>Be me
>Join Cyber Security club at my local university
>Everyone in there has a bulky gaymer laptop
>even the professor
Be me
>cyber security club
>local university
I mean, what did you expect? To actually learn something there?
I thought everyone on Sup Forums was being a contrarian faggot when they said university was worthless but now... maybe they were right.
>Cyber Security club
I gotta ask what kinda club is that?
how can i into hax'ing? i'm shit web developer. hax0ring sounds gool
He teaches wifi cracking and os security and is also the supervisor of the club. He must dual boot linux or something but I saw windows 8 on his laptop
I use a surface pro 4
Just because they have laptops you don't like? Jesus, you pass judgement like it's nothing.
>be me
stopped reading there
You're right I bet I'll learn plenty about cyber security from a bunch of gaymers
you need that performance to brute force shit
You know nothing about them other than they have gaming laptops. Is it so hard to believe that people can be into cyber security AND video games?
Oh my! You mean a bunch of people bought laptops that have some of the best price:performance ratio out there when looking for quad core mobile i7s and proper cooling?! Pen testing can put some serious load on the CPU especially when you let the brute force tool you're using utilize all cores/threads. Thus you need a laptop that won't melt, or allow the CPU to throttle. "Gayming" laptops offer that for much cheaper than a professional or workstation laptop. And not everyone finds cobbling together a 2nd (or 3rd/4th let's be honest Sup Forums) hand thinkpad to be sufficient.
As for Windows/linix dual boot, that's normal. Especially for a professor. The Linux portion is probably Kali or some type of off shoot configured solely for pen testing. This type of setup is unsuitable for daily use, hence the windows partition. Not to mention your University is probably based on windows and MS ecosystem.
Stop being a fag. Fag.
This desu desu
>Join cyber security club
>IT'S a bunch of Web Devs that learn about xss and mysql injections and basic ass "use this software to protect your data!" type of shit
>I'm the only one there that does reverse engineering and assembly and cryptography shot
>every ctf involves them texting and messaging me on slack for assembly help
>heavily sponsored so they're forced to teach them about the Latest New Product (tm) that some dying startup is pushing
>all the people that actually Know Shit enough to hold all conversation graduated already
>One of them is an obvious channel shoving their anime memes in every social crevice they can
>the anime-wallpaper ricer breed on a ThinkPad
Literally purgatory. I should just start my own counter-club
>you need that performance to brute force shit
>Is it so hard to believe that people can be into cyber security AND video games?
It's hard to believe that cybersec people can into driving around targets, yes.
i'm gonna guess you're a macfag.
>he infers the usage of a laptop based on the looks of it
fuck mate you are pretty damn pathetic if i may say so
Cool blog update, OP
>unix based
>Respects my privacy
>no telemetry
>Third party support
>Just werks
Not OP but how is "macfag" an insult?
>A professor needed as supervisor for a student's club
Are you majoring at a Kindergarten?
>Respects my privacy
>closed source
because none besides the first of your points is actually true
can;t even imagine how fucking cringe the lot of you must look crammed into a tiny room talking about the latest mr robot episode.
it's fucking pathetic.
sort yourself out.
Read hacking: the art of exploitation
Or just install whatever backtrack is called now and be a 1337 Haxx0r hacking neighbours WiFi
>Is it so hard to believe that people can be into cyber security AND video games?
TBHFAM, yes. I've been in devops for almost a decade and literally nobody who is competent is a gamer. Gamers have a really nasty habit of being totally absorbed into their games, eschewing all other career and hobby skill building. They also tend to be grossly under or over weight.
Don't be a gamer user, just don't.
socialize god damn it quit putting down every one you meet
I can agree that gaming brings out addictive tendancies, but dismissal of anyone who plays games is absurd.
automatic dismissal*
i dunno i use linux.
You don't, even a gaymer laptop won't have enough processing power, that's why you use ssh and servers for this shit.
>bulky gaymer laptop
>Being triggered by this
I always find Sup Forums preference of form over substance both hilarious and disappointing. I guess that's why the board is full of ricers.
>>closed source
>I'm a blatant idiot who knows nothing about the Darwin project
Their face when running man in the middle attacks on a SNSV Chromebook...
what laptop do you have?
are you that girl from gamers anime?
pls teach me user kun
so he's a fucking skid then
>He teaches wifi cracking
you have to be joking
Anyone who starts a greentext story with
>Be me
is literally from reddit. Go back there and then kys
This. My middle school teacher tough us that shit.
Welcome to cyber security /nufag/, where using your GPU for a successful brute force matters.
Associate professor who can't get tenour
community/junior/state college
Drop out now!
rippoffof bsd
haha yea sure
that you know of
ugly hipster bling
that you pay for
for plebs
mactoddler sound better?
If they are dumb enough to buy a computer that is neither a good laptop nor a good gaming unit, they are fucking inept through-and-through.
I prefer the original.