Why do apple ios devices have glass screens? they crack a lot and its getting expensive for me to keep repairing them...

why do apple ios devices have glass screens? they crack a lot and its getting expensive for me to keep repairing them. are there any 8-9 inch android tablets with non glass screens and retina display resolutions?

Do I keep my current knowledge if I restart at 10?

Stop dropping your phone, retard.

Red. Fuck that blue shit.

Also how would a non glass screen work?

>they crack a lot and its getting expensive for me to keep repairing them.
That's how capitalism works you mong

>implying you have any knowledge

I would take the blue pill.

>take red
>invest to become billionaire
>fund anti aging research

This would be your best bet.

>blue pill
>invent facebook
>invest in apple
>wager known soccer matches

aka restart your life at age 10 and become a billionaire at 18

give me a cyanide pill instead

Absolutely red, 45 is the prime age of a man. It is also the best age to fuck all kinds of chicks.

well desktop LCD screens do not have glass covers?

>all of them turn out negative just because you invested into them


to fuck prostitutes you mean

Blue if I get to be the little girl.

Otherwise, take the blue pill and save it until I'm on my deathbed. That'll give me a much better chance of living until we invent immortality.

prostitutes == chicks

Motorola (iirc) had a phone with a screen they marketed as indestructible. In reality it was soft and flexible so it wouldn't crack but that also made it easy to scratch. The Motorola one was replaceable though. I don't see a company like Apple doing that because they'd rather you break it and let them fix it than make it easy to scratch.

If this the blue pill

Not because I'm so wise today, simply because there are mistakes that now I'm too old to fix or simply it isn't possible.

I don't even need everything I know today, just some self-awareness to not repeat the same mistakes, like not studying when I had all the time in the world and choosing the wrong career, to mention something. There are some other stuff of course but nothing cheap like winning the lottery.

If I'm exactly the same nothing will change and because my life was shit, it would be pointless, in that case I take the red pill of course.

50 million buys the good sort of prostitutes

No, fuck real girls. You won't believe how many girls get turned on by ripped, wise, rich old men.
If you're an alpha then it won't be a problem to date girls who are half your age.

I'll take both so that I'll jump to age 27 with $50 million in the bank.

Fucking this.
Kill me.

more like 25 mil. you have 0 dollars at age ten so you gotta average it

do you feel attracted to old women regardless of how rich they are?

I don't, attraction is biology my man

if you're old and rich you will only attract prostitutes and gold diggers UNLESS you look like brad pitt, which I doubt

Men age much better than women and 45 is pretty good age, most men who live healthy lifestyles look very good at that age. And yes there is plenty of men who are into older women as well.

holy shit you got some shit to learn dog. you must be 18 or some shit

So, a red-pilled George Soros?

Really? most 33+ men I know are bald/balding with wrinkles, droopy eyes and some gray disgusting hair

that image didn't imply you lived a healthy life all your life
nice... uh... arguments

Does the blue pill also take you back in time or do you start over today at 10

My dad was really into the stock market when I was a kid, if it's a time machine scenario the choice is obvious

>nice... uh... arguments
no point in me telling you the actual reality of the things. you won't believe me. you'll have to wait until you experience them first hand before you will accept.

you're a sad guy, keep telling yourself that things are gonna get better tho, that women will trade young hot Chad for you because you're an... old man with money? kek

how far can delusion go?

always sad to see this coping

of fuck yes im picking blue, i could go back and fix my autism.

Soros himself is extremely redpilled and knows exactly what is going on. He's just working things to his advantage.

>Really? most 33+ men I know are bald/balding with wrinkles, droopy eyes and some gray disgusting hair
I don't see where you are going with this argument. But these people clearly let themselves go. I also see plenty of old men who are in shape and look very good.

that women don't feel attracted to these people?

that if they fuck them is our of interest?

none of the things you're assuming are what i believe.

>take blue
>mine bitcoin in 2010
>invest to become billionaire
>fund anti aging research

if you invested in that much bitcoin back then, you would have bankrupt bitcoin

At this point you are starting to sound like a femanon. Listen girl, not everyone wants to be "wild" with Chad. Some girls are actually looking for stability, and there is nothing more stable than a rich, strong, and wise man. Why is this concept so difficult to comprehend? Are you American?

>be 10 in 2010
>its 2017

get the fuck out underage fag.

look at galaxy active phones, or moto Z force phones. They have hard plastic screens that scratch with a light breeze, but you can literally use the screen as a hammer and it won't shatter.






I have so much to change and revise. God fucking dammit, I have no idea how come I have managed to do the wrong stuff at so many critical points every so often.

Specifically one lying at a very early stage of my decision-influenced periods of my life.


She said "user, you know, normally, people who hold hands are lovers", and I remained all silent. I am 24 now and this shit happened when I was 14, haunting me at every stage of my life.


Blue one please.

>a girl on Sup Forums

why would you possibly think that? kek, oh you were being ironic

anyway yeah they want stability, but there's another word for this, being a betacuck

this does not mean she's sexually attracted to you, hence a mere prostitute

And yeah, we were holding hands every now and then for like a month back then. I am not even in love with her anymore like before, I just think that this would be a great step up in my life.

I have been in love with her for 5 years, and what could ever go bad with just stepping up back then? I would either be with my goddess, or I would not be stuck with her in my mind for 5 fucking years.

blue pill because bitcoins, red pill is silly

>take red pill
>become 3 years younger with 50 mil
Um, that one.

Also, to actually answer OP, shitphones are shit. Don't use them. Any of them.

>being a betacuck
Beta and Alpha isn't determined by the amount of vaginas you penetrated. It is determined by so many factors. Hence why in one of my previous posts I said that you need to be an alpha to pull it off if you're old. Otherwise she will be in it for the money and you will be JUSTED.

Blue, so I can get molested by my science teacher again

>50 million in the bank
>in the bank

I like old women

I know this might sound like bait but I legitimately lost my virginity at 14 to my fucking 29 year old teacher. She was seriously into young boys and we developed a close relationship over the course of my time at middle school. AMA

Me except I would be the one molesting.

plus get a case or don't be fucking retard on dropping them

Depends when in 2010.

>Blue pill
>Buy/sell Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Google, Intel and AMD stock at the right times on margin.
>Invest heavily into oil and defense.
>Mine Bitcoin.
>Mine Etherium.
If you go back to 2000 and do these things and you don't have 50 million today then you're retarded.

Obviously Blue if I know I should invest in amd/google/facebook and buy bitcoin.

p-pls more on this

Take the blue pill and kill myself before everything goes wrong :)

I will just leave some comics here so you can think about it

Id restart at 10. Boy did i fuck up later in life, 35 and it still stings.
As for you OP, stop treating your expensive devices like a retard treats his dinner.

Fuck studying, I would just buy a shitload of bitcoin, while avoiding Mt Gox.

these are very creative, who makes these?

