Why does Sup Forums hate Slackware Linux?

Why does Sup Forums hate Slackware Linux?
>no system d
>oldest linux version
>simple to use
>works on my machine

because the thing i have installed already works ok? lemme alone

I'm not necessarily a fun of resolving dependencies myself my friend.

Debian is just one year younger than slackware and does all the things slackware doesn't.

>and does all the things slackware doesn't.
Such as?

>Why does Sup Forums hate Slackware Linux?
It does?
I mean, how can you hate Slack?
It's old-fashioned, it's true to it's roots and it's one of the few distros that has it's own personality (with movie quotes in shell, etc.).
I can agree that it's not for everybody but so as cars with manual gearboxes.

every linux fine yo

yep, I love my Chromebook!

Debian does what SlackWON'T.

Yeah. I don't understand how anyone can hate Slackware. Literally my first Linux and it is still around virtually still is the way I left it.
And the dependency hell, is not really that hellish once you use slackbuilds.

i have tried a few alienbob liveslack iso on usb sticks and none of them want to boot on my laptop and desktop... what the fuck is going on... do they require being burnt to a dvd or some shit

also i went to try devuan the other day and it was 16gb .... life really is suffering out of the debian sphere

Having no package management is a pretty big minus for any ganoo lyhnuks distro.

Because Void Linux is superior.

How do I into Slackware?

Its package manager doesn't have dependency resolution.

It was my first linux distro, too. I learned a lot. But sometimes you have to graduate.

>use slackbuilds
Slackware GNU+Linux+AlienBOB

It has a package manager and package management, it just doesn't have automatic dependency resolution.


You install it. Make sure to do a full install as the manual recommends.

There was a thread where an user described how great Slackware installer is because it gives a discription of every package that it's going to install. So the user made a Vbox install just to read info about packages.
There are lot of packages to read about, though. So it would be a good idea to make a snapshot of a VM state if you feel tired and come back to it when you ready to continue.
The big advantage of this method is that after you do the reading - you'll not only learn about every package on your system but learn about GNU/Linux system in general.
But of course, you can skip the reading and just install everything that comes with the distro, which is a lot (about 8 GB). This will make your head hurt less about missing dependencies cause you literally got all of them during instalation.

You forgot
>No dependency management


I'm going to install it on a ThinkPad, so I can just leave it plugged in if I need to take a break.

No community.
No documentation.
I mean, if you don't know what you're doing - you pretty much fucked.

>There was a thread where an user described how great Slackware installer is because it gives a discription of every package that it's going to install. So the user made a Vbox install just to read info about packages.
not the vbox user but, while a nice addition, the installer itself isn't too well designed

in the newbie installation mode, each package is prompted for directly before installation, in alphabetical order. if you just run the installer, you won't have any idea what packages you will be prompted to install. iirc, listed first there is some package that does a thing, then immediately after it there's a "package2" that does improved thing.

at least it could include some list of packages where you can just check the individual items available, and after you're done selecting the packages you want, collectively proceed to installation of everything selected.

even win9x's installer does this

because Sup Forums is 90% Sup Forumsermin and 10% newfags

Bunch of 15 year olds pretending to be "linux oldfags" as if even if they were, this would mean dick. Essentially never actually used and instead just pretended to be used by the pseudo crowd hailing from 2005 who thinks obscure linux distro street cred exists.

The occasional unironic user repeats shit like "all you need is on the CD", only a step above the previous type of poser in which they can't actually figure out how to install anything. A slightly less nauseating form of your typical BSD shit who just goes a quicker route of pretending that you don't need software at all, although they should just fuck off to the next level instead of "converting" ubuntu users and journalists, essentially waiting until after hours and peeing in the pool when nobody's looking.

Hosts know this is circlejerk shit so you haven't seen one offering VPSes for it, ever.

meme distro

0. Don't ever actually install slackware.
1. Go on ubuntu forums or other distro forums. (Don't go on slackware forums, this is pointless, as everyone else will be like you and doing the same thing)
2. Passingly always mention that you use slackware and go into every thread even where nobody gives a shit about you and try to bring the topic into a pseudo distro war so you can bring up pretending to use slackware.
3. If you see another slackware turd try to out-hipster him by making up some bullshit about how your install is shittier.
4. When you actually get someone interested, kill the conversation as quickly as possible. Like this:
>oh you use ubuntu. I use slackware, it's sooo much better.
>Oh really, why's that? This is my first distro so I really don't know what's out there
>Well it would take too long to explain, it *is* better but maybe it isn't right for you
5. Suck cock super fucking hard for 2-3 decades.
6. Get a call from your friend who is making some kind of money, guilt trip yourself and pull the trigger at 2am.

I use slackware

OP are you retarded ?, i dont hate slackware but wont use an outdated af distribution.