Best linux distro for general use?
Linux Distros
Other urls found in this thread:
noob tier: Mint
decent tier: Fedora, Ubuntu
advanced tier: Debian, Arch
install gento
For an average user there's literally no reason to use anything other than Ubuntu - it has tons of support, documentation and large community.
There should be in the sticky
>I want to use linux, what distro is the best for new users?
and then we can avoid this threads
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gpg --verify CloverOS-x86_64-20170801.iso.asc CloverOS-x86_64-20170801.iso
>I believe what a bunch of ppl on Sup Forums tell me
t mintcuck brainlet
Whats the best distro without systemd?
Windows 10
Unironically Gentoo with OpenRC.
What is a general use?
Most "complete" distro:
openSUSE (great but not without its quirks. YAST is great. I love console as much as the next guy but there is something very convinient in having a GUI for most of system tweaks).
Most "just werks" distro:
Mint (base Ubuntu LTS + a lot of built in packages for any occasion. Easy to install non-free software. Comes with a lot of outdated packages - not like Debian outdated but still).
Most "I wanna learn Linux and I also have a lot of free time" distro:
Slackware (installation process where you can read about which packages does what and easily create a system with only thoose packages that you need. Default package manger makes you learn dependencies for every package and installvthem manually).
Ya, guess I'm not smart enough to use trivially technical distros that boost performance .001%
Slackware is an excellent distro but it takes some getting used to. Documentation is really good though and very useful even if you don't use Slackware. It would be a nightmare to use though, if it weren't for slackbuilds,org.
Using any distro that lacks a proper package manager is a nightmare.
That's why is so good.
I just use ubuntu since it's easier to install than windows imo and free.
Ubuntu if you have no clue what you are doing, Debian if you have.
Are you gonna try to tell me I should start coding in vim too? Slackbuilds is a learning curve, outdated, limited, diy wasteland. I'll stick with apt.
You can install an use to use package manager and get quite a nice distro without Systemd (if you have a good reason not to like it). I believe that Salix comes with slapt-get pre-installed.
Nah, just trolling you, buddy. It's openSUSE actually
it's not about performance, mint is convenient but less safe
Slapt-get hasn't been updated in 3 years, and I could care less about SystemMeme.
Actually, you don't even have to use slackbuilds because you can easily convert any rpm package to install in Slackware (still have to know what dependencies it has).
Yay dependency tracking, so fun. Why even bother with apt?
For a systemd-free binary distro with proper package management just use Void. If you don't care about binaries, use Gentoo.
Or just use Ubuntu or Fedora like a normal person, and not worry about googling your way out of issues.
openSUSE - most professional and well documented
Fedora (or it's spins) - bleeding edge
Ubuntu (or it's flavours) - gayming
ZorinOS / Lite - I'm a winfag
I do use Fedora on my main workstation (it just werkz).
I'm just saying that if you really wanted to get rid of systemd (Linux is all about choice, after all), then Void is a good option.
>well documented
OpenSUSE is well documented? That's not my experience and the people on the channel on freenode weren't particularly helpful either.
>openSUSE - most professional
>well documented
Also, Tumbleweed is bleeding edge too. Not only Fedora
It is certainly a learning process and not a bad one at that. There is something comfy in manually installing everything. But It is certainly not for everybody.
Documentation is actually one of the weakest points of openSUSE. They are actively rewriting everything lately. You can help if you have found a solution for your problem.
The one I use.
What do i want for gaming
*buntu or anything based on it.
If you are using GOG - then it doesn't matter. You run the script that they give to you and install a game in any folder that you like (just like Windows). If you want Steam than why would you want to use Linux in the first place? It's botnet and just a bad anti consumer service...but ethics aside - you better stick with Ubuntu or Solus.
>the best
I don't think there is objectively the best distro for general use for everyone, depends on the user
that said, I like Debian and openSUSE
Ubuntu via WSL on Windows 10.
Just use Debian stable.
retard your picture is irrelevant
gentoo uses non-free software
Sup Forums is so smart wow
yea faggot.. but if you don't ACCEPT_LICENSE="-* @FREE" what happens?
that shit recommends nonfree software
so fuck off
that's wrong sweetie
no, sweetie it's not..
you should read more
Have you gone to the toilet yet?
>Best linux distro for *
It's always Debian. You might disagree, but you would be wrong.
the best is Devuan
outdated packages. Gotta use backports to use software from this decade. Ok for server
just useless
Passive testing of packages? Are we still in the 2008?
Debian is a very influential distro but right know it feels very stale (coming from a Slackware user).
Manjaro linux has been working out fine for me. Much better than ubuntu.
The New "Standard Linux Machine"
Pro tip: "It's more Devuan than Devuan."
gentoo if you're neet, void if you have a job
OpenSUSE is probably the sane choice.
Install Gentoo
wew, every sentence is this post is either not an argument or false. Congrats.
Now that OP's question has been sorted out, What's the best lightweight gnu/linux distro suitable for daily use?
any lightweight ubuntu based distro with a wm of your choice.
Debian testing or antergos
Gentoo, arch, or void.
Alright then what should I read?
Provide me with evidence. I'm going to do my own research as well and see what I come up with.
Same user here
>you're not necessarily wrong. But, it is something you can turn off and it is now disabled by default.
>you could always find a version that cuts out the spyware
Ubuntu LTS or OpenSUSE Tumbleweed.
What does sytemem do and why is it a spyware and how to disable with lubuntu?
> Debian with NSA/systemd