/hpg/ - Headphone General

>Headphone purchase advice:

Please put some effort into your requests and questions.

If you dislike a suggestion, explain why and try giving a better suggestion to whomever asked.

For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in >Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ:

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


I linked the wrong one, this is actually the previous thread:

Who is this semen demon?

HD600 trash here.
What's your setup like, user?


I've been using some Sennheiser HD 540 reference from the 80s which belonged to my dad for as long as I can remember, but since they may completely break down any day now I'm looking to do some research.
Are these any good for today's standards?
If so what price range would be acceptable if I wanted new headphones with similar quality? Some examples?
Thanks and excuse my ignorance in the field.

What is the second best headphone behind the HD600?


Got succeeded at some point by HD580, then HD600, which is what I have/recommend.

Thanks for the info, I will look into these. Are there any similar models that are not oval shaped though?

Sennheiser favors oval-shaped, because that's sensible (ears aren't round). I'm not aware they have anything fullsized which isn't.

In this moment, I am euphonic. Not because of any colored frequency response. But because I am enlightened by my own neutrality.

What are the best wireless IEMs I can use for riding bike?

It's unsafe to ride a bike with headphones on as you are less aware of your surroundings. Please don't do this.



Is there anything more neutral than that at the same price?

there's something more neutral at $50 less.

pic not related

Which headphone is the bottom one I bet it sounds really nice. The top one can't into midrange.

>Bottom one can't into anything else

>posts niggerbass shitmids pic

>sennshills this fucking delusional

>No bass is poorly sealed
>Flat bass is nigger bass

>tfw multibit

500-1000hz is isn't mids
flat sub bass isn't niggerbass
You're just a fucking retard who can't into graphs

I have eyes and mirrors

but no brain apparently

>500-1000hz is isn't mids
:D :D :D

>can't into midrange
>top graph has smoother mids
>flat, accurate sub-bass and mid bass
>smoother yet non rolled off treble

kek. literally can't read graphs

Have you ever used a bike? You don't need to be aware of anything, it's safe. I'm mostly doing 10%+ climbs or singletrail so I'm not going fast anyway

isn't.500-1000hz isn't midrange
2-5k is.

>You don't need to be aware of anything

what do you guys think of this graph?

you don't

Tinny and veiled.

>500-1000hz isn't midrange


>As supposed to no bass and veiled :^)

You do realize the second graph has treble that dips way below the treble of the first graph, right? While managing to be lumpier? The second graph also has a dip in the mid-range that would make it sound much "tinnier" than the first.

Besides the fact that calling flat mids "tinny" is retarded.

That fucking Datsun, beautiful.

I like how the strawpoll in the last thread proved how much DiPolar samefags as user.

>DiPolar samefagging
You've claimed this for months, but you've never got any proof in return

No one really cares about the two graphs but the Sennheiser shills defending their "neutral" headphones

>You do realize the second graph has treble that dips way below the treble of the first graph, right?
Response above 9 kHz is rather inconsequential compared to the veiled treble above 4 kHz on the top measurement.
DiPolar pls.
If you look at the top graph is objectively much tinnier than the bottom graph, DiPolar.

What are the best noise-cancelling headphones for my ADHD?


you've never proven anything. your memephone gets shat on by the top graph and now you just highlight random parts of it and put some adjectives next to it as an argument.

graph one is a much better headphone, suck it up.

>Le DiPolar boogeyman
Hello, Sennshill! How did you feel not being able to defend the headphones you shill and don't own?

>s-stop it boogeyman!

he hasn't even posted yet. let's face facts here, headphone one is better measuring than headphone two.

>Le Sennshill boogeyman
Hello, Dipolar! How did you feel not being able to defend the headphones you shill and don't own?

>mfw dipolar was right

>I'm just gonna copy what he said!

how clever

It's valid.

>yfw you can't call Sennheiser shills "Sennshill" due to that one tripfag
Maybe some day you'll be able to afford the headphones you constantly shill for, dear user

According to actual /hpg/ and not just you constantly samefagging, this is false.

>it's valid because I said so!

no. this is valid
>hrtf shitposter literally doesn't understand hrtf

It was funny when he conveniently "forgot" to post with his trip a couple threads ago Goes to show that he's here shitposting both with and without the tripcode on, probably even samefagging his own posts to stir the pot

I'm look for an external headphone amp and dac like this one


I have been using this one for about 5 years now but the left channel gave out today. I like it for the easy way you switch between headphones and speakers with the rca out on the back with one button. I'm basically looking for a dac/amp combo with rca out that you can easily switch between. My current pair of headphones are the HD 558s so it doesn't have to be something super great.

>Post graph
>Everyone jumps onto it
>Post graph next thread
>No one cares
>Straw Poll the next thread
>No one still cares
Really makes you think

>immediately mentioning he forgot his trip after a post
>next post he does
>this is somehow proof he samefags

literally delusional

>The same thing happened with Sennshill

Nope, again with the obvious misinterpretation of studies.

You called?

>Inb4 more THD is better
>yfw DiPolar was right all along

>bunch of sennshills vote #1 first time
>the truth is revealed
>"f-ffuck my precious headphone!"
>next thread gets a strawpoll
>they fucking jump on #2 rather than admitting to being retarded

don't kid yourself

Nah. No DiPolar yet, tripfag

>anything that doesn't fit my ideas is an obvious misinterpretation!


>shilling the audeze since despite numerous reviewers citing its flaws and despite not owning the headphones


> all this discussion about hd600
> tfw I bough the 650 instead

Guess I made the right choice ;)

>Implying it isn't to trigger the Sennheiser shills not owning the headphone
I shiggy diggy

You're both guilty of it, now shut up.

Make me

Found what I was looking for no thanks to you retard niggers getting asshurt about some shitty headphones


> closed
> on ear

Instant trash

Nigga, that wasn't the point of the two graphs in the first place, before both headphones were revealed

You won't regret it user, but to be honest you'd be happy with either one. There's not a big difference between the two

Whatever the point, it's mute.

>i want to be retarded
Eh? Fine.


Might as well get a trip if your reaction image folder is so small. You're cancerous enough anyways.

>tfw too intelligent for FR graphs

I like it that way. What was your point anyway, user?

Not the same user. Get a trip so non-shitposters can filter you, thanks.

Gee wiz, user. If I was getting you that mad, you could have just asked!

>wanting to increase the already abysmal SNR of these threads is being mad

There's no stopping it!

>get home from work
>half the thread is about me and the delusions of sennheiser shills

Guise pls

Ayy, welcome back!

You brought this upon yourself, shitposter.

Damage control

>Being this angry

>gets home from work
>goes straight to hpg
>is fat


>Chink shit snap-prone headband

Headphones for brainlets.

At least it doesn't snap anymore

>keeps calling me fat

What do you get out of this? I weigh 150 and I lift 4 times a week you scrub.


Why does innerfidelity claim the hifiman he400s is better than the sennheiser hd600?

>Compared to the Sennheiser owner with Twix for toes