Why isn't Sup Forums part of ZeroNet yet?
>Open Source
>Block chain tech
>P2P tech
This is Decentralized internet, uncensored unregulated no Google no Twitter no facebook to ban you or hide your website.
Why isn't Sup Forums part of ZeroNet yet?
>Open Source
>Block chain tech
>P2P tech
This is Decentralized internet, uncensored unregulated no Google no Twitter no facebook to ban you or hide your website.
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm pretty sure Zeronet has ways to put your site offline bruh
Okay you've got me interested. What's the verdict on botnet status?
Because gee is only interested on traps.
Are there any useful websites on it worth using? I don't care about social media or anything like that.
not by default! Do your research!
It's a honeypot
Forget that shit
You know what always gets on my nerves when people talk about a "new internet", a "decentralized internet"? It isn't a new internet. You still need to be on the internet to access it. You still need an internet connection. Now if they would make something really new, perhaps P2P via Bluetooth or something like this that would be the shit. I'd jump right on that bandwagon. But until then, it's still the same internet, dude. BitTorrent and the block chain and stuff like that aren't new internet just a new part of the old one.
>peer to peer
But pirates use that, and pirates are criminals! You aren't a criminal, are you?
Its P2P, they'd have to take out all the seeders.
Its already up, 10mb sites.
Yeah, there are useful sites, news sites etc.
Anyway i2p etc had those 10+ years ago except the blockchain meme which in my opinion makes it even better.
>Python client/server
>if you want see website you should be download all of this website
You must save data of other people. But data can be illigal (CP or e.t.c.)
It's totally not anonymous
oh yeah it's not like p2p systems currently exist that are being shut down/spied on no way jose!
Its encrypted
well, we should start somewhere, aren't we?
The less we suck dicks of corporate fucks the better.
Imagine what you could do if you educated yourself instead of living in fear, shitposting reactively to hide your learned helplessness.
>Block chain tech
There's a meshnet being built with wireless repeaters in New York, but I hear the connection is ass.
Time for the first real reply of the thread.
I tried Zeronet a while ago. I thought the concept was fun but that everything was laggy and shitty. I also thought the UI was annoying as fuck. The cause of both of these things is webshit and python. But those components are really the core sell, because Zeronet is designed to make it easy for HN readers to get on the distributed bandwagon in the hopes of saving our civilization from corporate zombiehood.
So there's not much to do about that.
Okay if all that's true there must be CP on there correct? That's the ultimate test. If there's no CP the buzzword network isn't really free. Why? Because we hate p3dofiles, even the users of these networks crusade and find exploits to shut those specific types of sites down. These crusaders find the weakness of the network. That's when Government institutions join in too. Can the network survive this? If they can get to p3do shit - then that means no one else is truly free to speech there either.
But it's the ultimate moral test if the network is strong, or if it's weak. We don't want to see that p3do shit. It's disgusting. But it's not really free unless the p3dos have a space there. That way if we disagree, nothing we can do since it's FREE/ANONYMOUS/UNREGULATED/whatever. If illegal content can't be hosted or even discussed then all those buzzwords mean nothing.
btw pls dont arrest me Merica FBI for simply discussing the topic
I wouldn't want to use a service that shills on Sup Forums. That's not really a market of quality.
It's good, but I'm waiting for something a bit less "messy" to install. Ideally some portable program that can be sandboxed.
Torrent sites.
Not anonymous. Stop shilling for it.
I wonder who is shilling for it though, because Sup Forums's Sup Forums is the only place I know this piece of software gets mentioned at. And it's been a long time shilling, matter of months. Maybe it's the developer himself? I don't believe anyone else would be motivated enough.
The Greeks are way ahead of us burgers on this one.
dumb phoneposter