/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread

Old one is hovering around the bump limit.

My SQ is: How similar is the CPU inside a VM to its host? I want to >install gentoo but would find it a lot easier to do at least some of it in a VM connected to a hard drive. Is there a difference between my VirtualBox/libvirt CPUs and my actual CPUs?
Or can I rebuild the base packages after installation if I desire?

Other urls found in this thread:


What e-readers Sup Forums uses?
Help me pick my first e-reader.
Do these readers work with .pdf?
My books are mostly .pdf and .epub format

>use physical books
I wish... In my country I can't get certain books and ordering via internet and waiting for months to deliver... sucks

if I have a variable that contains some data structure as simple as int but is stored in heap, does that involve the operating system checks every time I read or write it?

Is there a way to disable everything nvidia related besides driver updates? 5 processes is a bit excessive for something i just use to update my drivers occasionally. Shadow play and all that other bullshit i dont care about or want active

What's a good documentary on USENET?

Why does my tablet display a higher density of information on the catalog than my laptop? Pic related

> How similar is the CPU inside a VM to its host?
I think it's possible to set a CPU name as an argument to KVM.

Different DPI (PPI).

Is google getting shittier, it doesn't seem to search what I'm typing and keeps auto correcting it to something more popular instead of searching exactly what I typed

am I supposed to jailbreak iOS before downgrading?
not sure how it's done these days. have a 4s on 9.2 that 'd like to bring down to 6.1.3

> Startup tab
Yes. You can try OdysseusOTA, it can't be done without jailbreak.

Install calibre and you can convert ebooks to whatever you want. I use a kindle so old I actually inherited it from my grandfather. Kindle 3 I think. Works just fine although it doesn't come with a backlit so you might have to get a case with a light as well. Newer ones are probably backlit. And even if I don't convert pdfs the kindle handles them just fine.

How can I significantly reduce the power draw of my 5770?

by reducing the power draw

many thanks

Google is shit. Use DDG.

How do I do that? Will underclocking suffice for that?

>download nbidia drivers
>install only the driver and physx
Geforce experience is literally botnet

is it actually good? do I need to install that extension it tells me to install?

>gives completely irrelevant search results 90% of the time
>mines your data and sells it to third party individuals
>founded by a literal jew
Shoulda called it DuckDuckNoFuckingThanks

Hey, thanks for the answer. I googled how to change DPI on Windows 7 and tried to see how it looks changing from 100% to 125% or 150%, but it requires a restart to take effect. I just changed it back without restarting because I won't use increased DPI forever...

>>mines your data and sells it to third party individuals

Was this not the exact opposite of what ddg promises, and the exact opposite of the entire appeal of ddg?

Not him but I think it's pretty good. The bangs are really good, for instance to get to an article on Wikipedia just do "!w [topic]". There are a ton more for other things too.

[citation needed]

Haha, jesus christ, user, grow the fuck up, big companies don't "promise" you shit

>gives completely irrelevant search results 90% of the time
Works For Me™

>mines your data and sells it to third party individuals

>founded by a literal jew
Sup Forums pls go

>Sup Forums pls go
>guy is literally named Weinberg
Oh and don't forget his previous project "The Names Database" that literally got shut down because he was caught selling other people's information
Around jews you lose, user

So I am restoring this client server based chat application project to see how it works since we're supposed to make a project ourselves for final year project.

The project is made in 2005-2008 something so I installed the ms sql server 2008 and backup database restored successfully, I created the new database as said in the readme.txt(see picks) and created a new one later. The problem is in ms sql Management studio there is no option to enter login ID on startup like it says in instruction, if I enter sysname(actual sysname- not sysname literally)/localhost it fails to connect so I just connected with sqlexpress something that is in drop down, then created a new database giving it custome name and restored the .bak file in it like it says.
Then I opened visual studio and opened the code folder and edited the details in web.congfig file as said, sql SERVER 2008 did as for a password at time of installation so I entered 12345(same as I gave then) but I noticed that it has user id=sa, when I never entered id at the time of whole restoring part as said in above, so the errors I am getting are:

Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error The file '/Admin/Update/MasterPage.master' does not exist. D:\cl-se-bas\4\Code-LiveMeeting\Code-LiveMeeting\Admin\Update\frmUpdateCountry.aspx 1


Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error CS0246 The type or namespace name 'Country' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Code-LiveMeeting D:\cl-se-bas\4\Code-LiveMeeting\Code-LiveMeeting\Admin\Update\frmUpdateCountry.aspx.cs 14


Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error CS0246 The type or namespace name 'IncomeBL' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Code-LiveMeeting D:\cl-se-bas\4\Code-LiveMeeting\Code-LiveMeeting\Admin\Update\frmUpdateIncome.aspx.cs 14

AND there are some warnings about:
Validation(HTML5) align not being valid attribute of HTML5

I looked online and someone said change ~ to a . in ./Admin/masterasdpageetc.. to resolve it but it only gives me a code/somethingsomethkg/Admin doesn't exist error instead

Then there is changing build type under properties to .NET 4.0 to .NET 4.5 since due to that one project can't look into other's classes and namespaces but I only have one project or should I try setting the type to earlier then 4.0 version?

pic related

I'm extremely new to C and keep coming across this error when I build my project, any ideas?

Source code:
#include "c:\cHeaderFiles\dos.h"
#include "c:\cHeaderFiles\mingw.h"

void main(void)
int i;
char ch=177, ce=178;
clrscr(); // Clear screen
gotoxy(20,9); // Put cursor at axis x20 y9

pic related

>inb4 the #include on line 27 has already been edited to the path where mingw.h sits on my c:\ drive

well... while I waited for someone to answer my question I went to shop and bought pocketbook touch hd...
It's my first e-reader and so far it is very interesting experience and I love it. (linux 3.0, comes with chess, pretty neat)

SOLVED: I forgot the underscore in my #include on line 27!!!!

Ok so changing the build type to 2.0 fixed the HTML5 error (as expected) but the rest are still there

Severity Code Description Project File Line
Warning File '~/Admin/Update/MasterPage.master' was not found. Code-LiveMeeting D:\cl-se-bas\4\Code-LiveMeeting\Code-LiveMeeting\Admin\Update\frmUpdateIncome.aspx 1

Severity Code Description Project File Line
Warning Could not find 'ContentPlaceHolder1' in the current master page or pages. Code-LiveMeeting D:\cl-se-bas\4\Code-LiveMeeting\Code-LiveMeeting\Admin\Update\frmUpdateIncome.aspx 2

Should I just install visual studio 2005/2008 and run it on that? and call it a day, it seems bothersome and I'd rather avoid the trouble

So MS has dropped all versions of visual studio untill 2010 so this is all I got. ANY advice, there has to be some C# devs here

what's a good media player
currently using vlc

Should I go for a 2 or 4 bay NAS?
Is consumer NAS even worth it?

These numbers are rising daily and I'm having lockups, audios snaps and skips, is it time for a new one ? bought it in 2013

I can see the file in solution explorer though

What happened to the Xena pictures?

How can I fix this?

>"The Names Database"
The whole premise was a bit suspect I admit, but

> literally got shut down because he was caught selling other people's information
He sold it off long before it was shut down.

> le spooky jews!!1
grow up

There is no evidence that DDG harvests or sells user info. At the very least, it's a huge improvement over G**gle's practices

VLC is generally seen to be pretty shit these days. It's a tough call. MPC-HC just got dropped by its developers, but it'll probably be solid for a long time. MPV is great but it's minimalist as fuck.

how's potplayer?

Not bad. I don't prefer it or SM player, but I've always disliked any progress bar that works differently than MPC. Probably just preference from what I grew up with.

just download kawaii codec pack bleeding edge, which includes a customized mpc-hc.
im not a weaboo but i have been using it for years now and it is excellent.

run as admin

okay, just downloaded it, have no idea what the other stuff are but I guess this'll do

you just got told bad info, the best possible answer is SMPlayer
KCP is over, it was pretty rocking but we need to move on

i didt know dinosaurs posted on Sup Forums
KCP had a number of playback issues and could you see some pretty nasty results


play older releases, see what happens

Open Launcher crapped out on me and it shows me some errors as soon as I open it.
I was about to uninstall it and then realised I couldn't do it.
I can't force stop, I can't uninstall, I can't delete data, I can only delete cache and that doesn't do anything.
I didn't make it system application and don't have root access.
Tried rebooting it and nothing helps.
Halp /sqt/. If you need error report I'll send.

