If you use firefox, why are you still using it or which fork are you using and why

If you use firefox, why are you still using it or which fork are you using and why.

Also opinion on firefox and other browsers thread

I switched to Pale Moon about a week ago, I really like it.

Yeah I heard good things about it, I especially like it that dev made his own version of gecko

Waterfox for me. It is literally just what I needed. Firefox without Mozilla, plus web extensions support past ver57. If uBlock Origin is too lazy to update by then it won't affect me. Nevermind the fact it was literally compiled without the telemetry, making it impossible for it to call home since it doesn't know how to, not anymore.

Because it's been the best browser overall.
What alternatives are there?

Because I'm lazy and I don't care enough about life

Chromium, iridium, icecat, qutebrowser, pale moon, yata yata

Here's a list of some hipster shitty browsers. They're not as good and stable as firefox, but they sure will make you feel like a special snowflake!

using it since version 2.0 and why should i change it, it just werks

because i know somebody is going to complain about firefox speed, consider using the new stable version (v55) and enabling stylo (the new rendering engine for css)

basically as fast as chromium for me now, only reason i moved from the nightly version was because plugin devs didn't update their shit yet.

>using normal youtube - normal playback, no dropped frames and smooth video playback
>using youtube/tv - crashes every 12 seconds

I've been using Firefox since its very first version, and all versions of Firebird before that, and all versions of Phoenix before that, and Mozilla browser before that. I stick to it because the alternatives are:

1. spyware written by evil corporate botnet operators looking to sell your ass,
2. amateurish forks by people who lack the resources necessary to keep software this complex as secure as possible.

Also, the very existence of foundations like Mozilla (whether you think they're a bunch of SJW cuck faggots or not) is necessary to keep (1) in check and (2) alive, so it's worth supporting.

I'm currently at Nightly/57, and contrary to what some faggots will tell you, the switch to web extensions will be a good thing in the long run. If anything, it's been long overdue.

>I've been using Firefox since its very first version, and all versions of Firebird before that, and all versions of Phoenix before that
i smell some bullshit here


>and enabling stylo
How do?

Why would it be? Not him but I remember using Firefox when it was something like v3 in what, 2007 or 08? Never have I changed for another browser, and why would I? IE has always been shit, Chrome = Google = botnet, Operahahaha...
Other alternatives at this time were more than obscure, now there's probably more choice but FF still works fine, so why change? The only thing I don't like right now with v55 is that it broke some extensions I've loved that are not really the most downloaded, and I haven't checked to see if they will be fixed later or not, because at most they are QoL improvements.

Been using Firefox since it was Firebird 0.7.
I hopped off the good ship during Australis, when it became apparent the developers no longer cared about what was best for the user and cared only what was best for them personally.
Pale Moon has been a good browser since then.

That's because you're projecting your younfaggotry on me. When Phoenix 0.1 came out in 2002 I was a 2nd year CS student.

>The only thing I don't like right now with v55 is that it broke some extensions
Get ready for more of that.
FF57 removes extensions entirely and replaces them with Google's WebExtensions - ie. Chrome Extensions.

>I stick to it because the alternatives are:
>1. spyware written by evil corporate botnet operators looking to sell your ass,


to enable stylo go to about:config and search "stylo", there will be a thing saying stylo css rendering, just double click it so it says "True" then restart firefox

That's literally Mozilla now too...
They're in bed with Soros, selling all your information and literally censoring websites from the browser based on what Soros says is OK.

wait it's servo you need to search, not stylo

they don't censor anything yet, if you're really worried about it turn off that auto malware domain blocking bullshit

I use Nightly. Why? It just works.

You know, I don't like this Jewish hysteria about "fake news" at all, but sometimes I can't help but think it is at least in part justified. The actual news was "Mozilla will now support a factchecking initiative. Soros sponsors similar initiative", retards and astroturfers on Sup Forums turned it into "Soros pays Mozilla to include censorship software in Firefox".

Firefox and spinoffs are the only browser to my knowledge that supports 144hz on Linux. Chromium/Chrome does on Windows but not on Linux, which is odd.

Agreed. Waterfox as well.

The funny things about this fake news shit is that the one complaining the loudest are usually the ones peddling most of it

Case in point

I've read that already but I'm not into it enough to understand the implications, except that it just seems like what happens when programmers just want to "rebuild everything from the ground up", which I always interpret as "we did dumb spaghetti code and now it's all fucked, better erase everything".

Thanks, I'll look at it.

Because fuck you, that's why.
Stop posting autistic posts in the internet.

the web extensions thing is basically a combination of "fuckshit spaghetti code bullshit needs to be rebuilt" and "we want to unify chrome and firefox plugins"

Firefox is still easily the best browser with a distance. Brave is making progress but that's about it.

kek, have fun being part of the botnet

Brave is a meme, it's a browser running on electron which is actually chromium anyway.

it's like playing spot the jew but with software.

