VEGA's MSRP is a lie and is 100$/£ over and has an enforced game pack (Not really worth $100/£ and unwanted by many)

VEGA's MSRP is a lie and is 100$/£ over and has an enforced game pack (Not really worth $100/£ and unwanted by many).


Other urls found in this thread:"AYYMDPOORFAGS"/"AYYMD HOUSEFIRES"/

in romania, for example, they're not even fucking listed anywhere

The shit yields will mean it never hits msrp. Another massive disappointment

how the fuck can they lie about MSRP

it's the retailers who decide whether or not they abide by it

that's why it's a manufacturer SUGGESTED retail price

you dumb fucking children

they claim the bundles are to stop miners buying them
but miners buy them off the boat not the store

Its up to the stores to use the bundles

Blame the miners. The card is rumoured to have 60-100 Mh/s.

gtx 1080ti has like 30

You'll have to ask your local gypsies to conjure one up.

monday for russia, probably whole eastern europe
rec price is very good, 42k for 64 air meaning 56 going to be 33-35k
that's cheaper than 1080 for 46-50 and 1070 for 37-40
we usually get very close to MSRP(+taxes) here, since they can't force stupid prices - nobody would buy it at all
EU has only their retailers to blame for jewing you all

>forgets about the multi billion dollar mining industry that is solely built on amd gpus
oyyy veyy

Even in America prices are fucked.

You have two choices
1. No bundle packs and miners buy absolutely everything
2. Bundle packs and miners only buy most of everything

The cards (not the packs) need to be sent to Amazon UK and Ebuyer. All those other retailers are ripoff merchants.

people that got it for $509 got lucky

3 Get manufactures to sell online only to those with steam login that meets certain requirements.

>miners dont have steam

Good god, vega 56 will be impossible to get if this shit got sold out


I'm saying reserve stock for actual gaymers.

Reminder to report shitposters."AYYMDPOORFAGS"/"AYYMD HOUSEFIRES"/

Microcenter stores only had a handful each. It was a terrible.launch

microcenter sold them on the side

How does someone manage to be this stupid?

How does someone not understand supply and demand and volume of sales.

The stupid ass bundle doesn't even make sense. They say it's for gamers, but which gamer considering this card don't already have a capable motherboard, CPU, or monitor? Yeah, the prices went up by $100 and you get two free games, but miners don't give a fuck about that. That's just giving those people 2 free games. Meanwhile, the bundle cucks are paying $1000 for a GPU and paperweight.

you're not supposed to mine eth with a 1080 ti, you retarded mongoloid

it would have a better ROI mining for zec

Retailers are what they are. They want to make $$$.

Someone stated above that AMD should have teamed up with Steam if they are REALLY interested in gamers. Selling through Steam would allow gamers to get their hands on GPU's for gaming. Especially if they limited to 2 per customers. Steam could also prevent multiple accounts from the same IP trying ot bulk buy.

Believe it or not, 1070 has a MSRP of 350 which is actually 49 dollars lesser than Vega56.

why not fucking outright say that they'll cost $700 from the getgo, will be weaker than the competition and you won't even be able to buy them because of the miner fomo that will just buy them hoping they'll get optimized

a 1070 costs around $650 where i live
and vega isn't even for fucking sale

Because lie hype disappoint strategy of and amd

>weaker than 1080Ti
>consume more power
>shit at gaming, mining, etc
am i missing something? how can this thing sold out when it shit?
does it perform somewhere else where the reviewer didn't benchmark it?
its really weird and i'm confuse here.

Blamer the miners



its so miners dont buy up all the cards

miner fomo and imbecility


the miners already fucking bought the cards

what coins?


I don't even think miners bought the majority. They just produced way less then what was needed

Miners bought the cards with the hope that it will get fixed for mining. If not it just goes into the farm as long term or gets sold on for an inflated price.



Nope, they lied.
I understand you post - but it's little to do with what happened here.

This isn't a case of SKU 'X' have it's priced jacked up from MSRP by Retailers
This is a case of SKU 'X' was advertised, but only supplied in *VERY* small quantities (Newegg got less than 30 across every AIB...), however SKU 'Y' (Which is 'X' + Two Games) is readily available, but $100 more.

This is literally a classic case of Bait and Switch.

but but b-but AMD are the good guys!!!!!

Let's face it. There are hundreds of thousands of people out there with Freesync monitors DESPERATE for a high end AMD GPU. So it might be a combination of miners and gamers in actuality.

