Best IDE for C++ on linux that isnt linux shell?

I know its best to just write code then compile it with gcc/g++ and then run it with gdb but im super lazy and would like to keep my programming in one window as its more a hobby for me right now.

I tried using code::blocks and visual studio code which are a pain to set up templates for and like tasks.json, launch.json all that

>nice design, preferably gtk or something that is minimalist and doesn't look like windows 98
>easy debugging with one click
>uses the system #include directory on linux

Thanks fellas, im pretty new to linux programming btw but ive done a few things on botnetdows 7/8 back in the day, only just coming back to programming now

Other urls found in this thread:

CLion, but it costs money.(Free for students and developers who can prove they contribute to open source software)

>Open source
>costs monet


but thanks dude

>Reading comprehension

also, gcc is a collection of compilers and g++ is one of them.

i've figured it out now
silly me

Thanks man, didnt know that :)


So, in linux, speaking of C/C++, I had very good results with CodeBlocks And CodeLite, they are excelent with gcc compiler, debuging and they have a lot of options to customize your IDE.

haha yes that facepalm is very necessary i was being a dumb bum

ah! codelite! thats the one i was looking for! heard about it but couldn't pin a name to it

thank you, installing now

anyone else got any more? greatly appreciated

Well you used Code::Blocks which is dedicated to C++ so I recommend NetBeans whcih works great and didn't gave me problem with templates.

emacs for editing
cmake (or shake) for building
gdb + valgrind for debugging
Comfy as fuck

>and developers who can prove they contribute to open source software)
Kek, that's new.

it's free for people with a .edu email for 1 year

Second for netbeans, although qtcreator is a close second

Atom with the gpp package.
Sublime can also be configured with PackageResourceViewer.
Suggestions and linting and all that can be done with a few plugins and installing clang with you system package manager.

Qt creator


How do you prove you contribute to open source software?

Could I get it off of some Javascript I wrote for an official Gnu project?

I use eclipse.

Dunno how it compares to other IDEs, but it gets the job done for me

I know a lot of you think this is a joke, but the Qt IDE is indeed quite complete.

No joke


>mega (dot) nz/#!hcVmjIDK!RcDNpZ1evBjGFONjEbcYx3LhJKLcw2tYYYh_-Y-789o

you're welcome stupid goys

Run as admin on windows or it won't work

> windows

I just said it before ppl start to jump with muh malware/it doesn't werk so it's botnet or some shit

Also there are plenty of other good alternatives: Qt Creator/Gnome Builder/KDevelop/geany as IDE/Netbeans