Tfw rolling release

>run pacman -Syu

how do you guys remind yourselves to update your system regularly? My memory is awful and I can go months without updating until one ultra specific package randomly breaks and I can't avoid it.
Really I wouldn't care about system upgrades being so fucking huge if my internet speed didn't suck ass, but this takes at least an hour to download.

apt babbies need not apply. take your perpetually ancient software somewhere else.

Other urls found in this thread:

is this satire?

CentOS testing repos update faster than you guys with less chance of breakage.

>apt babbies need not apply. take your perpetually ancient software somewhere else.
Enjoy your bleeding edge NSA backdoors.

>apt babbies need not apply. take your perpetually ancient software somewhere else.

apt babbies everywhere appreciate your willingness to be an unpaid QA for the rest of us

why use a bleeding edge rolling release distro if you don't care about updating for months at a time?

no ty.
I've had way more breakage with """""stable""""" distros and apt than I ever have with arch.
the aur is fucking godly

> AUR is fucking godly

Just use Manjaro then.

i dunno, i'm doing it constantly so don't have that problem.

how is the aur godly? anyone can submit packages and I'm sure you don't properly vet them. why not just download what you need from the original source?

Using the AUR is way easier than having to write up my own PKGBUILD or uninstall something manually if it breaks.

what are you installing that wouldn't have its own instructions? have you not heard of make clean install? uninstalling manually is easy as well, just see what was installed and remove it (or run make uninstall)

maybe you shouldn't be using linux?

Tumbleweed reminds me of updates on every boot. I normally update once a week tho

>run makepkg -s
>it just werks

>run ./configure, wait for the dependency it needs to be spat out
>spend 20 minutes installing dependencies
>finally start building it, it fails anyway for a completely unrelated reason

you could setup a systemd timer to just update automatically, though you might want to also set up something to tell you about pending configuration file updates, also you probably don't want to automatically update AUR packages

just use a point release if you can't remember to update

>apt babbies need not apply. take your perpetually ancient software somewhere else.
that is pretty funny coming from someone who goes months without updating
you can't say you're running current packages while also saying you don't actually update to them

I check for updates every time I sit down at the computer. It's like restarting my phone before I leave the house, so that its fully encrypted. Make it a habit, and you'll never forget.

>turn on computer
>boot into arch
>run sudo pacman -Syyu
>no new updates

>It's like restarting my phone before I leave the house, so that its fully encrypted.


my phone is set up to require pin to complete startup when you are turning it back on. that user probably has something like that.

>run pacman -Syu
>zfs-linux still stuck on ancient kernel version
>cannot update
zfs is great, but also suffering
should just switch to dkms version?

Pacman notifies me when there are updates

yes, you should use the dkms version
current zol release is compatible with linux 4.12 (latest stable)

are you literally retarded?
> dependency hell

I've made a "welcome script" which I include in .bashrc. It basically checks for existence of a hidden file inside ~/bin/ and the date written in it; if the file doesnt exist, or the contents of the file arent equal to today's date, the script is executed, overwriting the hidden file's contents with todays date, giving me a warm welcome with a random fortune -o inside a random cowsay character, and a remainder to update my mirrorlist and system regularly.

I can't post the screenshot right now but it's nothing special.

Also the AUR install process pauses to let you read the PKGBUILD and see what it's doing.

My tmux session runs it on launch. So it happens when I login. I have some weeklong up times on my poor laptop though.

>how do you guys remind yourselves to update your system regularly?
Sup Forums reminds me

>i go months forgetting to update my rolling release
get yourself checked for alzheimer's

>hours to download
literally how? what speed do you pay for? I avg 7 mps

A freshly rebooted phone is fully encrypted (presuming your phone is encrypted). Unlock it once, and it isn't.


I don't remind myself nothing, simply I'm there installing stuff and think "oh what if I update the system"

I have a counter in my status bar that tells me how many packages need to be updated, it turns organge if this number is 10+ and red if it's 50+

>tfw you boot up an Arch box after months/years and hundreds of packages need updating
>tfw pushing enter
>tfw nothing breaks

I just pacman -Sy every now and then to keep the repos up to date without pulling in massive updates and everything works perfectly

If this update scares you, you've obviously never done a distro upgrade on a Debian-based system. Shit takes four hours and needs your constant attention and two or three reboots and in the end you go from an ancient broken software base to a lesser ancient more broken one.

Well, you could put this thing to cron. Or write a script that lists updated packages, update news and then asks if you want to upgrade on each login.

>python updates
>package manager breaks
Transaction history is pretty cool in yum though.

Most of the time the PKBUILD does exactly that for you, you can always check.

keep sucking down that koolaid buddy.

How what?

How is xbps, guys?

Use your device on a daily basis.

>how do you guys remind yourselves to update your system regularly?
Manjaro update checker applet does that for me

>tfw using debian sid with unattended upgrades every six hours

>how do you guys remind yourselves to update your system regularly?
with a script and notify-send

checking for updates every 15 minutes

I was a Debian stable user.
Had problems with outdated packages.
Made a zombie distro using testing packages.
Shit broke down
Switched to Arch and never had the same issue

$ sudo pacman -S pacaur
## create a new file /usr/local/bin/updates
## add the following
env_reference_process=$( pgrep -u "$user" xfce4-session || pgrep -u "$user" ciannamon-session || pgrep -u "$user" gnome-session || pgrep -u "$user" gnome-shell || pgrep -u "$user" kdeinit )

export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=$(cat /proc/"$env_reference_process"/environ | grep -z ^DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS= | sed 's/DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=//')
export DISPLAY=$(cat /proc/"$env_reference_process"/environ | grep -z ^DISPLAY= | sed 's/DISPLAY=//')
upgrades=$(pacaur -Qu)
[[ -z "$upgrades" ]] && exit
notify-send -t 10000 "UPDATES AVAILABLE:
## save and exit
$ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/updates
$ sudo pacman -S cronie
$ crontab -e
0,30 * * * * /usr/local/bin/updates

If you're using shitty Gnome, try this extension (it's in the AUR):

if you're downloading from source you have to be aware of the dependencies the program may have, install the program, etc etc.

PKBuilds on the aur do all that for you AND keep it updated.

Only it's ridiculously good, obviously there's a few bad things about it, like you might have to edit the pkbuild, the sha512sums and what not, but it's definitely worth it.

AUR is like Ubuntu with all of the PPAs in a single one

Only one pacman -Syu per month and my system works perfectly fine after every update.

> tfw gentoo ebuild repo udates like every five minutes
veri nice

> how do you schedule tasks?

Maybe you shouldn't make fun of apt if you can't figure out cron...