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Technology #619
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General
Mechanical Keyboard General - /mkg/ - Thread For Posting Keyboards
MP3 320kbps is enough. WAV, FLAC etc are placebo
I will install again windows 7 but have so much telemetry updates. how can i update and avoid this telemetry shit?
Who is ready for 8?
Apple "advances"
/vps/ VPS general
Describe the best programmer in 3 words
You will lose fighting the botnet, goy
Speakers are better than Headphones
Coffee Lake Price Leak?
The best OS
You will never study at MIT
/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux
What do you do with all your old 500GB / 1TB hard drives when you upgrade to a 10TB hard drive...
Has Sup Forums made anything fun with any boards?
Sup Forums in nuttshell
Neighbours Joined My WiFi Network
*steals your math*
He has icons on his desktop
Name one way Windoz is better than Linux that isn't related to which programs it supports
*eats memory*
I have 6 of theese bad bois
Country: Russia
/twmg/ - Tiling Window Manager General
YEAR 2017
GPD Pocket General
Why wasn't secondlife successful?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
There is literally no reason to buy any of these highest end...
Order a lot of food
OpenSUSE has been shilled a lot here, Leap 42.3 is out and got good reviews. Is it worth a try...
OpenGL programming is retarded. Is Vulkan any better?
What's Sup Forums's consensus on SeaMonkey?
I know this isn't tech support but I've scoured the whole internet and I couldn't find an answer
ITT: Tech companies you actually geniunely like
Android 7.1.2 master race
How would you figure out the IP address of a device connected to a wired network that has a static IP address which you...
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
I'll be deciding what programmers get hired onto my team
/tpg/: ThinkPad General
Name our startup
Test your CLI skills
Install Firefox Nightly
WHATs the point of having more than 5 tabs open?
So Mozilla wants to keep the Internet credible and healthy eh?
New Os
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Okay I took the platter out. Can't I just pop this into my CD drive or something...
What would be a fun VR game that hasn't been made yet?
Stop blame AMD
Is applying Thermal Paste the "dark souls" of building your own PC?
What are some laptops that are like Dell XPS 15, but aren't made by Dell?
I start class on Monday and neeed the best overall computer the can handle gaming as well for under 2k
Full disk encryption
Chromebook Situation
Whats better, MATE or XFCE?
Home Screenshot Thread
What is the best android music player, Sup Forums?
Bitcoiners Fucked Me
This is going to sound fucking retarded but here it goes:
I gotta say, why the hate against gaming laptops? Anecdotal shit coming in
2000 - 2006
Do you think he's a virgin?
Why are there so many gooks in tech?
I just finished my build, what do you think?
Got the s8 plus a month ago should I upgrade to the iphone 8 later ?
Help a retardo out
He can't name a better Android browser than pic related
/dpt/ - Daily Programming thread
What's the best power bank ?
Signal is a CIA honeypot
/pcbg/ - PC Building General - Casual Edition
Want to order pizza online
His ram isnt overclocked to at least 2400mhz
Speccy thread!! :^)
Terminals only!
Welcome to 1984
Is what they say true, is 4GB really not enough for some people?
I have a soldering iron, wires, cutters, know how to do soldering and wiring work. Know resistors and shit...
Vivaldi > Brave
Redo is mapped to ctrl+shift+z instead of ctrl+y
I want to use a VPN to browse Sup Forums because this site is a fucking huge botnet
Mining for ethirum on my MSI R9 390 GPU, what are the best overlclocks settings I can put it on...
So why is Sup Forums using this meme browser over Chromium? It's just as bad. Botnet, slow as shit
ITT we point out massive hypocrisy within the hosting/domain industry
Cleaning my case tomorrow, have some gore
Thoughts on BSD/FreeBSD?
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Hello friend
Opera 12.15 Source Code Discussion
I have a bricked android phone, it wont turn on at all after I dropped it...
