Seriously? How do you fail so fucking much with an OS like Microsoft did with Windows 10? Is Linux Mint any good for a complete newfag?
Seriously? How do you fail so fucking much with an OS like Microsoft did with Windows 10...
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If you've never touched a linux distro before, go Ubuntu.
do yourself a favor and go for xubuntu, or, if you like it more "poweruser", fedora xfce.
dont use mint
If you're a Linux newb pick (depending on the DE you want):
Mint Cinnamon
>Cinnamon is based on GNOME, but is set up to look more windows like.
KDE Plasma;
Kubuntu (openSUSE is much better but not as newb friendly)
>KDE is, just like Cinnamon, set up to look like windows. It's lighter and has a lot more customizability than Cinnamon. Avoid KDE Neon as a newb because it's a testing platform for newer KDE versions, and as a result even the "stable" versions are unstable. So stick with Kubuntu/openSUSE.
Ubuntu GNOME (again, Fedora and SUSE are better but not as newb friendly)
>GNOME is very simplistic, but it's UI is huge and more tablet-like. It resembles MacOS. It lacks customizability, but has a few addons to tweak it's looks and make it slightly less shit. It's heavier than most, if not all, desktop environments.
ZorinOS Lite
>Xfce is extremely customizable. ZorinOS Lite looks like windows, but Xubuntu has a different look to it. If this bothers you you can change it very easily since Xfce is very modifiable. It's also extremely light and will run well even on devices with 1-2GB RAM. The one flaw it has is shit/no compositor so you'll get screen tearing by default on most graphics cards. You can install Compton and fix this though (Searx: how to fix xfce screen tearing). The DE is also a bit dated.
It's basically like Xfce, but less customizable and overall worse.
It's getting abandoned. It was also a buggier version of GNOME.
>Pantheon (elementaryOS)
Another shitty version of GNOME.
Just like Unity, it's getting abandoned. Xfce is also much better than it and just as light.
Although it will be a good DE in future, it's still in early development.
Skype for Windows is redundant, it works fine in a browser window.
Nobody uses Skype. Just use Facebook, instant messaging or email like 99.99% of the population. Next
Please, ignore this retard
Ignore , he obviously never used linux.
I have used linux for 6 years and am using it still. Your opinions are retarded.
>being this much of a zorinfag
Linux mint has its security concerns as pointed out, but overall I've never had issues with it. If you go for ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu, go for LTS releases. There's also Trisquel, which is basically FSF approved ubuntu, but it is a bit behind on package versions.
Linux is good for pretty much anything that isn't gaming.
Ubuntu is shit for someone who is coming for a windows desktop environment.
Get Manjaro, it is one of the best new distros out there. It has a built in system that recognizes your hardware and automatically gets the proprietary drivers required to run it properly.
microsoft fucked up skype really hard over the years
the new version (the one with the fucking horrible UI) can't be minimized to tray either, just sticks to the taskbar if you have one. i just have an extra workspace for instant messengers, so i don't really care though
What the best distro for a newfag with old Intel igpu?
>go for LTS releases
>Is Linux Mint any good for a complete newfag?
Try out one of the *buntus. I use Lubuntu. Everyone has their preference. Use youtube and LiveUSB/LiveDVD to find the one you like best.
because not everyone is an archfag who likes unstable API/ABI and configuration formats ?
It's one of the few distros that don't look like shit by default and wouldn't repulse a windowsfag.
More stable. Less updated software/games work better on them since they sometimes need old dependencies and fetching old dependencies is annoying.
non lts release does not mean bleeding edge
Should be dist-upgraded only once in a while.
lts means stable API/ABI within its lifetime which is 3-5 years usually (dunno exactly for ubuntu)
anyone with a light DM like XFCE.
ZorinOS Lite, obviously
Less need for dist-upgrading because an LTS keeps receiving updates for a long time.
Not THAT necessary for desktop use, but I prefer it nonetheless.
You dont need to minimize to tray. It is always running in background even if you close it. Same for lots of other apps like facebook, instagram, viber. It's pretty handy to keep desktop and taskbars uncluttered.
Actually people do use Skype, I use it once or week or so. Your friends probably don't use it because you don't do conference calls with them but for work I have to do this.
>more "poweruser", lubuntu
It's literally Xfce just with less features. Xfce makes it obsolete.