Is it possible for computers sub-netbook size to come back into popularity? Would you get one? pic related of course

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As cool as I think they are, I probably wouldn't get one. I have a smartphone for something pocket-sized. And I have a laptop for stuff my phone can't do. This would not really fill a niche for me, especially considering it would probably cost as much as my laptop.

gpd made one. I think its actually a bit smaller than the vaio p too(7" screen, but still 16:9, instead of that weird 21:10 or whatever the p had)

I'd much rather have one than a tablet, which is what normiees seem to have moved towards. The PC i use the most now-a-days is a 10" netbook.

Does the Pyra count? I'm waiting on that thing so I can have something pocketable that doesn't use the disgusting shitshow known as android.

I would have to have a good reason to get one instead of a dedicated keyboard for my phone running CopperheadOS.

As it is, I would much prefer something like the X1 Carbon.

I'd rather have a phone that fits in my pocket and a good portable keyboard that I can fit in my other pocket.

No, in fact I'm doing the opposite. Because slim bezel laptops are becoming available I'm looking into getting a 15.6" laptop that's got the footprint of a 14" one.

Literally just get a tablet with a keyboard screen cover.

ARM64, RISC-V, and MIPS64 will bring forth a new age of UMPC and embedded computing.(routers, phones, servers, ect)

Risc is my personal fav because of lack of royalties and licenses.

ARM64 sure. RISCV and MIPS64? No fucking way.

Yes but we need raven ridge APUs for that. intel is currently the main reason why UMPCs are absolute garbage.

You do realize x86 processors are a requirement for UMPCs, right?

I wish MS would come out with a Surface mini version (ipad mini size). I could live with much less power, but that size would be perfect.

Yeah, but the GPD ones are more than the cost of a cheap Alienware computer. Things like the EEE PC were like, cheap.

I would get one if it was

>more powerful than netbooks
>not as thick as that fucking thing that keeps getting shilled that replaced the pandora

Then what term would you use for the same level of performance, capacity, and mobility, without the brain-dead ancient back-compat that only its parents could love?

Nothing especially if you plan to do more than play angry birds on it.

Literally laptops for manlet twinks.

for sure, but the GPD is more a proof of concept that people are still willing to buy small conventional laptops. Prior to that it was just shitty 10" hybrid tablets.

Funny enough, as much as i love the GPD formfactor(but i hate the keyboard) id rather buy the 10" hybrid BS since they're both running the same processors, and the 10" one is probably $300usd retail, albeit with shittier build quality.

If GPD made a plastic one(or whatever the fuck thinkpads are made out of) and charged maybe 10% over cost, they'd make a killing... Assuming that runs around $200usd, since Asus is charging $300 with way more than 10% profit and probably 50x more in advertising and PR.

Then your requirement is meaningless and can be ignored as such.
>tfw no novena

whats wrong with that? Guys like us need to use computers too...

True. It shows untapped demand.


Absolutely, especially if they had decent specs (decent as in i3 processor, 4 gigs ram, and like 200 gigs hard drive)

The clicky buttons the everyone raved about, mixed with the shape of the thing, make my hands hurt. Also, it doesn't catch the wifi at school so it was pretty useless there

11e has a CoreM, 8gb of ram and a 256gb SSD. Its built like a tank too. Those bezels tho... If lenovo worked on shrinking it down to a 8" display(use one from a tablet) Id be sold in a heartbeat.

I have a 11e right now, and i'm happy with it except the bezels.

The GPD Pocket is a thing that exists, you know. ~$500 USD or so, kind of awkward keyboard layout.

oh god no

I'm still upset about the nub placement. So awful.

I wonder from a simple usability and longevity pov whats more worth it, a gpd pocket for $500+ or something old like a libretto for 200.

None of the reviews I skimmed seemed to have any issues with the nub, just the keyboard layout.

Iv seen a few that mention it. It should have copied the T21 keyboard layout and moved the trackpoint between the ghb keys.

But yeah, the bigger issue is the wacky keyboard. You can adjust to the trackpoint, but the keyboard is too out of spec to be transitioned to if you're using a regular keyboard as well.

I think most reviewers used it with two hands (right hand on the nub, left hand ready to left click), but that would drive me crazy as I loved to use my trackpoint with one hand.

