

