Intel has been absolutely blown the fuck out of the CPU market. It's dead, burry it. Consider this mercy

Intel has been absolutely blown the fuck out of the CPU market. It's dead, burry it. Consider this mercy.

>AMD Threadripper 1950X review: Better than Intel in almost every way
>Better than Intel
>Better than Intel

Other urls found in this thread:

Ready to OC?

reported for anti-antisemitism

>It's dead, burry it.
It's dead, curry it.

arstechnica is a joke nowadays

t. intel

oy veyy this article is hate speech!

delete this now before my boys shut it down

>go to compare CPUs
>benchmarks are just a bunch of game performance tests
>barely any industry benchmarks

OY VEY shut it down



posting crying wojaks needs to be a bannable offense, it's so tiresome with every thread devolving into redditesque post chains of crying wojaks from both sides


Lower FPS in games
Segmentation fault

Agreed. Smiling Wojaks are better.


>AMD was also able to confirm this issue is not present with AMD Epyc or AMD ThreadRipper processors, but isolated to these early Ryzen processors under Linux.

Fake news, goy


anand tech's review was surprisingly bad toward AMD. If you want to game, don't by the $1000k amd cpu and the crazy motherboard, buy the $329 intel 7740x.

Even in the Chrome compilation tests, where I expected Threadripper to crush all, it lost badly to the (same priced) 7900x.

So amd fanboys, this is your high water mark. The i9 stuff is going to dominate/destroy Threadripper. Yeah, you are going to have to pay a lot of $ for it, but these are HEDT systems anyway.

Note that I write the above personally considering a threadripper system for its ECC workstation support.

How did they measure sea depth?

Anandtech's article is pretty crap to be honest. Almost every test is some single thread focused web/office/normie photo editing shit, others are old-ass benchmarks (PCMark 8?), etc. Half the shit on here isn't even relevant to the target market of this CPU.

They didn't even post any Ashes of the singularity benches. That's how yiou know they're intel shills.

Then who is the proper customer for this cpu, and what would be better benchmarks?

I look at the selection of motherboards available at launch, and I only see enthusiast targeted stuff.

The most workstation oriented task (beyond the video rendering stuff) is is their hand rolled 3D Particle Movement v1 benchmark, that is probably better thread optimized (Threadripper biased) than what a normal scientific / engineering guy would be running as he develops his codes.

I have some niche commercial codes at work that might work very well on Threadripper (PIV processing).

ok, AoTS

You have to spend $400 more to get to the point where Intel wins by about 10%. After that, it's $700 for 16% and $1000 for 22%. Based on some estimations I've made, YMMV.

Also, 7900X power draw is already ahead of TR 16 core. How much crazier do you think this is going to be for the 12+ cores?

3D rendering and video encoding, mostly. Who cares if i9 wins in some office suite benchmark that's tuned for an officelady i3 with 8 GB of RAM?

Sir kindly do the needful and delete this

D-d-doesn't matter, it loses in mobilemark and gets lower fps than a pentium g4560 in Skyrim at 320 x 240 resolution.

I'm sick of AMD ripping me another asshole

Even the housefire isn't far enough, HEDT of our 2 sku's BTFO
NO this can't be happening !!!
Not again

Coffee lake has to make this domation end and end fast.

>Rectangular CPU

Absolutely garbage

Next they'll do slotted CPUs

AMD a shit

>1920X consumes less power than 7800X with half the cores
>it also completes tasks far more quickly, making the delta in total energy used significantly greater

Old AMD Fanboy here - Athlon era. I've been running Intels for the past decade because AMD simply hasn't kept pace. I hope this new gen of processors is able to steal the crown. Unfortunately I just built a new rig a few months ago so it will be a while before I'm ready to upgrade again.

Their chromium compile test is pretty damn suspicious, Ars has threadripper beating the 7900x in chrome compiles so I dunno wtf anand is doing differently.

>burry it
bury it

>so I dunno wtf anand is doing differently.
Pretty much all their tests put either the i9 or i7-7740K in the lead. You do the math.


>$1000 processors
>representing any major portion of the cpu market
most people are gonna be buying mid-range i5s or ryzen 5s


7740X is shit-tier. You are getting a platform that you cannot take full advantage. It is the same silicon as the 7700K with a mild bump in turbo clock (7700K can easily bridge the difference with a very modest OC).

Get a fucking 7700K a run-of-a-mill Z270 board. You save $200-300 bucks over a 7740X+X299 that you can't even fully utilize.

Go back to your safe space

Sure but doesn't going too high on voltage shorten the silicon lifespan too, even though sufficiently cooled? I would prefer to stay below 1.4v

I feel like upgrading now. How often do you guys upgrade?