Mods delete screenfetch threads but they still decide to keep this type of shit >>61989459
I3-8350K spotted
Enough! MacFags go away!
Lol what the fuck Sup Forums? Is this guy serious? Tell me he's trolling, no way he's fucking serious right?
Signs you are a bad programmer
Wallpaper thread?
/wt/ - Watch Thread
I think someone has a cell phone jammer and is fucking with me...
Any good style scripts for browsing and posting? I've been using OneeChan but it's dead
Solus 3
Machine Check Exception
Why don't you boys join forces to replace C++ with something better?
Show us your home servers
LMDE - Mint Rolling Release
Google replaces "American Inventors" with almost entirely black list. Nicola Tesla pushed back to fourth page
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General - Spoiler Edition
*fetch thread
ITT: Alternatives that are just as good
Which language is set to replace C++?
What would a site with a mix between reddit and Sup Forums look like
Storage Wars
Talks endlessly about how great Linux is and how much better it is than Windows
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Tip for driving
Vulkan API opinions from a programmer's perspective
New GTX 980 ti gpu cooler setup
What kind of ideas does Google Ideas (TM) produce exactly?
Name one thing wrong with this language without spurting memes
Apple III flopped
Circut Board Joke?
Essential Phone thread
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
"user, can you fix my macbook so I can play farm games on facebook again??"
I just spent $2000 on Apple products in the past week. How did I do?
Japs couldnt make a OS better than windows
Approved Sup Forums music players?
Why isn't Sup Forums part of ZeroNet yet?
/nrg/ - Nyaa Replacement General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Tfw just sold my old Thinkpad on eBay to probably a Sup Forumsfag who will appreciate it and use it well
Give me a good reason not to remove Google play store from my phone
IOS 11 'cop button': Shortcut disables your iPhone's Touch ID and calls SOS
Why can't freetards into design?
ITT: annoying || not fun languages
How do I get good at databases?
This is where all your radeons went
Ok, so who is going to fork and uncuck Tor?
Using windows for ANY reason
How fucking stupid do you have to be to use windows?
What are the most popular programming languages in Japan?
Are knives technology?
MacOS is UNIX, deal with it, fa/g/gots
Twitter competitor Mastodon is big in Japan thanks to lolicons
Linux noob begging for help thread
Going to be watching the Great American Eclipse on Monday, but I didn't prepare and so don't have any viewing glasses...
What's the best text editor?
Sublime Text Packages
Is there a reliable way to completely block smart phone users from my web site?
Go on, tell me Tor isn't compromised
I am installing Solus
Installer takes control of the mouse
/cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General:
Official altTech thread
Where does Sup Forums stand on the SSD vs HDD debate?
Land of the free
Why does linustech produce that they need to use such expansive hardware?
Linux has no ga-
Yes goyi.. user, use the debotneting script you found on internet on ou...
Holy fuck that 8 TB drive is dirt cheap AGAIN, $160 for 8 TB
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
So, we are in the year 2017 of jesus christ...
You have 10 seconds to explain why you think gnu loonix is better than wangblows. hardmode: no talk about botnets
Need a no logs VPN
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/tpg/: Thinkpad General
Reminder that
So now that Tor is officially working on a way to stop "racism" and "hate speech" on their platform...
All right, lads. Let's hear those startup ideas
Will USB type C ever take off?
Is Haskell a meme language or actually worth learning?
I need help Sup Forums...
If I have a 64 bit processor, is there any advantage to using a 32bit is at all? In any way?
15.2 TB write over the course of 5 years is good?
You are at home
Speccy thread: Poorfag Edition
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Colourisation is the worst modern trend on the internet at the moment...
Is this book a meme or actually worth reading?
Just finished my software engineer internship at pic related
Is this the best antivirus there is?
Getting kind of sick of posers and Sup Forums overflow here. That Tor thread really pissed me off...
How quickly do silicon chips degrade?
Why aren't modular upgradeable laptops standard yet?
