If napster were written as open source, no authors attached to the software, just released into the wild with no way of knowing who wrote it (and therefore no one to hold accountable), how would have copyright law evolved then?
who could Dre and Lars sue?
If napster were written as open source, no authors attached to the software...
if we assume no central index server is needed/used, then we likely would have an entirely different internet today.
Since there is no one entity to take blame, and since governments cant arrest the entire userbase, i would think it likely all of media would go apeshit, lobby the mortal fuck out of congress, and all filesharing would be banned entirely.
or congress would force all internet users to install a root certificate issued by their ISP in order to use the internet. such a certificate would log every byte transferred by the user.
Probably the same thing that happened to emule and kedmlia.
what happened to them
i thought it died due to low use/age
most people just moved to more reliable torrents or just made the switch entirely to streaming service.
The centralized tracker which made it useful would have been targeted, the same as public-over-internet Direct Connect and Hotline clusters were.
If it went full mesh networking, it would have failed miserably, as the average user's machine of a Pentium connected over dialup simply isn't up to that. A successor would have made it functional by adding centralized trackers, and the group which developed and operated those trackers would have been targeted with the same results.
Emule didn't use torrents dumbass
Emule is still alive and has an active community
>Emule is still alive
but why?
other than the acquisition of Content Protected under law, what use is there when you have torrents and usenet?
>but why?
Chinks, who also maintain mods and forks.
emule has distrubuted search built-in unlike torrents or usenet
nothing. they still exist and are used. but they're kind of scene and not really comparable to contemporary p2p solutions.
also, I have no idea what I meant by kedmlia. I think I meant to say the kad network, but my mind trailed off.
amule and kad is probably the most actively used and reliable protocol of all of the services popularly used on top of i2p. also, neither streaming and BitTorrent are similar enough that you could, unless you were ignorant, compare them to emule.
What use is there for torrents when you have emule and usenet?
What use is there for usenet when you have torrents and emule?
The more the merrier.
Emule is utterly superior to torrents, but normie's like torrents cause they have easy little http links to click, hence why its popular today. Torrents are like soda cans, and after they are used up, they litter the internet as fucking dead links. Disgusting!
all those zero seeders
Why has eMule/eDonkey never caught on except China (until recently)? Technological limitations compared to torrent.
I remember using Kazaa, Limewire, Bearshare and then DC++
I think the main problem was the speeds. Torrents relied on seeds of course, but my downloads were at least 10 times faster than any of the other networks.
it has caught on.
its just not mainstream caught on
casuals if a casual cant figure it out inside of 5 minutes, then they dont use it. hence why torrents are so popular.
>install client
>find tracker
>click link
eMule requires a few more steps, and even more if you get low id issues (usually needing to forward ports which nearly all casuals have zero clue on how to do right)
>Why has eMule/eDonkey never caught on except China (until recently)?
Because it relied on a credit system that penalized clients who didn't upload.
Because of lowid.
Because torrent came out and it was infinitely better.
Which is the current emule client to use?
And is Kad the same as eDonkey?