Oy vey delet dis schmuck

thread ripper are some of the top binned amd cpus, hitting 4.0+ at 1.375 or lower should be near cake walk for it.

Will I be able encode memes at 60fps? Not one reviewer bother to run vp9 encoding tests.

Intel status:
Ripped to threads

>I dunno wtf anand is doing differently
Different Chromium versions and different compilers, to start with.


What a day to be alive.



im done
i cant take this forum anymore

There is not an intel chip priced $80-$1,600 worth buying

But how much lifespan is 1.4v shortening? 1-2 years @ 24/7? Maybe. But by then you'll be replacing the cpu long before it reaches the end of its lifespan.

Wait for the (((update))) hehehe

You do realize same company now owns both Tom's Hardware and Anandtech, no?


Quite possibly the greatest chart I've seen in 5 years of Sup Forums.

I cried a little when I saw this.

Funny how this was relevant in 2011 and now it's relevant again.

With the proper bios, threadripper will likely run with ecc memory. years down the road you could still run it as a home server or render box. Better not wear that silicon out too soon.

t. destroyed poo in joo

Because reviewers are shit at actually testing technology sanely. Who the fuck gives a shit about random gaming benchmarks for a new CPU?


>New chips increasing anything but laughability

Intel released worst platform to date x299 with worst CPUs to date based on Nahelem arch.

>throw more half-cores
>throw more glued together cores

Now it's the oposite. Amd Improved their IPC by 40%, kept the same core counts and intel is scrambling to get more cores leading to devastating thermal effects.

The biggest difference between now and then is that it's no longer 4c/4t or 6c/8t but 16/32

>5 years to improve 40% over that abortion bulldozer
>somehow it's a feat to brag about

AMD did well, but they are still behind on IPC and clockspeed.

They are competitive though because they offer their products much cheaper, core for core Intel still has the faster products though.

Well, intel took 10.

>behind IPC
Ryzen has more IPC than Nahelem ever has had.
What Ryzen is lacking is clockspeeds.

Except core 2 was good on release unlike faildozer.

Ryzen IPC is at about Broadwell level, not skylake/kabylake level

Yes, 10 years ago it was great.

Broadwell is about 2% lower than kaby
Fuck off.


Can someone tell me why would one buy the most expensive Threadripper at 1K when the cheapest EPYC is $500 and you get 128 PCIE lanes instead of 64?

More like 8%, eat shit

more like .2% when it's actually productive programs

Kabylake is an abortion

>more like .2% when it's actually productive programs

That's not how IPC works you tech illiterate mong

it kinda is, because of un-unified registers, any Nahelem can't have full instructions only two, so others need to be broken down to half width or wait until full registers free up, because productive software uses quad instructions, poor Nahelem can't keep up.

broadwell to kaby is 2-3 % slower
sky to kaby is 0% if negative some times
amd stated that 40% improvement was on sandy bridge but on launch they stated 52% literally bringing zen on kaby/sky level and we already have seen that zen beats often kaby in various benches even on games nowdays 1600x is on par with 7700k


>it kinda is
No it's not, stop talking horseshit and making yourself look like more and more of an idiot

>talking about IPC
>he shows gaming benchmarks
Tech illiterate cunts please leave

>Ignore the whole post
Aaand your gone

It does you gaymer child

because you dont account for the overly expensive motherboards that needs its own super duper PSU and the ecc memory and and and...
the problem isnt the 500 epyc BUT
i9 currently costs 2k grand at this money you buy the 7550p a 32 core monster there is literally no reason to buy anything intel for the first time since k7-k8 era

>talk bullshit out of your ass
aand you're gone

typical from intel shills not to comment on the content of the post

When the contents are horseshit, you don't have to respond to them.

We were talking about IPC and he literally suggested it varies depending on the load. If you show that level of stupidity and ignorance about the topic at hand, you aren't worth responding to

>overly expensive motherboards that needs its own super duper PSU and the ecc memory and and and...
Dont they use the same socket?
As for ECC memory its fine im using those since LGA 775 days and i have two 1200W PSU that do nothing and gather dust.

horseshit reviews incoming

yeah but i doubt amd will just enable epyc support on hedt(im sure its just a bios hack but i wont really support my theory 100%) given the price they simply covered every single possible solution leaving the true high end pricing for intel on hedt and on that price well epyc is far more sexier than a housefire

So where is the IPC of Ryzen in here? You know, the topic at hand?

let me guess you were on comma for the past 6 months you havent seen a single benchmark right?

you are not making sense,I wasnt talking about intel I am talking why would one get 1K TR over $500 EPYC.

Again, where are the benchmarks of Ryzen IPC?

because the epyc platform is far more expensive

In what sense?
It can be used on the same boards.

no it cant just unless you think amd will just hack their server sales which they wont