Good Looking Tech General
This is the absolute current state of Intel
We got meme'd
What linux distro do japanese people use?
Wait for Vega
/pcbg/ - PC Bulding General - vega price increase edition
Terminal Ricing
/mkg/ - DIY Edition
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Name a better looking phone than the iphone se
Which is the best membrane/scissor-switch keyboard?
Don't do a startup out of college they said
Is this a good upgrade over a Phenom 4x 965, HD7790 MSI, a crap generic power source and a old as fuck 1TB Hard Drive?
You can buy an i7+monitor for half the price of a shit i5 from 2014
I heard you niggas wanted faster browser...
2 days till coffee lake launch
For someone who is a bit for phone savvy, is this a good deal...
The perfect laptop doesn't exi
So Sup Forums, how do you pronounce
Custom Homepage Thread
When did this become so shit?
You got me obsessed with this little bugger. Does it have any actual practical use or is it just pure masturbation?
I successfully set up a virtual machine...what are some dank things i can do with it. i ran windows on it
ITT: Cuck open source projects
It will never be the year of the Linux Desktop
Tor bans racism
Use Firefox
Windows 10 Privacy Applications
/bst/ Battlestation Thread
I will become Lain If I plug an usb cable into my brain?
Windows Vista User, About to Smash Computer
Please try again
Sticker Thread
So To is planning on altering the source code of their new clients to be able to track users and sites because they...
Thinkpad Goodness
State of home Wi-Fi routers, 2017
ITT we get someone to commission a fetish artist for rule 34 of Katie
Welcome to the new world order
What are your pet peeves, Sup Forums? I'll start:
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Terminal Minimap
None of my Akarin pictures are helping tonight
Its not a porn site
2017, anno Domini
Certain combinations of cp is illegal
I can't believe he's really gone
Sick of seeing this shit in my logs
/clg/ - Krog's List Horrors
This is fucking retarded
How long are anonymous imageboards are going to last?
What's the best programming language for a complete novice to learn?
What in the fuck is this shit?
Is Python better than C++?
Did people use to shitpost on ham radio before the internet?
When the fuck is this shit gonna go away?
/dgg/ - De-Googling General
Been shitposting lately from my phone from work
A package has arrived in my mail
Press F to pay respects
Who is better at programming?
I found an old magnavox television and I can't find the model number on it so anybody know what model this is/whether...
/wt/ - Watch Thread
I just installed an undetectable keylogger on one of my uni's pcs
What's the oldest program (not including games) you regularly use?
2010 MBP still going strong
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Plex updates Privacy Policy
Tfw to intelligent for discrete maths
Why do people do this?
This is getting out of hand. it's making me listen to people saying numbers now
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
A browser using memes from 2013
What Image Viewers Does Sup Forums Recommend?
If you have a normal laptop and its GPU is broken and you connect your laptop HDMI cable to the
Be me
What should I get on fdroid?
When did computers stop being inspiring for you?
There almost seems to be thousands of open source game engines out there, which one's are actually worth a damn?
T-Mobile rangebanned on /vg/
If macs are so good, why does Sagiri use a Wacom® Contiq© tablet running Microsoftâ„ Windows™?
What's going on? Why is pic related so slow at the moment?
Why haven't you switched to Cinnamon yet, Sup Forums?
Is open office still a thing? What's the latest greatest free alternative to Word?
$500 Box can unlock any current iPhone
Exactly, what's so bad about systemd?
Speccy thread, probably going to buy a vr headset soon
Screenfetch thread
What is your mobile computing device of choice?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Confirmed for losing my job
Who still on Debian, Sup Forums?
You'll never invent general/strong AI from your basement and become recognized worldwide
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Update SJWfox
Things you hate with modern websites
Is the ps2, dare i say, /our console/?
PC Guts
I want to learn backend web development Sup Forums so I can get a career in the future, is Java a good starting place...
