Be Brave

Be Brave

(furrie moon and Cuckfox suck)

Other urls found in this thread:

I've never heard of any of these three, are those news readers?

Pale moon went from this

To this

Literally nothing wrong with palememe. Grow up and stop using ad hominems


someone is getting paid to shill for brave here. this isn't normal Sup Forums behavior

nothing is normal about Sup Forums behavior

you have to go back to r/Sup Forums

>fresh install
>takes 15 seconds to load with 50% CPU load until it starts and immediately uses 1.3GB with no sites open
>forces GPU into low 3d profile instead of staying on 2D despite having hardware acceleration set to OFF
Right... Maybe it will be usable in a year.

Fuck off with your adware.

Lagging and freezing piece of buggy trash tbqh

>doesnt know how that works

Sup Forums must be full of ((((them)))) if they attack Brave and shill for Firefox and cuckware alike.

>Google Chrome is botnet, and recently fired white male for having different opinion
>Firefox is shit, changing extensions, and is also SJWfox and creating a "truth initiative"
>Brave made by co-founder of Mozilla, builds adblock natively (this is becoming the new trend), tries to innovate by answering question of what to do when everybody adblocks by sharing ad revenue for voluntarily looking at ads.

If Firefox 57+ is shit, I wouldn't be surprised in 2 years Sup Forums only recommending Brave.

g is mostly mexican neets who can't afford anything so they turn to linux and a lifetime of shitposting

you shills are intolerable
fuck off

Two woke Sup Forumsentlemen right there

>the current state of Firefox

Isn't this based on Chromium? Can I only use the built in extensions?

Brave: A browser with the stated goal of providing an alternative to the widely adopted system of providing free content to end users supported by advertising revenue

No thanks


I don't get this 8gag "meme"

what the fuck is it supposed to represent, and how the hell do I read it

>trying to fix the ad industry is a bad thing
hmmm i wonder which google sjw is behind this


>Have to connect to Amazon's servers to get the .deb
Into the trash it goes

If internets ads dont work, they dont work. Are you going to save them? Why would you try?

I see no problem with this.

Furfags generally make good shit because of their creative autism.
Iridium is still the objective goat though.

Did you just assume my browser?!
Fucking shills

The jewish conspiracy, led by jewgle, to keep the goyim down.

Hello Firefox Facebook-Team

It's Sup Forums, they're suddenly realizing "oh shit I shouldn't use Chrome damn SJWs!" and this is what they're gravitating towards because it's basically just a shittier version of Chrome with conservative dude at the helm.

I have absolutely nothing against Brave and hope to see it improve as it's still a very young browser, but it is annoying yeah.

it represents the hard working white male, people who use it are mostly literal communists(by their own definition)

>trying to meme a shit browser thats based entirely on advertising
Gonna go ahead and add Brave to my filters now

this is exactly what is happening, Sup Forums is finally coming around to hating google. And with so many people ditching Firefox due to the add-on changes, lots of people are turning to brave because it's made by a known name.

>shilling a browser on Sup Forums that you can't run Sup Forums X on

>they're meming
>I gotta meme to counter it!
>fuckyeah memes!
t. u

Sup Forums x? What the hell are you talking.
You must be a literal faggot if you cant visit Sup Forums with Brave

I've been trying it out today, I have ten brave background processes right now for some reason, and it's not a process for each tab


tampermonkey doesnt work in brave?

>doesnt know what 4chanX is
shill whose never browsed Sup Forums before detected

The JIDF has come to help Firefox as it seems

Then you, user, are the problem.

Has to be someone :3

wait a minute. you can earn sheckles using this browser?

It's still in beta but that's the idea yeah.

and they promise privacy? I'm convinced. Switching.

>no extension support on chromium
>not even userscript support

Sup Forums x tracks your posts

I'd probably wait until 2018 when they got the extension situation sorted out and everything isn't in beta.
But so far it's great.

>>no extension support on chromium

The fuck is wrong with you Sup Forums? shilling an unfinished browser that doesnt support extensions

Desktop Brave has a while to go, mobile Brave is hands down the best mobile browser.

That's because mobile browsers don't need any features because of the limited UI.

Shit fucking sucks


Does it? How? that'd be very easy to turn off regardless as it's only a single javascript file.

I like Brave for phones because it's literally Chromium + Adblock. Desktop version can fuck off though.

