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How is st?
Been meaning to change from urxvt
It's bretty gud
fellow slacker teach me the ways of the rice
FreeBSD is Love. FreeBSD is Life.
Hmm XFCE can be riced many ways and I've always been used to dwm which is pretty simple when compared to XFCE so I'd find it hard to rice :/
Stop lewding Illya, you pedo !!
Is there any reason to use st over urxvt?
How many epileptics have died from being within 10 miles of your monitor
So far none
Mostly it being simpler as in you just have one simple config file, that is, the header file and it has fewer lines of code.
I'm what you can call a girlfriend, made of flesh and bone, come out from your 2D world, you degenerate neckbeard nanodesu~
Stop fighting and derailing my thread >.< be nice to each other >.
oh god michi, don't treat people so badly, pedo-Sup Forums is a status symbol, I told you before you started posting
Oh but if you haven't followed this duganchen.ca
Gaps look yuck. Do people just like them because they can see more anime girls through the gaps?
I find it that it strains my eyes less than whenever I don't have gaps
I treat you the way I want~
Kay, I'll stop ..
Don't stalk me and if you want to tell me such things do it on telegram !!
just feels nice to me
Looks like the kind of thread that's gonna get banned next.
If you don't want the first black block of the color blocks to be invisible against the black background of your terminal, use the bright color range.
--block_range 8 15
>or any range you fancy.
Everyone's here with sexy themes and icons and I'm just sitting here with a dark theme on kde feelsbad and a default bash.
you coming from Sup Forums? pretty chill selection
well, kind of, i've used to browse Sup Forums a long time ago but got bored of it, also thanks!
shut up kisumi
this looks atrocious. Also, fell for muh unix philosophy meme.
Slackware is great, though. Nice to see that people still use it.
i did nothing wrong you shut up >:(
Sorry I'm not him but I'm in love with you can we sleep together just cuddling each other.
Ew, why is people here so gross ?? I mean yeah, that's what I love doing with my bf, but saying such things to an anonymous person ..
hey is this the local terminal thread on the block
The Plan9 dream is over, you need to wake up.
I've awoken into the 9front dream