1st RX Vega Custom AIB Review - Vega is confirmed full of shit
What is the best free-speech supporting Gmail alternative?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Bitcoin miners
8gb of ram is en
Any recommendation on hw for running pfsense as a home router? Hard mode: without the Intel backdoor
Is Yandex a good alternative to Chrome and Google search?
When is Sup Forums going to be banned from Cloudfare...
Gtx 1080ti or Next-Gen
Which kernel is better for gnu operating system? linux or bsd?
Why do 1980's technology look so much better than today? Is it because of Japan?
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Have we reached the point yet where smartphone cameras are good enough for serious professional photographers?
/spg/ - Smartphone General - Essential Reviews Edition
How the fuck is Google allowed to censor anyone who isn't a hardcore leftist? I'm tired of that shit. Fuck google
Advertisement blocking online
What is the ideal laptop screen size?
Why is Gentoo so popular here?
/pcbg/ - PC Bulding General
Read software dev job description
AMD Official Statement - Full Damage Control about Vega Fake Launch Price
Coffee Lake coming 8/21
Tfw everyone thinks Sup Forums is some kind of internet hate machine when it's actually just an Akari appreciation forum
They are coming
There is nothing comfier than MacOS
Make it stop
How did AMD succeed with Ryzen/Threadripper while monumentally fucking up Vega?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Ryan Dahl
Case or no case, Sup Forums?
Failed to start light display manager on x60
Is raspberry pi worth it ?
Vim or Emacs?
For the vast majority of consumers why shouldn't they use windows 10?
Why aren't you using Windows Server 2012 R2 as your desktop OS, Sup Forums?
Steve Jobs
Which distro does Sup Forums recommend and why? I'm thinking of becoming a penguinfag because wangblows pisses me off
What language is easiest to do accurate inelastic 3D material dynamics with...
/w4n/ - Daily Wait for Navi Thread
Stop Distro-Hopping
I've been using Linux for the past 5 years...
Tfw you've been able to play any windows game on your linux laptop since 2014 but you just haven't known about it
Are we going to have to start paying for Youtube?
Install linux
Al right Sup Forums I have about 600 bucks to spend on comfy tech. What to buy? I already own a ThinkPad...
Pics that make you shed a single tear
Linux is dead
Samsung Portable SSD T5 Review
Hey Sup Forums looking for a good business class laptop that ISN'T a lenovo think pad model...
Android fags will defend this
Can Raspberry Pi 3 be used as a "normal" PC that's usually only used for browsing the net...
What is the point in using the command line instead of a GUI program...
Lets talk about CloudFlare for a moment. In case you've been living under a rock...
High end of low end smart phones
The absolute truth
Is there anything shittier than SAP?
If my pc requires 380 watts would a 400 watt psu be fine?
RIP Tor Network
ITT post something your phone can do that you think is cool and functional. Something that you use fairly often
Why do iMacs get so much hate here?
Install program
So you guys think we're living in the golden age of piracy that will eventually end or is this here to stay?
Been using palemoon since forever
How can we use technology to fix racism in the United States?
AMD, Intel, future of computers
Is G-Sync technology actually good or is it just snake oil? The price increase to have it is pretty steep
The current state of the mactoddler
I tried and failed. My dream was to be an indie dev, but 1 year and I only made $14,000. Can't live off that
Why do governments and paranoid people physically destroy out of use hard drives? Can't a bit only be a one or a zero...
Dead pixel
Mom caught me watching the gnu man
What's the best "cheap phone" there is?
Should I sell my Thinkpad W520 and buy a Dell XPS 13 9360?
What mouse do you use Sup Forums?
Ryzen optimization
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/pcbg/ - PC Bulding General
I recently acquired a 2008 iMac for a price I couldn't pass up. I haven't used a mac since the PPC days...
New fag here
Working on project for 3 months
I'll admit this piece of shit has potential, but it's UI on desktops is fucking atrocious
This punk ass kid took nude of my 16 yo daughter giving them out to his friends, doxing and swatting her friends...