UMPCs are too small to handle well with GUIs, and I'm sure as fuck not going to pay out the ass on kikestarter for some piece of unprofessional chink GPD shit with a TTY since that's what I'd get. The days of the HP LX series palmtops are never going to return, unfortunately.

What I'd rather see is smartphones attack that niche further and start feeling like real computers again as Winmo and company once did, with officially supported keyboard cases, shortcuts and all the shit I just find lacking when I really just wish I could set my phone down on a desk and type away at it.

I can definitely tell you that the Libretto keyboard is not exactly a picnic to type on either. There are several 10" or 11" computers with decent keyboards at least. The Thinkpad X120e is good for that if lousy at everything else, and the Dell and Asus netbooks for schools are at least OK.

What did you expect when you purchased this? Does it in anyway live up to those expectation? Everything I've read about it suggests it's for old school games and putting in draws to gather dust

That's overpriced as fuck

Anyone know anything about psixpda?

If some big manufacturer makes some again, like Asus did with Eees, clearly I would. I'm not much into obscure Kickstarters with overpriced shit.

An Eee at the time was under $200 and that's just the perfect price point.

The Original eeePC was $499 when it came out.
So both of the GPDs are actually pretty reasonably priced, well below the price of flagship phones that Sup Forums have absolutely no problem buying.
I'll personally wait until a bigger company has another go at UMPCs since GPD is having a trackrecord of unreliability at the moment.

I reckon Asus would be the one to try first, they are the only ones that still sells all sorts of laptops and tablets in gimmicky form factors like the Transformer.

only a meme machine to take notes on the go

>The Original eeePC was $499 when it came out.
And it didn't catch up until the price dropped HARD, which shows just what the correct price point is. 4G was $500, 2G was $300, and then it dropped each day of the week until it cost no more than $150 after a few months, because resellers were inflating the price like mad men, as they wanted it to sell as high as any other laptop. Kinda like you get $70 Rpis these days.

Sub $200 is the only way a tiny laptop would sell. That's the price point for cheap tablets already, and any

why do architecture bikeshedders always live in the past? do you realize the '90s are over, x86 has evolved past the 286 and the majority of those shitty RISCs you worship are 30+ years old now and haven't been relevant on the desktop for half of it?

but yeah, if it's not PC-compatible, it's not a UMPC, the point is being able to run all of your desktop winshit programs on a tiny handheld device

>Windows 10

>relevant on the desktop
>while the desktop becomes irrelevant
>implying that architectures rust out
>muh innovation
>muh needing to buy new shit all the time is the whole of my identity hurrdurr
WIRED Magazine, everyone.
Well, alright, then. To the degree x86 is still relevant, which, as always, doesn't go far beyond proprietary legacy software, RISC architectures won't power UMPCs.
For people who need
>only a meme machine to take notes on the go
and want the Intel Architecture to die in a trash fire already, if only to make life harder for malware authors, what sort of pocketable machine is there with a decent keyboard, a not-bad screen, 2GB of RAM, and a processor sufficient to run LibreOffice?

>current UMPCs like GPD suck because they can run GUIs together with many other human interface types, but I'd just get one that has me limited to a CLI from the start

what's it like over there in de Nile
I ask because I hope the weather is hot as fuck and is giving yo heatstroke in order to excuse you saying dumb shit

The chinks killed any chance of that happening with all the cheap win tablets also windows ARM edition is around the corner so that means even more tablets.
Basically if you want something for browsing use a phone or a tablet if you need a keyboard go with a 12" notebook

If my financial situation was better, I would definitely get one of these

I don't expect I'd really end up using it all that much though

It might be popular again with Intel Gemini Lake SoC launch

I figured that it'd be like a raspberry pi that you didn't have to worry about plugging in to a power source/tv. Pretty much is. The os already came set up, but I don't think you were able to change it (at least at the time I got it). Even though it comes with a nice gui, it's probably easier to just use the terminal. And there were only like two web browsers, which sucked due to the tiny screen.

I originally got it to try and run emulators on it. I think I got the NES and GBA ones running, except it's hard to play with the actual keyboard. Now it sits under my coffee table.

All the game talk was because they bundled the chip with a pico 8 license, but I never really got time to play around with it. Supposedly, there are a bunch of projects on the site, but it seems to involve shelling out big money for hipster toys.

