>The current state of PrivacyToddlers
The current state of PrivacyToddlers
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we already have a thread about this, use the god damn catalog you retarded polturd cancer fag
All they did was make a tool, it doesn't mean they have to defend every use of it
>the internet said racism is bad wtf free speech is only okay when I use it
> we already have 4 threads about this
"We're here to uphold our PR scam and appear nice when our Indian and Pakistani workers want to kill each other in secret, when our Shiite and Sunni workers want to kill each other in secret, when our Serb/Croat/Albanian/Bosnian workers want to secretly kill each other, when our Russian and Polish/Ukrainian workers secretly want to kill each other, when our Chinese and Japanese and South Korean workers all want to kill each other secretly, when our Jewish and Muslim workers want to kill each other secretly, when our Georgian and Finnish and Russian workers want to secretly hold a genocide party, when our African workers all want to kill each other because wrong tribe or wrong crip/blood color, when our South American cartel members want to kill each other secretly, when our Orthodox Christian and Muslim workers want to genocide each other secretly, etc. etc. etc.
Only a retard would not laugh at that pic and statement.
They feel powerful by spewing hate, whining, bullying, and promoting violence against others. But together, we are more powerful.
>encryptards are okay with kiddie porn but sperg out over "hate speech"
What's the news here?
>it doesn't mean they have to defend every use of it
Of course, but theyre doing something just as ridiculous (attacking one use of it while letting a lot of worse, despicable things off the hook).
>implying Sup Forums care about PR bullshit
Just use catalog, faggot.
What are you gonna do about it lardass?
Fuck off fag, go back to your containment board
>containment board
It's never done a good board at containing, user.
>mfw europeans advocating for my race and religion after hundreds of years long religion-based wars with us
The Jews are interesting beings, accomplishing such feat in such short time is impressive.
Fuck off fag, go back to your containment plebbit.
>child porn
>illegal hard drugs and weapons dealing
>slave trade
>Hitmen for hire
Don't bring her pure, cuckqueaned heart into this cancer
Cuck is a appropriate adjective for this case though.
Yes, I know. She's a cuckquean, that's why I said it
You don't find it a little ridiculous that they don't condemn the actual terrorism and child pornographers that use TOR, but "da eeeebil naaaaaazziiiiiiisss grrrrrrr" is crossing the line?
>child pornographers
never once criticized islam
>can buy drugs, cards, passports, see cp and who knows what else
>cant say hitler was right
Wish anyone who posted in Sup Forums got banned from other boards for 24 hours. Now THAT would be containment.
72, but yes, this.
So how come they don't make a statement about those?
I replied to that comment, but of course it had to be "approved by moderation." Anyway, it is absolutely morally hypocritical that it took some edgy racists to virtue signal and not fucking pedos sharing CP. They never said a word for years despite all the horrible shit that people use Tor for.
Those people look so miserable. I'm glad I'm not them.
Those all have legitimate uses user. Opinions I don't like are nothing but hate and serve no legitamite purpose
these helmets are made out of plain paper? no wonder why they die or get knock the fuck out from natsoc and normal people
The difference is that for one, they come out and speak out against it, but for the other, they don't.
Tor allows (as if they could do anything about it) everything and never, to my knowledge, came out publicly to say anything about it, they prefer to keep it quiet. As soon as this happens, they come out immediately.
Hypocrites, to say the least.
they only made that comment to save face after someone asked. show me where they've made an official statement disavowing the pedos on their service on their own accord. It speaks volumes that they went out of their way to condemn the daily stormer but turn a blind eye to all the far worse shit going on.
>Whenever you see a URL like duskgytldkxiuqc6.onion
Here's the Daily Stormer onion site.
Now just add .link, for example.
^ Now you can access the Daily Stormer via the normie web.
Spread the word, goys.
$10 baseball helmet with pink duct tape on it.
>look out Nazis!!!
No nigger, advocate people to install Tor on their computers. Even if its alt-right and they will log into their Tumblr and Gmail accounts through Tor, it will add noise to the network and strengthen it.
you don't really understand how any of this works, do you?
It seems like you don't.
Hate speech is not free speech
explain to me how 'noise' is even possible? if anyone is actually trying to capture information any of that would be useless, the only thing 'noise' would do is slow down everyones fucking traffic
go back to Sup Forums kid, you are too obvious
Hate is a social construct.
Free speech is not hate speech.
Nobody should care about what those idiots think or feel. Tor (the software) doesn't discriminate, case closed.
As said by themselves in the article linked on the tweet, they don't have the power to censor anything in the network, and thankfully that's by design.
Hate speech is not love speech.
>TorToddlers in 2017
Anyone ITT that has never publically denounced pedophilia is a pedophile supporter.
>get more people to install the compromised botnet
Get a grip and GO BACK.
>*virtue signals for leftists to avoid non-stop MSM hit pieces and controversy*
>The walmart of CP lives another day
>here at tor, we sleep well at night
meanwhile gab.ai just got shoahed for not bending the knee
Trading videos of yourself fucking toddlers is passable BUT we have to take a stance against racism!
It's all about the VirtueCoins, denouncing CP, drugs and illegal weapon trade isn't worth as much as denouncing white people, bonus coins if said white people aren't ashamed of being white.
