So, im making a shitty game on telnet, take a look

so, im making a shitty game on telnet, take a look
port 23
i recommend to use putty on windows

common guys its funny

guys come on, I posted this 6 whole minutes ago, why aren't you replying?

literally only 2 things to do

Do you think all those normies on this board even know what telnet is? Just make a browser game with a .io domain and people will flood in to your game.

nice honeypot, it is login to telnet mexian gov.

You are wrong man that ip is SOPA DE MACACO.


Like elementaryos?


haha, this.
People are stupid here. Just look at all consumerism threads and you'll get the picture what kind of people comes here.

nice computer, Vaguiner

It looks broken on my end

I'm mining shit coins all the live long day

op you played me like a damn fiddle

I bet this is a honey pot to register all the alt-right members.

Too scared of botnet to connect to an ip on port 23

seems broken

trying to login does not work, and an error appears that the batch file is deleted.

wow op


no big deal he's just having fun

What does that mean

leave Sup Forums lamer

aint clicking that ip
someone scan it with norton

you'd best be trolling...

what would they be doing in Sup Forums?

Norton can do this, you just upload the ip to their file checker and it will tell if it secure or not, but first you have to write it down into a txt lol only normies dont know this fact

oh boy...

there's no hope for you is there?

>not noticing a meta troll

I just don't know anymore.

Sup Forums is filled to the brim with idiots.

i connected with putty on linux and nothing happened

im not booting into windows because i dont care enough

>1. Login
>2. Create Account

>enter 2

>Account already exists

whats going on op did you just botnet me

okay op what did you do to my computer

>upload the ip

excuse me mr. vaguiner but i hit ctrl+C at the login screen and then entered "password" and this happened


Telnet isn't exactly the way I'd invite people to connect to my computer.

literally one post above this one

maybe you shouldnt open your system up to the internet especially Sup Forums

also how do you get shitcoins im at level 5 but i still dont have any

why in the fuck are you hitting ctrl+c?

just fucking around seeing if i can hit some glitch and get into an admin account or something

where's my shitcoins vaguiner

you have to select telnet on putty

just log in and hit 2

Its most likely just a VM

but if i save the bat now, everyone will get disconnect

all it does is just keep reprinting the same thing, adding random numbers to my experience

is this it?

Im working on shop

Why would you use putty on linux‽

because i am linux babby and i still need GUIs but i am learning :^)

[Account] rmdir /Q /S C:/Users/Vaguiner/
[Char] rmdir /Q /S C:/Users/Vaguiner/
shitcoins=0 rmdir /Q /S C:/Users/Vaguiner/
level=0 rmdir /Q /S C:/Users/Vaguiner/
xp=0 rmdir /Q /S C:/Users/Vaguiner/

fuck off

mine shop complete

I aint nigga that shit clickin.

how do i stop mining


What I find funny is that you said you were making a game on telnet, then you gave us port 23 like we don't already know what port is telnet. Atleast you posted something Sup Forums related a little bit

game ded?

Is this bait

Chama Pedro II que deu ruim




Of course it's just a virtual machine and he's trying to get our ip addresses :c
Of course someone was a beautiful little devil and turned off his computer! Love you user

shutdown -s -f -t 0

never pass unsanitized input to anything.


op what happened I can't connect anymore

I'd really love to try it out but I'm paranoid as fuck and I can't help it

should have deleted all his stuff first
(even if it is a virtual machine)

OP turn it on again come on

>came late to the party

>tfw you were the richest when it died