Tor compromised by libcucks
Is Sup Forums better than reddit?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Linux is abandonware
Is it worth buying a SSD?
This is no doubt a dumb question, but how do I become more Sup Forums?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
I discovered Linux as a young autist (12) when they were sending free Ubuntu 8.04 CD's to your house from Canonical...
Lol no reason to buy youtube red if you have an android
Low stock
He doesn't use the best looking OS to ever be created
What went wrong, Sup Forums?
So, yeah
Let's say you found a vulnerability in Sup Forums. Would you report it or keep it to yourself?
Is it a good thing or a bad thing that a computer from 7 years ago is still perfectly usable today because improvements...
The current state of PrivacyToddlers
/wt/ - watch thread
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Child porn
Why didnt you buy a refurbished workstation already?
The stallman
What are the best Google product alternatives out there?
Windows will never make another os as good as this again
ITT: Technology that makes you proud to be an American
Talking irl with my brother about what my sister wants for her birthday
What can I sell my PC for? Or is it getting too old to be worth anything?
Name one good reason not to nuke Korea
Why do people use AMD when their products clearly are inferior to Intel and Nvidia?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Amd Radeon Navi
So, im making a shitty game on telnet, take a look
Post comfy cards
Should I use kubuntu/ubuntu mate/xubuntu/lubuntu/or the normal ubuntu
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What does Sup Forums think of these? Are they essential? Are they even reliable?
Compile latest kernel
Best Android Launcher, that isn't botnet or a meme
Konqi wants to know what you love most about KDE!
Trying to make the switch to Chrome but its hard guys...
Chrome is a botnet
What will its GPUs be called? 11XX, 20XX, or something different?
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
ITT: Tech companies you hope soon go into major liquidation and/or Chapter 7 bankruptcy
Hey Sup Forums what's this?
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General
Microsoft doesn't sp-
Sup Forums is this worth learning? I trying to set up Vim for LaTeX but I gave up. Is this better?
Coffee Lake 11% Faster IPC
Just a quick reminder that we’ve won, gcc has lost
Show off your drives Sup Forums
What does Sup Forums think of The Coding Train?
Reminder that 16:9 is outdated and that 4K and 144hz are memes
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Good software to spy on a slave
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Gimp or Krita?
8GB is sufficient RAM for any desktop user on Sup Forums. 16+ is a waste
How to find and delete Veracrypt containers?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
I've got a mid 2010, 15" core i5 macbook pro, is there a use for this thing...
Could Weaponizing Net Neutrality really stop the Content Provider mass purge? How would we even do this?
/spg/ - Smartphone General - Yet Another Nokia 8 Edition
Batch Loop Help
/twmg/ - Tiling Window Manager General
Intel BTFO Ryzen GOAT
/bst/ - Battlestations
2000 + 17 - not using qutebrowser
Google hate thread
Sup Forums is too mainstream for edgy shit like that
Phone computer?
Welcome to the year 1984
Are there any linux enthusiasts discord servers?
I want to seriously spend the rest of my life trying to create an good-enough Kurisu Ai to talk to
Would it be a stupid idea to build my own server at my house just to fuck with and learn?
Which filesystem belongs to god tier?
Digital hoarders; how do you organize your files? How do you search them for what you need?
I am trying to buy a US thinkpad and import into Europe (ireland)...
Firefox 57
At work today we had a feminist group come in to talk about 'sexual harassment in the workplace' and of course they...
Mr. Nobot
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
First post with linux
Wats the highest quality image format
Solus 3
Okay, I have a new computer, installed (pirate) Windows 10
Why are there no gsync 1080p IPS monitors?
I’m looking to buy an e-reader, and I’m not sure if I’m being meme’d with 3G and other shit
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Cloudflare is kill
By 2023, used car prices will crash as people give up their vehicles...
Does win 10 have a function to make a folder password locked? I don't care if it's the shittiest encryption ever...
Why do japanese software developers include free anime with their apps?
