Why do programmers exaggerate how hard programming is...

Why do programmers exaggerate how hard programming is, i only know entry level python (which i learnt as a hobby) but come on.

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Your post is bait. Fuck off

you don't want people steal your job. do you?

Please tell me the basics of how would you stop a drone swarm of variable length without just importing everything

A thread died for this.

Repelling magnets

>he only knows entry level Python
>claims programming is not so hard:^)
pic related

It used to be a low-paid female-only job. So what the hell do you think?

Why do people insist on doing shit work that they have to deal with for the duration instead of doing something right once and never having to do that again.


>Why do programmers exaggerate how hard programming is

>uding the smiley with a carat nose

I'll take the bait user:
Depends on wether you are referring to
A) the programming language itself as learning it as an alphabet
B) the algorithm behind the code
C) different paradigms and which one to use
D) programming an application like a web browser or a compiler, which requires real knowledge and practice to create a quality one (and obviously is not recommended to be done alone)


dunning kruger effect

Why do musicians exaggerate how hard playing music is, I only know entry level triangle (which I learnt as a hobby) but come on

OP Here
Nope, Not bait.

I'm a Head IT Technician fixing workstations, so i share a room with the guy's who program the company's website and app. I see those guys every day type for about 30 mins, then strut around the place for the day talking about programming stuff with people from different departments then act like they have been redpilled when someone doesn't know what a term means. I heard one of them the other day talking to someone from HR and when she didnt know what he meant my "Syntax" he chuckled and said "you see this is the kind of stuff i spent 5 years at university for, none of you people could do this" then he scoffed and walked off.

They aren't trying to protect their jobs. they just think they have godlike intelligence for doing what they do.

I dont do it for a living, i learnt a what i know out of curiosity in only a few weeks and if i wanted i could take it much further quite easily.

I define a programmer as someone who learns a particular language such as python, html, etc. along with its syntax in a way that they could create a simple program on their own.

>only know entry level python

Well, THAT is easy. And yet it seems to be the mental limit to learn for a baiting brainlet like yourself.

>Without just importing everything
This is probably why OP thinks programmers overstate difficulty. If you can import things to make your job easier, why don't you? You wouldn't write your own graphics API just to draw a circle.

While that video in the picture is using retard speak to describe what they did and makes it sound ridiculous the reddit response is just ignorant. Making sure drones don't crash into eachother is actually reasonably complex as you have to implement at least some spatial awareness so the drone knows what to do when it senses another drone.

maybe assembly is for you

>A programmers value is calculated on him being able to write a simple program in a given language.
Yeah, this is bait. That's like saying being a surgeon is easy because you know how to do stitches

Maybe I'm interpreting it differently but it doesn't seem like the reddit post was claiming it was a trivial program, rather just mocking a very silly sentence.

Come back to this board when you know C, kiddo.


You Programmer for IT are code monkeys, programming from video, is high level math and careful programming.



The men used Assembly and Fortran.

OP again
i mentioned that i started learning to show that although im not a programmer for a living i have some understanding of a programming language and it was quite easy to learn what i know. Im not saying that because i know how to create a variable i am a master who can program anything.

>retard speak

also the reddit comment is just a making fun of the "retard speak". Its just a joke, the user isnt saying that their comment is the code used.

>A programmers value is calculated on him being able to write a simple program in a given language.
Thats not what im saying.
I described what a programmer is, not how to calculate their value or skill. If someone can create a program on their own in any particular language, they are a programmer.

>implying html isn't at programming language
also i only listed it as an example, was one of the first things that came into my head.

i do not comprehend

Programming isn't hard at all. In fact writing terrible code that still works is even easier than whatever you IT monkeys do.

It's the design, planning and team management that's the hard part. Think about it, even you learned some basic python in your spare time, so it can't be the case that the act of writing code is difficult, but rather there's something else these programmers do that you aren't capable of.

