Snapchat's latest update has made it unusable on Android phones. Regretting not getting an iPhone now?
Snapchat update forces app to not work on Android
works fine for me
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It force closes after a few seconds
The fuck you on about? It works just fine for me.
Works on my machine ;-)
They fixed it now btw, probably reverted the update
>implying Sup Forums would ever care
>not using with snapprefs
No one on Sup Forums uses normiechat.
Why is Snapchat and other shit like Instagram so shit on Android? Even on Android phones with better front and rear cameras, when, for instance, someone goes live on Instagram, the video is all pixelated and blurry.
Because only niggers use it, and the nigger sign of wealth is an iPhone. Hence, better on iPhone.
Apparently people in this very thread do. It's sick, and I have to wonder what compels such retarded tech illiterates to post on a technology board.
i got snapchat to try and get nudes. then my family added me and they send me shit nonstop like pictures of their kids. i really hate it but i can't block them or i'm a dick.
looks like this could be a good excuse to uninstall now. i'll just pretend i'm stuck on this update.
I noticed this. Additionally, the new update forces you to see ads that get interspersed into stories. Basically in the middle of a story you'll swipe next and instead of seeing your bro fuck a fence post, you see an ad about the new iDildo9 which you can skip immediately but is immensely annoying.
I never understood what this application does..? Never had it installed.
I don't even know what it is.
>almost half the people in this thread seem to use snapchat
This board has fallen far. Jesus Christ.
>I have no friends irl: The post
>Implying you need to use snapflat and instasham to have friends in person
Mine did the same thing, just clear the cache and data on the app.
You'll get logged out but it should work fine after that
sadly that's just the way the world goes now. at the very least you should have one but never use it -- that way you atleast appear to be a normie
I only installed that garbage because I went out with a 17yo
it's trash, hope the userbase dries up soon
bu..but user I'm not tech illiterate
I only use it so my normie friends think I'm a normie just like them
It just werks
>caring about whether you "appear" to be a normie or not
Why are you here?
>Thinking that my life is defined by snapchat
Yeah, only iPhone users would be so upset to not have Snapchat for a few hours
>implying all of us live under a rock in our mothers basement like you
top lel
>implying you live in your mothers basement if you don't use snapshack
Are you 14? Go away.
Woops! Looks like you just moved the goal posts. Try, try, try again.
>Needs to appear normal in order to fit in
Bullshit, you just like the app, why draw circles around the fact?
>Regretting not getting an iPhone now?
No because I don't use normie apps
>Whoops! Looks like you just made an assumption only a r*dditor and/or 15 year old would make.
Stop getting assmad over the fact other people don't like wasting time sending "le funny filter selfies" to their make believe friends.
lol you got btfo and can't even make an argument.
>hehe BRO you can't even make an argument
Not an argument. I think your mother is calling you, go away.
Neets everyone. We share this board with this guy, christ almighty.
too many pajeets posting snaps of their poo i presume :^)
Niggers and whores.
kill urself
>oh no! someone doesn't like sending dumb selfies to fake e-friends, let's burn him at the stake!
that works still?
>the nigger sign of wealth is an iPhone
Yeah I don't live in Detroit sorry. Everyone has an iPhone where I live, they're not a sign of 'wealth'. God you Americans are trashy and poor as fuck. Showing off with smartphones is what 3rd world nation people did, in 2008.
Dude just stop, for fuck's sake not everyone is "le fedora neckbeard NEET xDD" just because they don't use some shitty chat app. If your friendships are based on app choices, they're not your friends anyway.
>OP using android ics or kk
tfw nougat
>the neckbeard, threatened, defends its (lonely) way of life
>regretting not getting an iPhone
remember to sage shill threads
btw it's pathetic that you use snapchat to shill applel
Werks for me.
>this is what 15-year-olds actually believe
I don't even know what snapchat is.
I haven't used Goychat since they pushed that map thingy. It was too Orwellian for me.
Indeed it does and it's great
I have all my snaps set to autosave and I have a script that rsyncs to an archive folder on my fileserver. If I'm gonna use normie social media, I'm gonna do it as autistically as possible
It's opt-in though. I don't see the problem.
Not really, Snapchat is dying and getting btfo by Instagram.
ebin :DDDD
It is though. No new users, can't get any more investments, nerd goggles got btfo.
How can a non-competing product btfo it?
>what are stories, private self-destructing video and pictures, etc being added for
Fact of the matter is Instagram will always be bigger than Snapchat, an eventually Snapchat will die, just like vine.
How much are they paying you to shill for Instagram?
>my friends are so virtual, I absolutely need to communicate with them through a proprietary application most likely ran with bad intentions
Be a modern man, learn programming and go to meetups. That's the price of independence today.
Snapchat decided to eliminate users who are poor.
>state fact
>hurr must be shill
How is snapchat still not illegal?
Everyone knows that teens share their nude pictures with each other through that app.
*blocks your path*
You do realize that snapchat doesn't use the camera APIs, and just takes a screenshot of the view on screen right? They do this to save bandwidth because 1080p view < all your mega pixels.
no one on Sup Forums uses this normie shit you retard. go back to your instagrams and facebooks.
Nothing of value was lost it seems.
It's fine on my OP3 but ok