Pretty much all of what I use my laptop (a 10 year old viao I was given) for is command line. I'd love to trade it in for a netbook or UMPC, but my biggest demand would be that it doesn't have fans because that ruins the comfy.

I'm posting from one right now OP.

Just got it today, paid around 590 AUD from geek buying, happy to answer any questions.

So far it's been a pretty fun little machine.

The keyboard layout does take some getting used to, mainly due to some of the keys being offset.

The caps lock key being close to the A key is actually a non issue, haven't tapped it accidentally once. Used autohotkey to swap the delete and backspace so it's gtg.

The nub is ok if you use your middle finger to navigate, index for left click and ring for left. Will probably use a mouse if I'm doing anything serious.

While I bought it as novelty I will probably seriously use this for the compact form factor but with infinitely better multitasking than a tablet/phone.

>590 AUD

How many usbs?
Does it have sd card slots?
Does it boot from USB?
Have you tried Linux?

They keep making them with keyboards that are too small but unusable. Why can't they just take the keyboard from a 13" laptop but remove all the empty space around it, and attach a smaller screen according to the keyboard size?

Yeah it's not a good deal by any means, but what else do I spend my money on with Sydney property prices being what they are.

Still not the most expensive technology related novelty item I have bought (which would be pic related).

1x usb-c, 1x usb-A
I don't see why not
No, supposedly fresh is installs are a pain in the arse in this thing. You can buy a Linux version.

Get a 10" chromebook and put GalliumOS on it instead.

I just want a comfy portable machine to take to work to play diablo and age of empires on win 95; is this too much to ask?

not sure, I had 7inch in past and it was pain to use but then I had 10inch from Asus and it was ok to use

That bezels hurts to look but I'm sure that lasts long. How is it treating ya? How long have been using it for?

Can you use it like a media player? Like playing some music and then closing the lid and still the music is playing?

Casuals will just use a tablet.

People who need an actual computer will just use their PC or laptop.

I use my old Google Nexus 7 for web browsing and youtube.

I have an acer aspire one netbook with linux on but its too small for all but the most very basic of development.

Closing the lid puts the device to sleep, so no.

Buy an acer ZG5.

>no Windows 7 support


Current gen UMPCs:

GPD Pocket
Homebrew 3DS XL (?)

Next up: Planet Computers (led by makers of the Psion 5/7) blows them all out of the water with pic related

I would get an umpc. Currently I hate doing anything productive on my smartphone. They just suck for everything that isnt media consumption and taking pictures, from my experience.

God damn i Hate smartphones.

This looks awesome. Should I back it Sup Forums?

Looks good but for me, I'd like some flexibility in which OS to run on the device. Seem like it's running some version of Android but if they have it locked down, you're shit out of luck for updates.

>Designed for Android, it also features a dual boot Linux option.

Just change the settings, I can see it runs Windows.

It can apparently also run linux.

For what fucking purpose, you dumb cunt?
x86 atoms are shit. ARMs are the future.
And if we mention ARMs we should also mention smartphones and tablets.

You don't need physical keyboard in a small device just to shitpost, play gaymes and watch porn.
Deal with it.


>You don't need physical keyboard in a small device just to shitpost, play gaymes and watch porn.
The point is to have an actual computer to do shit with, not another useless porn rectangle.
Netbooks used to be fun, you could install a decent Linux distro to replace Windows 7 Starter, maybe put Office in Wine, and you had a full fledged machine that was no trouble to carry anywhere.

what kind of shit?
ELABORATE. Coding? on such shitty small keyboard?
What kind of shit you're talking about?

There's a 9 inch Toshiba convertible that could do a job. Definitely not as comfy as a true UMPC though

Is this a meme or nah??

>>x86 atoms are shit. ARMs are the future.
Having spent some of my day looking at custom ROMs for android phones, and learning that one year-old model of phone needs a variant of Linux 3.10 because the ARM ecosystem is full of custom, half-baked, proprietary hardware and drivers, which is why every device needs its own custom-rolled OS image, I want no part of an ARM future.

I'd buy that pocket thing if it wasn't 500 dollars. I can build my own for that.

Gonna put this here

I like the form factor, but is that thing really worth $569?