There's no reason to have in-fights among Free and Open source browsers so lang as you keep away from Chrome shit

chromium is gpl

Chromium is not Chrome

Chromium is chrome, or else it'd violate the GPL. Chrome probably has some hidden bullshit in its user interface, and its release engineering is more thought out, but the browser part (legally) can't be anything but chromium.


That's not true. Do you even open source?

chrome/chromium is shit. who cares?

>implying the author can't dual-license their own work
Gee willikers, I'd post a smug anime girl for you, but it appears I'm fresh out. How about a smug black lady?

That's basically blackface user, very problematic.

If by "problematic" you mean "actually irrelevant" then sure.

Do you open source?

Stop schilling this trash.


truly poettering

stop bumping the thread

>using anything but qutebrowser

>literal who the browser

Firefox and Chrome are SJW browsers hijacked by communists

Brave is made by Brendan Eich, founder of Firefox, creator of javascript.

Dont support communists, kids.


>muh extensions

It's in version 0.15 or 0.18, waiting is perfectly fine.

It's perfect for those who will never achieve anything in life but ricing their desktop.

Communists can't hijack anything they're useless.
Still firefox and chrome are abysmal tier.
Brave is still a year away from being usable on the desktop.

SJWs are worse than communists. They're corporation friendly and hate free speech.

It's because of something Sup Forums brought up, it's not directly because OF Sup Forums.
This would have been known either way, and it's half a decade late to deeply mistrust google.

What did they mean by this?

It's not ready to be a desktop browser. No matter how much you keep starting these threads will not change this fact.

How do I add HTTPS anywhere and shit to brave?

It's built in.

You can't. It doesnt support extensions.

Switch Last week on mobile and desktop, from chrome/google to brave/duckduckgo

Mobile was a no-brainer, i should've done it years ago

Brave on desktop remind me of the early days of FF actually, its design is a bit rough, but it works like a charm

I'm on team Nevergoingback nao

only thing preventing me from using brave is you can't attack web dwveloper tools, dunno why they need so long to do this

Fair enough. You made a good point and did not just shill. I respect that.

If you ask me, you have to see behind the curtains. If you have two identical browsers and one ceo/dev-team treats its people poorly, then i have to switch and stop supporting them. I like to donate like $15 a year to good projects. Not going to happen anymore with firefox

No. And the idea of Brave is revolutionary.

>t. Firefox dev team
There is a community doing extensions and discussing which to do and which dont. Brave is still young. Just wait two months and you have more extentions.

Glad to hear that.


why do you care so much about what browser other people will use???

>No. And the idea of Brave is revolutionary.
The only part of it that's revolutionary is curated ads throughout the web and profit sharing. Neither of which I would be interested in partaking in.

Brave needs a lot more on the desktop to make it ready for primetime.

As dar as I've read, brave is a 3 way user game

You can block all ads, period
You can choose to see some ads and have revenues share between the website, brave and yourself
You can stop all ads and program micro BC payments every months to support the websites you like and brave receive a small part

I like the direction it's taking, once it's rolling I'll probably use option 3

>i dont like the ads thingy
Then disable it. It can be disabled you know?

It's time for a change. Firefox is against free speech. Just see their latest plans with soros. Google proved itself being a not free speech company. So chrome is not acceptable as well. Chromium is.

This guy gets it.

>Then disable it. It can be disabled you know?
I'm aware. But the ad blocker isn't ublock origin, script control is an all-or-nothing thing, I can't use a DNSSEC/TLSA validator, there's no HTML5 control option (such as "click to activate"), no agent spoofer, no Disconnect, no Decentraleyes, and no cookie purge once you close a tab. To my knowledge, there is no way to block supercookies without the all-or-nothing script control, either.

All of these are huge problems.

Brave shills are so annoying.
>replacing ads with their own
Fuck this, I'll just use uBlock.

Cookie management is build in.
Ublock is a fair point. Hopefully this will get changed soon.

>Ads can be completely disables
Your reading comprehension sucks

>chrom* based

>Cookie management is build in.
>Ublock is a fair point. Hopefully this will get changed soon.
Everything is a fair point. Their cookie management is on par with vanilla FF.

>shilling for Firefox
>Brave's CEO is co-founder of Firefox

What did they mean by this?

Can this fucking niggerlion finally be installed to Program Files or does it still infest AppData? Fucking hate that squatting nigger shit.

Who in the fuck said I was shilling for FF? Vanilla FF's cookie management is ass.