What do you think of Brave browser? Is it a good alternative to Chrome?
What do you think of Brave browser? Is it a good alternative to Chrome?
stop false-flagging
I'm actually curious asshole
>I'm curious
>not false-flagging to make it like there is a brave spam
stop this reddit
I want to switch from Chrome and want the best alternative
Fuck off if you wont contribute
think of it as chrome but with less functionality
Why are brave marketers targeting Sup Forums lately?
God fucking damn it go fuck yourself or answer my question
I wouldnt have come to Sup Forums if i knew you guys are such paranoid cunts. Youre almost as bad as the faggots who yell "slide thread" on pol
So switch and see for yourself, fucking kike. Why do you need the ramblings of a handful of autists do make simple decisions like trying out a different browser.
I use it on android
Fuck me for thinking that Sup Forums knows a bit more about software than me
Fuck shilling your shitty browser. We don't want your shitty adware browser.
chroumium clone with shit tier adblocker that allows acceptable ads
>t. Opera dev
Kill yourself jew.
OP here
Just downloaded Brave and imported my data from Chrome. Looks great aesthetically but what are these lagspikes im gettint every few seconds
>faggot here
No you're the jew you shilling piece of shit.
It's fucking unusable for me. Twitch videos stopping and reloading, not opening links, I saved some pictures and afterwards saw I can't even open them, etc. I tried, but this is utterly terrible.
t. Opera marketing team
Your shilling tactics don't work here, go back to the shithole you came from.
opera pls
nice shoop, is this the power of opera?
Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with chromium browsers?
They're all equally shit
Wait, there are internet browsers other than FireFox?
I could of sworn every other "browser" available is simply a proprietary network portal for clicking on ads. I mean, what other solution is the market going to come to with pay-per-click, conversions, and similar payment schemes?
>I'm too retarded to use a catalog
nothing wrong with ddg
Fuck you indeed.
I don't think I'll ever swap from firefox. She's been my girl since 2006.
>posted from Opera browser
Thank you for supporting globalism.
Thanks Vivaldi
just werks on android but only a handful of handpicked plugins for pc so it lacks that to be comfy
There's nothing wrong with globalism.
Stick with what works for you, nothing wrong with that.
Majority of browsers are just chromium skins desu
you seem very new. Judging by the exclusion of "/" from Sup Forums I can tell you're one of the newfags who flooded Sup Forums during the election. Read the sticky and you'll see that Sup Forums is not your personal tech support forum.
Wow. Brave is decent. I would use Firefox if it wasn't so cucked.
Go back there
this. too bad you can't customize the ad lists. it would be maybe decent then.
Desktop: waterfox
Mobile: Firefox nightly
Below is my dexie fuelled explanation:
So I used to use brave on my mobile and Vivaldi on my desktop. My main search engine was/is duckduckgo.
Up until recently when I did a clean install on my desktop. I had just installed Vivaldi. Went and took a dump, whilst taking said dump, I searched "why is op a Massive faggot." (I actually searched something else but it's beside the point) after i returned to my desktop, I launched Vivaldi and proceeded to type the same query into the search bar. And what do you know, "why is op a Massive faggot," came up in the suggested searches.
I believe it was due to both browsers being chromium based, could have also been the fact I use an Android phone. All I know is, since switching to waterfox and FF nightly I havn't noticed any thing of the likes.
I get screen tearing on it when it plays videos. It's still shit on desktop and only good on android. Firefox nightly is a better alternative.
It uses AdBlock instead of uBlock origin. Adblock is a lot shittier and runs much worse the more filters you add. In fact it made Brave open twice as slow and navigate twice as slow with only half the filters I'd normally use on uBlock Origin. Until they migrate from ABP to uBO I'm not even gonna consider using it on desktop.
You got him, and revealed yourself in the process. Kill you're self.
what happened to open sourced browsers, not enough incentives to keep it going?
Firefox (and it's forks), Brave, Chromium and Iridium are open source. What are you talking about?
Reminder to hide and report all shill threads created by Brave marketers.
It's literally adware
no plugins
It's not. But it has problems like no uBlockO. Definitely shit on desktop.
firefox runs like utter shite on mobile. damn shame. can't stand mobile browser limitations.