>mudshits slam vans/trucks into people
>get double digit kills
>no one gives a fuck and muh "not all muslims" get spewed ad nauseum
>leftist shits show up to a lawful right wing rally, bring weapons, and incite violence
>a car getting swarmed and tries to get out
>kill some fat whore in the process
>literally everyone screaming in unisom "muh nazis, muh white supremacists, muh trump support them"
i'm siding with the chinks if a race war ever erupts. they seem to be the only ones that aren't completely retarded.
>fucking toddlers
>fucking only white toddlers
we better tweet about that
So you're not denouncing pedophilia then? Fucking wow
>implying this is bad
I don't give a fuck about who you hate, but the way you hate is what it counts. Nazishits love to abuse the freedom of speech but if they are given any authority over speech they quickly make it illegal. These people love to call others snowflakes, when in reality they are the biggest snowflakes of them all.
I prefer those middle-class socialists that just annoy me than those Naziturds pointing a gun to my face because I said something that disagree with their agenda.
That's why they stay away and watch.
I'll hold of for a while, and wait for people to get enraged about CP again, that way I get the most out of my virtue tweets.
Can't virtue signal too much, they'll catch on.
1) Do you know how an http request is formed?
2) Do you know, how does SSL work?
3) Do you know, that with no SSL Tor only masks your IP?
4) Do you understand, that with more traffic in Tor you have more traffic to DPI?
5) Do you understand, that you're replying to me and not the original poster and "gb2polkid" really shows how tech-illiterate you are? I am not fond of alt-right or whatever biggoted there is, but the point is you do not fond of getting a clue how this technology works.
No, let the Sup Forumslacks stay there. Anybody who escapes should be banned for a week though.
>Nazishits love to abuse the freedom of speech but if they are given any authority over speech they quickly make it illegal.
Sounds legit
Why so insecure?
>identity politics thread is still up
People are more than the ideas others label them with, stop painting everyone as black and white when it comes to their beliefs
>He are here to protect human rights who they oppose
>But we are not here to protect human rights of theirs
Retards be retarding
>putting child porn on the same level as slave trading, weapons dealing and murder for hire
Pls, child porn doesn't even hurt anyone!
I wasn't putting them on the same level. I was merely listing things worse than the Daily Stormer. Also Stallman, child porn is definitely very bad and pedos should be jailed.
>Tor's main intent is not to care, overreact or advocate child pornography. It's simply a tool to let paranoid, innocent people be more comfortable about what they can do.
>As of 2012, 80% of The Tor Project's $2 million annual budget came from the United States government, with the U.S. State Department, the Broadcasting Board of Governors, and the National Science Foundation as major contributors,[34] "to aid democracy advocates in authoritarian states".[35] The Swedish government and other organizations provided the other 20%, including NGOs
It has a pretty explicit goal and you're retarded.
This. Gays also. Can't have people walking around free for having a sexual orientation they did not chose.
Child porn? Good 2 go
Silk Road? No problem-o
Alleged Hitmen? Radio silence
Someone said the "N" word? RRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
child rape videos is not violence i guess
>We're offended that one of our users would intentionally only rape WHITE toddlers while on pcp
Anyone who shares kid fucking videos deserve jail time.
This is why we can't criminalize pedophilia. It's a slippery slope, next thing you know gays and people who have sex before marriage will be jailed too.
Seems Applebaum getting booted was a CIA tactic. Please tell me the rest of the actual devs don't give a fuck and are continuing to just develop. I hate PR bullshit.
>he thinks anitfa is not a fascist group
same line of reasoning apply here, if your ideology doesn't believe in free speech then it's completely okay to destroy it. This applies to:
>The tolerant left (aka. antifa)
Anyone who can't differentiate between tendencies and actual actions should be jailed.
They literally admitted they've never taken a stance on issues before.
This is how insane people are.
>identity politics
Sharing child porn enables and incentives kiddie fuckers to continue to produce produce porn and exploit children.
Good. Single moms are literally the biggest source of violent criminals.
We should pump you full of ADHD medication to make you slow and docile instead of the kids that you fantasize fucking.
They have taken a stance on the issue before, just not on Twitter. Besides, the controversy over the fact that some users of Tor are pedophiles is really stupid. Some pedophiles use running water, should we ban running water to stop the pedophiles?
Since you're dense as fuck: nobody talks about sharing CP.
>correlation implies causation
It correlates only indirectly with single maternity, you shithead. The true causing factor of violent crime is poverty, with which single maternity correlates to some extend, therefore the indirect correlation with violent crime.
>We should pump you full of medication without your consent
That violates the NAP.
>the kids that you fantasize fucking
I never do anything without their consent.
I am you pedo-apologist. Tor allows for mass sharing of CP which is more morally reprehensible than some stupid Nazi website.
>sharing actual CP is acceptable
Neck yourself.
what the hell is this
Damn, NAMBLA shills out in full force tonight!
>Serb/Croat/Albanian/Bosnian workers want to secretly kill each other
>Pointing out your logical flaws = defending or being a member of the opposite group
Why don't you switch to Sup Forums? They'll love your ad hominem.
If that's true, why are rich blacks more likely to go to jail than poor whites?
>current year
>using a government honeypot
>they are fascist!
this is your brain on pol
>57 to 65, arrested during 80s
ever considered that police were racist?
>Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Oh so if it was just all evil whitey's fault, how come hispanics are still lower than rich blacks?
Is the wealth decile saying that 1 is richer and 10 is more poor? Or the other way around?
>i am a dumb americunt that dont understand what democractic means
w e w l a d
>ever considered that police were racist?
more like the police were allowed to do their jobs