Do you store your data compressed?
Why is git so unintuitive? Fuck
So old CPU architectures are better for games
Do IT at tech company
Which linux distro can get you a girlfriend?
/pcbg/ - PC Bulding General
How can I get started on developing an app for android phones?
OLED still isn't viable for monitors
Sup Forums any ideas to make it better >$2000 max
ITT: Tech celebs/journalists/devs/entrepreneurs you hope suffer a career threatening and/or potentially life...
Bought a Vega Liquid - thread #2 (last one closed)
Bin doesn't mean trash bin
Got my IT certification
Tfw rolling release
Why does Firefox waste so much space?
Linux will never have more than 5% marke-
Signal bars are ugly af
There are people on this board right now who are using a CRT
How many of you actually pay for your internet?
There are manbabys on Sup Forums right now that use their cryptography processing units to play 3D games instead of...
When will GPU prices drop?
/spc/ - secondary PCs general
Hai :D
I want to ascend to linux but love C# for Unity
You finally land a job offer after 274 consecutive rejection letters
Sup Forums was right
GNOME will win the desktop war
There seems to be a large correlation between people who support encryption and people who have something to hide...
Note: Starting in Firefox 57, which will be released in November 2017...
Whatever happened to side panel fans
I hate the modern bloated web. I want to start a very simple site. Having made the basic layout...
Tell me again how AMD is still in business
Louis Rossman
Simple question Sup Forums, can someone answer this please
Does Sup Forums use RSS/Atom feeds? What reader do you use?
Should I get my old man one of those amazon echoes or dots for his birthday? I'm not trying to spend too much desu
Stop using MacBooks
Are you fa/g/s ready for Coffee Lake
/cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General:
What is the best music player and why is it banshee?
The current state of Sup Forums
Theoretically speaking, what could be alternative...
Konqi is building his own computer!
Sup Forums...
DIY FaceApp
/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux
Not run by mozilla
Install Arch Linux
Cloudflare drops Daily Stormer
I was 100% expecting Google to take over the world...
Is this the best backpack out there?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
I have 2000 to build a new desktop, do you guys have any recommendations for first built pc?
Operating System General
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Go easy on me
GeForce 1060 is too slow
Why do programmers exaggerate how hard programming is...
Notification from Arbys
Openly insulting employees
Has there ever been a more A E S T H E T I C browser?
Text editors for humans war
Why doesn't aplel drop the big fucking bezel at the bottom of their imac?
Is it true that people who change their smartphone background from the default one are degenerates...
/pcbg/ - PC Bulding General
How much sleep do you get Sup Forums?
A friend once asked me to watch a video with her that she was going to display on her computer using Netflix...
How do these big, free to use software companies like Discord and Dropbox manage to make so much money and stay afloat?
All AMD Radeon RX Vega 64 sins
Bill Gates Makes Largest Donation Gift
Pic related cost $8000
Name a mid tower case with better airflow than the Corsair 500R
Why does moving windows feel so fucking shit on Gnome?
Get real, Sup Forums. Nobody is interested in GNU/Linux because it "respects your freedoms" or even that it's "free"...
What can I say? Forth is the best programming language
What makes freetards incapable of designing good DEs? There are hundreds of different options for your DE on Linux...
Is there a linux distro for video games?
Alternative to Gmail?
One thing wrong with Sup Forums
Linux GUI builder
What browser should I use
So I bought a raspberry pi 3, set it up to be a kodi machine. Installed covenant, flixnet, etc...
Following recent events, tech companies have started purging anything they consider "nazi"
Git mining niggers i hope you all die
Why is vega hated so much?
OwO what's this?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Ssd prices up
What's the best offline, cross platform password manager?
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General
What are the most practical languages in terms of a career in programming?
Recently imported pic related as it was billed as being region free. However...
Gaming and Linux
How do I get new IP from my ISP? I almost got banned again from server after making new account...
Why someone should learn ocaml?