Klite is solid, and sorts out all your thumbnails automatically.

Go to tell

oh hey i remember that, nifty but i think SMPlayer still trumps it

>goes to Sup Forums
>complains about anime
fuck off normie

70% alcohol wipes are safe to clean parts like mothers, GPU and such right?

What is the best distro for a beginner? I used Debian in the past but I saw some other recommendations and can't really decide, Also, what are the pros and cons with using Linux other than not being able to run games?

switched to SMPlayer, why does this feel like one of those early 2000 windows players

Should be ok but you'd better use isopropyl alcohol.

because its functional and simple
it will play practically anything you give it and will look nice too

do you consider the look a good or a bad thing?

I don't hate it, it just gives me that old school vibe, you know?

How come shitty old flash games that I had no issues with playing 10 years ago now lag the crap out when my rig is enough to play 3a games at 1440 consistently with >60 fps while running shit on the background?

Why is flash so fucking shit?

personally i love old school stuff
oh yeah and the best feature of all, it remembers where you left off

welp im officially a shill

fug, can I not drag and drop a file on it to play?

you can do exactly that, just tried

well, time to figure this shit out then, cause I can't

just zoom in with the browser

Any *buntu flavor except for regular Ubuntu

nvm, restarted and it works

Is there anything like DNF's swap operation, for apt / aptitude?

Please excuse the shitty formatting. Fucked up the tags.

Is spidr.today kill? Any alternatives? Do not want to go back to Google news...

good happy hunting for media you cant play with it
also works on linux

In C++, if I have a source and header file for a class, should all includes (even those that are only used in the source file) be in its header file or not?

when converting between number systems, why do i read the remainders in reverse order?
i just dont understand why the remainder of the last division becomes the most significant digit in the new number.

I have 16GB DDR3 1600mhz RAM. I want to upgrade to 32GB for high-end gaming. Is it worth it to upgrade to DDR3 2400mhz RAM? Or to even purchase a whole new motherboard and get some DDR4 RAM? Money is not necessarily an issue for me.

Neet here, how to start learning programming

includes that are only used in the source file belong into the source file.

Don't bother. Since you were NEET for so long, you probably wouldn't last very long in the current atmosphere. You'd get fired faster than you can say "I did not hit her" (in a Room voice). Assuming that you're white or Asian that is.

Hey can someone help me for a sec?

I have 2 OS installed on my pc, 1 on C and the other one on D. Now, I want to delete the one that is installed on D but it keeps saying requires permission from trusted install and I cant figure out how to get around that. How do I get premession?

What percentage usually drops out of Computer Science during first weeks?

how to into music production without the need for a PC? (or if not possible using a low end linux (fedora) pc)

Get a $60-200 Thinkpad, Install Windows 7.
Done you are ready for music production.

>actually have two thinkpads sat next to me doing fuck all right now

good idea lad got any software recommendations?

get a synth. start with something cheap, like a microkorg.

What two OSes? "C" and "D" are a matter of perspective. Are you even in disk management?

What games do you play that demand 32GB of RAM?

Fruity Loops (Yes that is the name of the software).
Also get some good quality headphones.

>cheapest microkorg on amazon uk is £310
did I fuck up searching or what?

fruity loops it is nice one pal

Fruity Loops is called FL Studio now.

synths are expensive. but theyre fun.

Both Audio and Graphic design are expensive as fuck.

Battlefield Grounds by Daylight

Best beginner synth these days is the Minilogue.

Are AC adapters vulnerable to physical damage from rough handling eg checked luggage?

What are some good distros to throw onto an acer aspire one 721

As long as the prongs that plug into the wall aren't badly damaged or the wires aren't splitting apart then it should be fine

If you can be a software engineer with computer science degree why would you ever go for software engineer degree?

Cheap chinese ones? yes, a lot.
Original ones? only Toshiba and Acer ones do, the rest need some rough handling to get damaged.

t. charger/adapter seller.

i want to understand exactly what is the x86 architecture but almost every content i've found on the internet are extremely basic, do you guys have any material about it?