You remind me of wage cucks who complain about their managers all the fucking time thinking it his job isn't that hard

>Hypertext Markup Language

I regularly use ASM and Ocaml and have implemented my own programming language several times, both compiled and interpreted. Programmers exaggerate difficulty because it actually is that hard to them. People who major in computer science are miserably dumb and need to make their job seem hard to keep it secure. If they weren't stupid, they'd major in a real science, but real science is hard.

They are statistically the near-dumbest members of STEM as a whole. They all just want to "just like make vid-e-o gaymes".

Even though i know what HTML stands for ive never really thought of it as not a programming language, after googleing it i see that it technically isn't a programming language.

I believe I'm the first person in Sup Forums history to admit they're wrong.

>D) programming an application like a web browser or a compiler, which requires real knowledge and practice to create a quality one (and obviously is not recommended to be done alone)
>web browser
>real knowledge
Yeah, it totally takes real knowledge to parse and display HTML. :^)

I disagree that compilers are hard either (I've written several), but at least that's a reasonable incorrect guess, as opposed to just complete fucking nonsense.

It's almost as if the entire economic system is built upon artificial scarcity to keep everyone down.

Very true, we're all egotistical despite Sup Forums being an anonymous imageboard for Maori Masturbation.

LaTeX is a programming language though. The C preprocessor too.

a fellow kiwi?

>a web browser is simply an html parser

This is how everyone knows you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

Programming is one thing. Being a good programmer is something else.

It's primarily due to a shortage of programmers at the moment. We are all earning quite a bit slapping web forms over manual workflows. Problem is when people pay too much attention (and provide money) to you, suddenly you think you are a genius and your opinion on everything is valuable (hop on over to HN to see what i mean).

Python programming, especially, isn't hard at all. It needs to be mandatory for high schoolers to take. It's so easy anyone can do it, and it legitimately teaches you how to think logically and problem solve.

Why write a compiler outside of studying?
Fuck off Reddit

{ dont(); }


Minimum math using in robotics, few programmer learn math beyonce linear algebra,calculus, diff eq and discrete.


>I only know entry level Python
Then most of what you write for programs involves using someone else's code to script shit. Try writing new, original code to do something

>It needs to be mandatory for high schoolers to take
Fuck off with this shit. Can we NOT artificially inflate the number of programmers in the world?

>Why do programmers exaggerate how hard programming is,

Because for 1 thing your program has to do, you have to break it down to minimal steps to do it, and each one of those may have 1001 ways to go wrong depending ont he complexity of your program.

In the case of the drones, you would need the drone to actively detect the position, size, orientation of other drones, then come up with a way for doing collision detection, and to make the flying algorithm consider all of these when plotting a course. This means you have to do 3d collision detection and 3d path finding all together, and have the course dynamically modifiable to prevent collision. All the while taking the drones movement in the air into account (movement direction, speed, momentum, plus that of the incoming objects as well). And then do this in a limited, presumably very low powered hardware. And you only have until the deadline to make it work.

>no highschool diploma
>no college degree
>only programming knowledge is a smattering of Java
>have a relatively good idea of how to use Windows and Unix from playing with video games and emulators
>this somehow qualifies me to be a "Level 3 Senior Technician" at a poo in loo company where I get paid twice as much as regular employees just to boss my pajeet underlings around
Is this what white privilege feels like?

Did you have good interview skills or something? whiteness can be a part of success there.

If you have a good mind for problem solving then programming is very easy.

People will answer this thinking their python programming challenges or javascript monkeying being easy means that kernel design management and architecture of large, safety-critical systems is, too.

This image is exceedingly stupid.

How did you determine goingToCrashIntoEachOther? What is the contents of dont()?

You can't say that coding is easy when all you have done is throw a variable name and a function name into an if statement. Variables don't fill themselves (except with random data maybe), functions don't write themselves.

Python is one of the top 3 easiest programming languages, and learning "entry level python" is so easy a literal child can do it. Programming itself isn't hard, but when you get into advanced concepts like algorithm analysis and actual efficient code writing it can get much more difficult quite quickly.

>I only know entry level python

So you have the skillset of an 8 year old. Nice.