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Where is Raven Ridge Sup Forums?
Why does the tech community seem to have inexplicable infatuation with shitty products from underdog companies that are...
Thank God I was able to snag a Vega 64 early in the game
Who wins?
Automation Technology taking jobs
"Vega” can also decode the VP9 format at resolutions up to 3840x2160 using a hybrid
What browser do you use on your phone?
Nokia 8 shilling thread
Nightly now has the Firefox logo
Level 5 (8)
Is BTC network stuck in something?
What Sup Forums thinks about ReactOS? Its is good it has fatal flaws? It can replace windows in medicore gaming pc?
Dumbed-down for complete idiots
Plain text thread
If you use firefox, why are you still using it or which fork are you using and why
Make your OS look good without going completely minimalistic
Explain me the macbook hate, please. It's a good, lightweight machine, perfect for text editing, web browsing...
Now that mpc hc is dead, where do we move on?
Does anyone here actually use gentoo?
Does non-shit forum software exist out in the wild? Just want an absolutely minimal framework that:
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
I've tried Vim and Sublime and I dislike both
What's gonna happen
Do you share / GitHub your code, Sup Forums? Why / why not?
Why is screw#1 free spinning?
/spg/ - Smartphone General - Nokia 8 Announcement Edition
Fucking Miners ruining everything. This card was $260 a few months ago
You see this shit? You see this fucking bullshit? AMD doesn't care about you. They don't care...
My AMD Radeon HD 7950 just died after 5 years of use, what is something of equal (or a bit better) performance today?
Bye botnet
Kaspersky ""antivirus""
Monitor Refresh Rates
Thoughts on adnausean? is it worth using?
Why are these so hard to find
440$ motherboard
Sup Forumsuts thread
God, Robots, and AI
Why isn't running a virtual host as your main OS a thing?
Are you jelly, /g?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
C++ vs Java
Welcome to 1984
Ctrl+f no Screenfetch / Neofetch thread
Nokia 8
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Just bought my first Nvidia GPU since the 560ti, had AMD ever since, and i loved the 7970, 290x and my current fury...
Who else is a file hoarder here?
What email do you Sup Forumsentooman use? Looking for alternatives to this piece of shit
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Big Data
Is programming kind of like knitting
You don't need a degree to get a programming job
ITT: Marketing terms you fucking hate
You can only pick two:
How do I find someone to micro-solder an iPhone logic board for $50 or less?
Which is better between the two?
Sup Forums - Music for Programming
Portable Media Players Thread
/wt/ - watch thread
What do you think the internet would look like if people still had to actually put in effort into getting online...
What is IRC used for?
IceCat + DuckDuckGo
I got 16gb RAM on my desktop. I mainly only play gaymes. Any reason for me to upgrade to more RAM?
Let's have a Sup Forums humor thread
If C++ is such a mess, why doesn't someone create something similar to it and remove all of the bad parts about it
Hurrrder user why don't you use discord?
/csg/ Chink Shit General - 2nd try edition
Why the fuck do phones these days have 1440p and 4k resolution screens? Who needs these things for a phone...
What internet browser do you use?
Is there too much technology?
Anyone else getting a yellow tint on their iPhone 7 Plus display?
Been using linux exclusively since highschool
No bullshit, what's the best laptop for school. My budget is $1000
Sticker Thread
Girls can't use comp-
July 2018
It's a Unix system, I know this
Full tower case
Audiophile Thread
Was it literally perfect?
Post you're best scores
I'll give you exactly ten seconds to post legitimate valid reasons why you haven't ditched old...
Post a better computer than this
ITT: Retarded Tech
15" rMBP vs iMac
Why the fuck do these faggots care if my phone is rooted?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Try to download visual studio
Building my first PC and I'm wondering if I should go with Windows 7 or 10?
Why is there still no ARM based laptop with a 12 cell battery for 24+ hour battery life?
ITT old tech you want and other retro bullshit
Why is Android so slow compared to iOS?