>Bait and Switch
>noun: bait-and-switch
>the action (generally illegal) of advertising goods which are an apparent bargain, with the intention of substituting inferior or more expensive goods.
>"a bait-and-switch scheme"

>only supply a couple cards

Plus the enthusiasts that buy everything amd

RIP. Even more people dead than the Grenfell tower.

I feel bad for this based black man

>people out there with Freesync monitors DESPERATE for a high end AMD GPU
i am one of them


That's not always the case, some companies won't allow you to sell below a certain price because it cheapens the brand, for example.

wtf are these prices?

>only supply a couple cards

retarded retailers think there is a mining hype behind these cards
there isn't
prices will drop to MSRP next week

i sisnt say it worked i said it was their reasoning

I think they just started enforcing the bundle prices. Nothing to see here. Vega 64 launched at $839 CAD and I'm not buying one until it drops.

>amdpajeets will defend this

>enthusiasts that buy everything amd
You misspelled amdrones. No one in their right mind would buy this abortion when 1080Ti exists.

>Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price

Really makes the neurons fire

This was bullshit

undervolt your vega

AMD apparently lied about the prices to get better perf/$ numbers in reviews:
>Below is a quote from Overclockers UK's Gibbo, who reported that AMD's £449.99 price tag for their RX Vega 64 was "launch only" pricing. This price only applied to the retailer's initial allotment of RX Vega 64 Black standalone GPUs, with AMD giving gamers a £100 discount as some form of an "early adopter" discount.

*rubbing hands intensifies*

>Lives in UK
>Thinks that American MSRP has anything to do with him
Is UK full of retards or are you only one?

The driver updates and out of stock notifications don't agree with you.

black alu vega looks sexy as fuck

Shame it does not exist.

repeat after me: 1080ti pricing

>1080Ti pricing
>1070 performance
stellar job Rajeesh Pooduri

The price for the Vega 64 is more or less the same as the GTX 1080. It is a bit cheaper than founders edition.

>Newegg literally only sold 30 $499 cards while the rest were forced into the shitty bundles
This has to be illegal advertising. They think tacking on games with deter mining customers...

In my country

That's your fault for being in Romania, though.


But Vega DOES have shit yields. They are including a full extra Vega die in the packaging. That would be only economical if yields were below 50%.

>when your card gives Cherenkov radiation
comfy as fuck desu

as I've said, AMD is taking advantage ($$$) of the altcoin mining craze, and prolly making mad cash with these GPUs, plus deals with gaming companies...
protip: don't buy these GPUs.

AMD are literally the jews now

i will say it again

im 10000000000% sure that amd has something to do with etherium

What do reviewer mementos has to do with yields?

That was just shill packages right

At least it should show even diehard fanboys that, AMD does not give a shit about them and overcharge as soon as they have the chance.

>waaahhh I can't buy cards without CPU+board bundled in

Rtg at least

kill yourself shitstain
you can limit sales to 1 per customer
this is just amd being jews and trying to move defective samshit monitors

The chink tranny has the final say.

amd plebbit is in flames
This is too much for damage control.

>There are hundreds of thousands of people out there with Freesync monitors

there really isn't. i'm around these fucking cancer pc master race elitists at college pretty much every day and out of all of them only one has a variable refresh monitor and it's a fucking asus gsync.

>literally just built a PC sans GPU
>would not waste funds on an overkill 1700x, 1800x, top of the line motherboard, or ridiculous curbed monitor
Go fuck yourself.

The game pack is an attempt to keep miners off the cards.

It won't work. AMD needs to specifically gimp their gaming cards for mining.

Nvidia promised that the Frontier Edition was a premium high end product and 3rd party Pascal cards would be $100 cheaper.
Turns out they were lying, too.

And they won't. My dumbass could've got a 580 before this mess but I wanted to wait for VEGA. Looks like my 7950 runs for another year.

>make game pack to make it not cost effective to buy GPUs
>miners buy all the packs anyway

Fucking jej.

That would be UMRP or MAP, not MSRP.

>b-but nvidia
We are talking about amd now because amdrones always point out how amd are "consumer friendly and honest". Nvidia doesn't try to sell you gpu with packs including the most expensive mobo and cpu plus a defective samshit monitor.

too late :^)

When GTX 1070 prices rose above $500 you didn't blame Nvidia for it either, did you?