>He only knows entry level mathematics
>claims his field is hard

Why is cs filled with so many god-complex brainlets?

found the interface designer that works with java devs

Its almost like programming is its own field, and that the math isn't necessarily what makes it complicated.

>math is the only thing in the world that is hard

Since it's so easy for you, I guess you should just get a job in it in Silicon Valley and get paid big bucks. Since you find it so easy, you'll probably be really good, so you'll probably be able to command $300k starting salary and work remotely!

wtf I LOVE science now!

>Programming is it's own field
Yea, a subset of discrete mathematics at best

>I'm a Head IT Technician fixing workstations
Jeez, no wonder you're retarded. Literally anyone can do your job.


Not all of programming is math, retard.

>i only know entry level python (which i learnt as a hobby) but come on

Wanna know how I know you never took a higher level math class that involves logic?


is this the machine learning library they use for sex bots?

>Why do people pretend this thing that I don't know how to do very well is hard?

>Why do people think may is hard? I did it in primary school it was fucking easy!

Wanna know how I know you've never written code outside of the theoretical realm?

Most programmers today suck. Back in the day before it all went to shit, Microsoft Works 4.5a offered WP/DB/Spread sheet+ Templates all in a single program that used under 200MB full install. This was in 1998. Now office is split into several bloated programs that use a few GB and most templates are located on the office store/site. So WTF? How'd it all go so fucking wrong.

That is false but now you can practice your proof skills trying to convince me otherwise

npm install

Literally every person on this planet thinks HIS/HER job is the hardest . even people with cushiest jobs can ramble endlesly how their job is hard, but that is the nature of THE JOBS, if they were enjoyable they wouldnt be called jobs ,they would be called hobbies. You are in a place you dont want to be for fixed period of time, doing something you really dontvwant to do. That is the reason you are compesated with papers that allow you to do and be where you want, on your time.
And as far as programmers jobs are, they really can be highly exausting and filled with dreadfull soulcrushing responsibility. Worst part is, you always have tocatch up with latest bullshit.

except that entry level math is super easy, what are you implying?

Because they're brainlets you double brainlet

>Literally every person on this planet thinks HIS/HER job is the hardest
I wouldn't agree with that.

Probably everyone thinks parts of their jobs are hard, but the hardest? You think anyone sitting in an office thinks their job is harder than coal/gold mining?

Jobs can be enjoyable too. I don't know what you have experienced but you seem to be greatly disillusioned.

The hardest part of average programming job is picking up and remembering all the folk knowledge of the large code base and systems your company uses.

I want more people to learn logical thinking and problem solving. It doesn't mean they're going to become programmers. 99% of my CS class from high school are now doing stuff completely unrelated to technology. Fuck off with your shit.

nope we just like to fap to dem Polynesians

Nice reading comprehension, Mr ESL

nice writing skills :^)

>He only knows how to do for loops and transform matrices
>The only languages he knows are matlab and python
>He claims to 'know' latex but he basically just uses it as a markup language
>Claims his field is hard

Why is math filled with so many god-complex brainlets?

git push isnt working for me again

I'm sorry..I forgot my redditiquette and forgot to include the /s for sarcasm

Software engineering is hard as hell and requires a lot of concentration and forethought. Writing FizzBuzz is the 1+1.

>You think anyone sitting in an office thinks their job is harder than coal/gold mining?
You get to sit in a nice cozy office dicking around without worrying about being constantly watched. You get to take your time and figure problems out,probably while sipping on your favorite little juice box while occasionally laughing it up with your buddies.

I work in a dirty cold warehouse where I have to stand for 12 hours and physically move boxes around, all while being timed against this bullshit system designed by a dumbass programmer. If I don't move fast enough, my numbers will reflect that and I'll get fired. This means I don't even have 10 mins to spare talking to someone. 3 guys I knew were fired just last week for having poor performance.

HTML is NOT a programming language, to even have this belief is definitive proof that you have no idea what you're talking about.

Lol go to college then retard

>every fucking day

yeah i learned entry level python as a hobby

i wouldn't touch html with a 10 metre stick unless i was payed to do it

If only it was Python...

+1 upboat