Speccy thread, storage edition
Why cant AMD make a processor that can compete with Intel?
What's the best motherboard for Threadripper?
Clang or gcc?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Where and how did you meet your girlfriend Sup Forums
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Best distro for someone who doesn t know shit about linux
User-kun, don't plug surge protectors into other surge protectors or extension cords or ups's...
/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux
Holy shit!
How am I going to program something this small i can't even run linux on it it's impossible
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Well shit
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Battlestation general
Are wireless frequencies harmful to you, and is it dangerous to sleep near a wireless router?
Best browser!
C# got a massive update, tell me why I should use anything else
What's the best program for writing code?
Just bought an SSD
Renting CPU time for BTC
How does one keep up-to-date on bias-free and competently written and researched technology news?
Is clover os just a meme? I'd like to know more about it. I mean look at this fucking website
Google AI
IMac Pro
Want to code something
Is it practical to buy a new inexpensive chromebook and then wipe the bios with SeaBIOS in order to run native debian...
Need a new browser?
Sup Forums what's a good android that can be rooted and I can harden the security on it?
Kisame I love you
Out of these 3, who is the best to trust with your information...
Excuse me user but I don't see your Facebook, Twitter and GitHub profile listed. Why is that?
Snapchat update forces app to not work on Android
The Google Controvacy
Why should I convert to Linux?
Double the price
So is she Asian or white?
He uses Arch instead of Ubuntu minimal for his """"minimalistic"""" operating system
U ready?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Konqi is hunting bugs to make KDE even more polished and secure!
Ntel CEO leaves American Manufacturing Council
Is there any reason not to go full 1080/1070 right now?
HID attacks
Anime girl generator
What language can most elegantly do this?:
Is anyone else having trouble searching for shit on the internet today? duckduckgo, yahoo, bing...
So, shitty old hardware incoming
RX Vega real MSRP is $599 and $699 respectively
Best IDE for C++ on linux that isnt linux shell?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Let's have a wallpaper thread. Post your desktop background
VP9 hardware decoding is still broken on Polaris GPUs
Why haven't the Mac Pro concept catch on?
What are your modern technology grievances?
What is the best distro and why is it Xubuntu?
What do you have on your 2nd vertical display?
Welcome to the botnet - v2 august 15 update
VEGA's MSRP is a lie and is 100$/£ over and has an enforced game pack (Not really worth $100/£ and unwanted by many)
Using veracrypt on ubuntu
Best music player?
Self-taught editing
Botnet is the standard now because muh games muh 144hz shooter
This is funny
How can nothing... Be worth something?
Is Steam a botnet or a malware? Is there any risks using it?
Post yfw the cheapest air cooled vega 64 costs 650€ in europe
Are these faggots for real?
Say Happy Independence Day to India Sup Forums
How long until we can have ARM based computers replacing x86_64 machines?
What do you even do with your GTX 1080 Ti and i7-7700k computer?
Linux subsystem for windows when?
Someone plays against an AI in dota 2 and loses
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread:
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
The internet was a mistake
Seriously? How do you fail so fucking much with an OS like Microsoft did with Windows 10...
Computer is becoming a bit unstable when under heavy load
Would you buy sexbots if they needed to be linked to the cloud to function?
/vlg/ - Void Linux General
Shitty new Nightly icon
Discord clamps down on white supremacist chatter on its client
Laptop bread
Which sounds better?
Amazon UK sent me the EU plug instead of UK. What do?
I'm a leaf in Japan trying to decide between two phones
Explain how they fit 256gb on something that can fit in my peehole
Any discord alternatives?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Drugs + programming = ?
Leatherjacketman says AMD no longer on the radar, we Intel now
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Why are pointers in C declared as
He keeps using Clover
US prosecutors demand data to unmask every visitor to anti-Trump protest website
I have a massive collection of mostly anime images all with unix timestamp filenames and all in one directory
Macs are better than pc
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...