>No Mouse Gestures
I would rather die than browse without Mouse Gestures
>extremely poor security
Good goy, please use Brave, so you will have been thieved. :^)
It's a trashy botnet, just like chromium and all derivatives.
Use Firefox nightly instead.
All Chromium browsers are shit and I can't fathom why people enjoy sucking dick.
Brave based off Chromium and has absolute shit plugin/customize support. If you want to be their free guinea pig to improve their coding be my guest.
I won't use it simply because they refuse to add ublock and noscript because "they're adding similar features in the future"
I use Waterfox only because Palemoon community is full of pretentious faggots.
Opera is chink shit.
>being this autistic
I tried it last night and it was laggy as fuck.
I tried Waterfox instead and got much better results.
Add ons, some of us can't live without Lastpass
I've been using it for about 2 months now with zero complaints. Great software, thanks whoever here recommended it.
Relatively new to android and initially I didn't want to use Chrome for obvious reasons. Installed Firefox but it just didn't function well enough. It had uBlock but web pages wouldn't function properly and it was slow and occasionally crashed. It was like a trip back to 2012 when smartphone were already popular but still far from equivalent to desktop browsing.
I switched to Chrome and it was a huge improvement. Random videos played, interactive functionalities worked etc. But there were ads everywhere.
Brave is the best of two worlds. Unless an update changes something drastically I don't see myself even needing to try another browser in the near future.
I hate the idea of ad replacements or adblocks accepting money to whitelist certain ads, but have to say I haven't seen a single ad (replaced or not) since I started using it.
Name ONE functionality chrome has not found in Brave. For real though, because I haven't noticed anything missing.
Thank you user for your gr8 recommendation of Brave® browser. Thanks to your genuine and unpaid glowing review I have made sure to install Brave® browser on all my devices as well as those of all my family members. Brave® browser truly is the browser to beat, the competition just can't stack up.
Brave® browser is the browser you need!™
You think I could get paid for this? Where do I sign up?
Nightly seems to run fine recently.
I admit I haven't used it in over a month, but I have a hard time believing all this
>Installed Firefox but it just didn't function well enough. It had uBlock but web pages wouldn't function properly and it was slow and occasionally crashed. It was like a trip back to 2012 when smartphone were already popular but still far from equivalent to desktop browsing.
>I switched to Chrome and it was a huge improvement. Random videos played, interactive functionalities worked etc. But there were ads everywhere.
has changed in under 2 months.
As long as you sticked with very basic text based websites it was totally fine. But embedded videos, interactive elements etc. caused it to shit the bed immediately. The last straw was how the "Choose File" button on Sup Forums stopped working. I uninstalled it and reinstalled it with no change.
>browsing Sup Forums on a browser instead of Clover
Why? Dedicated apps will always outperform browsers.
>in 2017
>0 arguments
Well you make an excellent case!
It's faster, more mobile intuitive and has no ads.
Tried it recently. I think it's pretty nice.
Needs some plugins though.
I've been using it for two days. Just basic browsing thus far, but I like it.
I also tried out Firefox a few months ago and found it to be trash.
I tried it again with the release of 57, and it's improved greatly.
The load times and scrolling performance are both still worse than chrome, but using the browser is bearable now. Combine the better performance with ublock origin and the fact that it's FOSS, and I have no issues using it now.
Firefox sync is also nice to have.
I tried two Sup Forums apps on the play store and both were worse than just using a browser. Didn't try clover though. Do I need to install F-droid to install it? I read the web pages and know what they say, I'm just asking what the situation is in practice. The site claims it's "less secure" unless I install the entire F-droid repository.
>no ads
Neither does brave browser though.
Because everyone is finally sick of jewggle you retard
Don't use clover, go with dashchan. Clover is shovelware people keep shilling.
Why do we see this exact same thread multiple times per day? Same image, same text. I usually don't believe that people are paid to shill on Sup Forums but this is looking pretty blatant.
Just use clover like everyone else.
You don't need to get it from fdroid.
t. dashchan dev
Thanks I guess I'll try both. Though the site works great with Brave™ Browser with it's fun for the whole family set of features!
No but seriously only trouble is having to check tabs to see if there are new replies. Webms etc. work fine. I don't know if enabling auto-update would help, haven't actually tried it on mobile even though I've used it on PC forever.
Download the app from fdroid site. You don't need fdroid.