>There are manbabys on Sup Forums right now that use their cryptography processing units to play 3D games instead of making money
What's it like being so childish?
>There are manbabys on Sup Forums right now that use their cryptography processing units to play 3D games instead of making money
What's it like being so childish?
Gamer buys expensive GPU - lets it idle instead of earning a profit. Many such cases! Sad!
Bad shitpost OP, single GPU mining hasn't been viable for ages now.
I got 980ti in SLI. how do I mine?
will I gain anything of value?
but it doesn't actually do anything its computation for the sake of a fiat currency. you don't have to do pointless computations for fiat money.
Always need more suckers to sustain your reverse funnel system right?
I had a hardy chuckle realizing that cryptocurrencies broadcast their achilles heel so openly, yet so few seem to see it. It's a system based entirely on hardware and hardware companies, meaning China effectively controls it. Bitcoin. Ethereum. China has control over each and every one of them. Because if something happens in China and the hardware stops flowing or hardware standards shift, it'll all die out. There are no alternatives. It's totally centralized.
Maxwell mining a shit.
not worth the electrical bill?
go to whattomine.com
select 6x rx 480
I mine ether with my 1080ti when I'm not using it to drive my rift
can I mine with a hd 5450?
>Running 6 cards
Your parents are going to sodomize you with a table leg before they kill you.
1x 1080ti
that's $90 a month for 720 full throttle hours on your hardware. I'm not dealing with that shit.
I wouldn't bother, I didn't even scalp my 8gb hawaii card when the prices were gouged. It's a waste.
>not making 5k a month testing games / writing reviews
I feel bad for you son
My cooworker claims to do this for a side living, he is 350lb, and looks like that stupid fat gay commedian who was on hollywood squars a lot.
he is also annoying as shit.
how does it feel being a bigger failure than him then?
It would be nice if you weed out gaymers from this board, they're the cancer of Sup Forums, they make tons of useless threads here making Sup Forums a shopping forum.
He is hourly, and I am salary with overtime benefits. I am 100% sure I am making twice as him at the same job.
No one likes him
sounds like you feel inferior to him, not like i can blame you
dont worry user, one day you'll be as succesful as him.
keep self patting yourself.
its okay to appreciate yourself, life isn't worth living doubting yourself, try it :)
Thanks brah. I love myself, and I am in a good place right now.
>mining is considered a respectable activity
at this point you might as well just put your mining budget into bitcoin directly.
Sell when it hits 10k next year and enjoy not having to deal with heat, power consumption, dead components and having to resell the hardware.
pls ban me
>coinfag thinks i don't make money despite my gpus sitting idle
i should sell my rx480 though, i don't really use it and will probably buy vega in future
pls ban me!
This is a cryptographic coprocessor, that's a GPU.
>meaning China effectively controls it.
There are zero fabs in China and Taiwan is effectively independent.
Forgot image
Me too.
>6x rx 480
More like -$3000/day given how shit AMD cards are at power efficiency
my initial impression is that bit mining has nothing to do with graphics processing and just cpu calculation but ill look into it
obviously bit mining is a scam from all the info ive gathered so far
>He needs to mine in order to make money with cryptos
Take my hand, Come on over to /biz/ with me. We'll show you how its done.
I live in a country that takes so much tax on electricity in order to subsidize muslims that mining simply isn't viable.
>being part of a pyramid scheme
Enjoy busting up your GPU and barely covering your electricity bill, if even that.
It's quite a bit of fun if I'm being honest.
i need crypto to buy my coke for resale you manbaby, go back to Sup Forums
wtf why would you tax electriticy instead of subsidized it?
I don't think even tsmc's newest fabs are in taiwan
Merkelnomics - I have no idea what they're supposed to do besides running the country completely into the ground.
where are they?
>I have no idea what they're supposed to do besides running the country completely into the ground.
They're supposed to put your tax € back into the market so corporations can grab back a piece of the salary they paid you good goy.
>not folding protein and curing cancer with your GPU
those windmills and Muslims doesn't come by themselves.
get a load of this dumbass
What year did old Bills say that? He was right.
>to play 3D games
Jokes on you pal. I use my cuda cores to upscale my waifu.
New York, just like GloFo's
3 pennies a day must seem like a lot when you're a NEET
you cant even pay the powerbill for the fucking system with that