Why should I choose Arch over Debian, Sup Forums?


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why can't you think for yourself ?

I am currently using Debian, just coming from Arch:

>pacman, aur

and that's it. That's the only advantage arch has, and it isn't that superb. It's good, yes, but not long miles distant from the others.

the downside is that arch is a ricing-magnet. You'll probably spend less time doing what should be done and more time making it look neat because arch is the ricer's choice and you have to resiste greatly in order not to be swallowed by the eggregore.

Why are you so autistic you feel the need to give a useless reply?

i wouldn't call that an advantage, it's really bad practice to use anything other than the official repositories

the biggest issue with arch is it's community, for some reason it attracts retards who know shit about what they are doing (which includes 99% of the ricers)

Debian isn't usable, unless you go debian unstable. The package manager is kinda dumb, if you like to remove packages for minimalism sake, beware it might destroy your system.

Well, anyway you're fine both are decent options.

>stable distro with older packages is unusable

>if you like to remove packages for minimalism sake
but that's a dumb and unnecessary thing to do

If you're going to work in IT with Linux, Debian can give you a more valuable experience.

The arch wiki is godlike.
Aur saved me a lot of hassle that sometimes the availability of a .deb package would have solved, but not always.
I've not tried debian for a long time but the old ass packages can be annoying in some cases.

>but that's a dumb and unnecessary thing to do

you shouldn't

FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Arch, and Gentoo are the only four that actually matter.

Use both at the same time, problem solved.

useless question
useless reply
Nothing wrong here

>That's the only advantage arch has
Well Arch is good for newer systems like Ryzen builds.
I was running Debian Stretch (Stable) with a 4.11.0 kernel and kept getting freezes with my Ryzen 5 CPU.
Switching to Arch seems to fix that issue.
Obviously if a user wanted to use the Testing builds of Debian this might not be an issue.

Arch also has less bloat that would take some time to remove (like those games Debians packs in and stuff)

>debian isn't usable
Oh no, the latest mpv doesn't come in the default repo! What can I do?! This is unusable!

The 1st 2 matter because they should be avoided.

Ah the less bloat meme

Because Debians developers went and released an unfinished version of the install

Bullshit, it's doesn't matter.

hahaha distros amirite



You probably doesn't use debian stable.

Anyway if the OP want bleeding edge (Arch vs Debian thread zzz), doesn't even make sense to use debian stable and compile every single package.

stable is the only version the debian security team covers.
testing and ustable....nope.
If there's non-critical stuff you want the bleeding edge version of, see

Not satisfied with showing your autism, you also feel the need to sperg some more.

Seems like this is your favorite word.

>favorite word
>they are literally two distinct words

Nice strawman
Seems like this is your favorite Lexeme

>informative wiki

What I do is either grab the source .deb from unstable and compile/install it (that limits the amount of dependencies I have to grab from unstable, as it's using my stable libraries to compile) or just compile from upstream source and install in /usr/local.

No, but seriously, why can't you think for yourself?

because you're autistic and don't have a real job

>unironically using fallacies


I hope your using checkinstall then.

or debuild
or dpkg-deb --build

Arch is good if you actually want to maintain your system and have very easy access to a gigantic amount of software via the air.

If you want things to WERK (TM) you want Debian.

No if you want things to werk you install Manjaro

I have run Manjaro for quite a while and had to do a lot of fixing after most updated.

Although I would call it a middle ground it is nowhere near Debian stable.

I use antergos (arch) because i had hardware problems on stable kernel. And now when i reinstall i just stick with antergos (even if stable kernel now support my hardware)

and when i "rice" my setup its only built in dark KDE theme and taskbar on top

You used the fallacie, i mentioned it :-)

in my IT courses every book describes debian as a server distribution, and not good for normal users. Why does Sup Forums have to be so contrarian? I know most of you faggots aren't power users.

doesn't manjaro now have an update setting that says something like don't break my shit? so it only updates those things tested and known not to break shit? I swear I saw that as an option somewhere when I was distrohopping

What's a good distribution for "normal users", in your opinion?

bsd's OSS is a far superior sound system to the garbage that is ALSA + Pulse. literal fucking garbage that is a perfect fit for systemd faggots like yourself. enjoy your pleb audio lmao