Is she right? IN response to the Google firing incident

Is she right? IN response to the Google firing incident

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>Hitting the wall: the post

>the Shockleys


Do any of these people actually do any work? Who has time for this shit? I'd fire everyone on both sides of the issue that write these screeds because they're obviously not doing their jobs.

so fucking true - wgeb will HR get a grip and start asking for proff of lack of virginity?

>reee fuckin' virgins
How pathetic.

being a relationship engineer is hard work

>roastie doesnt get the attention she was expecting
>gets butt blasted
what a whore
she's the issue here

Sup Forums - Technology

is not

Sup Forums - Politically Incorrect

Well, there are a lot of gross ass dudes that work in IT. That being said, I think ignoring them is a better solution than firing them. The real sexism in companies like Google comes from management, not from their loser neck beard employees.

I was thinking about this today. Everyone intuitively knows that women are on average are more emotionally intelligent than men - a form of scientifically acknowledged, highly real-world-valuable ability.
You don't see men crying and whining about the concept itself or anyone referring to the concept. Women proclaim the idea with pride, and as with the pic in the OP, strut around brandishing this superior ability.

And yet when someone just *insinuates* that men may have higher distributions of logical intelligence, women and their male enablers explode in an [ironically], emotionally childish fit.

Says a lot about the people-groups involved t.b.h.

I can see why working with actual losers might be trying but idk, most people who work at google seem pretty normal. Those neckbeards are usually the ones carrying the company and paying their salary anyways, why complain?

Link to post?

>why complain
Because you're a bitter 40 year old unmarried career woman suddenly realizing your "Prince Charming" 40 year old career man is out fucking 20-something Stacey and has no interest in you.

Lmao yes I'm sure djikstra and knuth hit up all the parties.

>being animetard
How pathetic.

>SRS roastie
You could have just posted that in the OP and the rest of the thread would explain itself

>in an industry full of kissless old Virgins
I stopped reading right there. She works in a brothel or in google?

Mm I suppose most women haven't realized harsh realities that men faced when grinding out their life till they hit that age and the sacrifices they made to get there. Pretty fair point.

In the words of the dindu, "everyone wanna be a nigga, but nobody wanna be a nigga."

What is having free time and a home life?

Kek, even the plebbitors are spitroasting her alive

i for one am completely content being white, thanks
wouldnt want to be a nigga, nugguh, nigger, or any kind of degenerate

>he got a job I'm too stupid to do
>must be a neckbeard virgin xDD
Just when I thought women can't get any stupider

Well I'm a gook but, I'm just saying, in the words of. You can get the allegorical connotations without having to take the surface value of it.

What I think a lot of people don't understand with the assertion that men are ON AVERAGE more logically intelligent than women is that it's an average, some women are outliers and perform the same or better than the average man, just like how some men can do the same with emotional intelligence.

Sometimes I feel ashamed to share the same sex with these people because they can't understand basic fucking statistics.

do you think she purposely didn't mention turing because it would fuck her whole argumentation ?

Wonder if we mention to them that one friend that they have they know just gets ridiculously emotional and annoying they'll realize it.

I'd kill myself if I was in this "industry" and stuck in some liberal shit hole city doing it. These people are delusional.

What gets me the most is the whole durrhurrlogicvsemotions thing that comes bundled with those arguments. Even the lack of balance between the two is just begging for a disaster of some kind.

oh shit that's some top tier bait
w-wait it's actually a real account

Yes, because chad is lining up for programming pajeet jobs.

Take note of her posts on SRS, rest assured this is not bait

This desu

They're too deep in their own delusions, I doubt they can realise it lol

Oh, I meant only the slightly delusional normie types. For these types its uh...probably better to get therapy or something.

Lol Reddit is pure left wing cancer.

>Let the refugees in and watch as we innovate
>Let only females code and watch the industry boom

Well it's been 5 years and Google with it's poo in the loop CEO and leftist SJW workers and it has not improved one fucking bit. They have moved from 4 chat apps, a digital assistant, a page scanner, nothing is ever useful.

If I could switch to an alternative besides apple I would.

No basically 10% of Google's workforce the anti social male does 90% of the work while Stacy whines.

I worked as a male nurse. And I know how toxic women dominated communities are. Gossip, drama and vagina waving every day.

Later I switched to law, which is a fairly gender balanced profession and I never had any drama again.

Honestly, I don't know if she is right, but I do see her being rather discriminatory.

Those pasty-white, socially inept, inexperienced neckbeards are people too who have studied their fields to get into jobs they enjoy and she is basically telling them to get out because they haven't had sex with a girl.

What's that got to do with anything?

Nerds aren't necessarily that socially inept anyway. They usually operate in an entirely different community than women with different social rules. In IT it's the woman who's the outsider. But she doesn't even realize it.

Correct. For reasonable people with an iota of common sense, this point doesn't need to be spelled out.

But that's the crux of the issue, isn't it. The relevant groups seem to almost intentionally wage total war against common sense.

Wow, it's like the memo author didn't write a paragraph stating this.

The media has the most blame in this case, if not all the blame.
I have read articles which are almost completely on the fence about whether the memo is sexist or racist or not but the headline calls it a sexist memo.
They know, and we know, that a lot of people just read the headline and maybe a little summary of the article. It's a clear manipulation of peoples' opinions.

tl;dr translation:

> "I flopped my tits about and wriggled my ass and nobody gave me any special treatment. I was expected to know my shit and pull my own weight and nobody would do my work for me so I could get all the free monies. I don't understand why cutting edge tech industries don't hire more cunts just like me."
> The End.

Make a plebbit account and downvote.

I would but she has been roasted already.

Not worth lowering myself to making an account on reddit to post something she won't even read anymore. Better off just doxing her.

when will she get fired?

Probably has a male manager so if she got fired she would just play the sexist card and get lots of support.

Someone pls explain what SRS is. Thx

To use the language of SJWs against them... she's ableist against autistic people. She is bigoted, arguing for a discriminatory hiring policy, and really needs to check her fucking neurotypical privilege before spewing so much hate.

The media and the regressives can't seem to figure out that an explanation of something does not imply a justification of said thing. It's the same thing arguing about earnings between men and women. Makes me sick desu

Posting on an anime panties exchange hub. How sad

But i bet if the guy was a hunk well hung then she wouldn't have any shaming ammo, instead she would have called him dumb muscle gorilla. That post is just so sad.l, so many insults, what did the guy do kill babies ?? How do these people find a job it's insane, absolutely insane.

>>China is gaining ground
>>so is Europe
>implying all the chinks aren't just mindless drones
>implying majority of Finns aren't aspies

The best part is that she worked with some people/companies in China and Europe and has come to a conclusion that the kissless virgin stereotype IT worker doesn't exist there.
That's the very definition of a confirmation bias.
Does she have any idea how big the IT industry is in China?

>women can't rape men :^)


She's a troll, anons. Nothing to see here. You have all been baited.

Sup Forums btfo

Also she most likely worked with managers, sales and other similar roles where being a normie is encouraged.

Are women more emotionally intelligent? Seems like a sexist truism to me.

>thinking normies can use computers competently

I can never tell nowadays