This tbqhfamalam
Waterfox is pretty much the only firefox youll ever need

Then it gives me a mixed feeling. It's like the EU law that forced phone makers to unify the usb chargers so that we wouldn't have 10 different micro/mini/mega usb for multiple phones, which is good, but unifying anything with Google seems retarded. In a sense I don't care since I'm just a user and not an extension dev, but anything that breaks what I'm using is already bad.

>what is a fork?
Welcome to Sup Forums in 2017 lads.

it's not a fork user, it's just using plain electron as the base. The "browser" is basically javascript inside another browser, it's fucking stupid.

The switch to WebExtensions is primarily about being able to sandbox extensions and making them play nicely with the new multiprocess model, none of which was possible with the old extensions. API unification (which isn't full, BTW) with other browsers is just a bonus.

Anyone know how to get rid of the "Search for x with:" shit they added in firefox 55?

edit: nvm fixed


fucking this. the article didnt mention mozilla working with soros.

I'm a sane man, i use Opera.

Google Chrome isn't an option because Google is evil and anti-privacy.

For a long time I've been using Tor Browser as my main browser, because it's the only one that can truly offer privacy. For my secondary browser, I've been using Firefox, because Mozilla were the good guys.

Now with the news that Mozilla is hopping in bed with Soros and supporting fake news, I don't know what the fuck to do.

Brave is looking very interesting though. Mainly because it's one of the co-founders of Mozilla working on it. They also have some Tor people and are working closely with Tor, from what I understand. It uses Chromium as its base, which is both good and bad. Good because it's far superior to Firefox's shit technically, but bad because of the influence Google has over it.

Except ublock origin is updating for versions past 57. Use the dev channel. It’s pretty stable as it is

The Soros thing is literally an example of fake news though.

The Mozilla blog article talks about fighting "fake news". Fighting fake news is fine and all, depending on how they go about it. Censoring content is bad, after all. The problem though is that both the true news and fake news sides call the opposite side "fake news". So which side is Mozilla on?

In their blog article, they go on to list the Wall Street Journal as an example of a credible news source, when in fact they have been caught spreading fake news. This shows that when they say they want to fight fake news, they actually mean they want to support fake news and fight true news. That makes them the bad guys.

they never mentioned soros tho

Yeah, I'm pretty into the fact that he does a lot to separate his project from Mozilla's
I love how it's pre-Australis
All the sjw crap with them was the final straw for me, but I'm pretty sure the Soros part ended up not being true.
I also tried Waterfox and Brave. Waterfox is great but not quite as fast on my system, and Brave is nice out of the box but no extensions kills it for me.
>Brave is my go-to on Android though

Sure, but it's easy to put two and two together.

>If anything, it's been long overdue.
This is the problem. They should have made the move long ago, before they earned the "unstable/slow" title because of badly coded extensions with way too much power over the engine, and before the amount of existing extensions that need porting became as big as it's now.

Chrome showed up and took over all the market share not just because Google was pushing it down people's throats, but because it was not fucked up by shitty bloatware "plugins" installed without user input by random software and badly coded extensions, which made it fast and simple in comparison.

>it's not a fork, it's using electron as the base
Not sure if trolling or actually this stupid.

a FF dev said the soros thing is fake

not trolling, their docs just say "electron" which i assume is plain electron, when i used it, it looked like plain electron too so i'm not sure what you're getting at.

Stupid it is then.

Chrome is better and more stable.

not going to explain why i'm wrong?
thanks for being a useless asshat then, you haven't provided any evidence to suggest it's not default electron.

I'm using Nightly right now until 57 hits Waterfox for the performance gains. I converted over from Chromium a few months ago because I wanted to reduce the amount of Google dependency and penetration in my life. All that shit that happened with the memo reinforced my decision, but Mozilla is certainly imperfect in that regard as well, but still probably the lesser of two evils based on what I've seen. Certainly lesser in the sense they don't have the capability to do as much bad shit as Google does.

It works
It's fast
It's good
It's Mozilla

because i don't know of any other browser that i can rice to fit the rest of my desktop. with a 1024x600 resolution, i need to be able to drastically decrease the ui elements and have it mostly be the actual web content. firefox+vimperator and custom css does that for me.

> No Tor Browser

Opera just werks. The multiple search engines is nice as well.

>muh cp

I'm on Chrome and I haven't been off it since it came out.

Been browsing Sup Forums on and off for years but I can't give into the Neckbeard conspiracy theories at all.

I refuse to use a clunkier, slower & outdated browser (any firefox fork ever) because of "muh privacy" when nothing ever or will fucking happen. I like the font rendering more and that's it.

Get a grip.

>not going to explain the obvious to an idiot?

This, waterfox is great! Palememe is a close second

Brave is for you then
> Chromium base for smooth and stable rendering
> Mozilla co-founder and JavaScript founder at the helm
> Open source
> Privacy focused
Brave is literally the best of both worlds between Firefox and Chrome

There is literally nothing wrong with Vivaldi.

There is nothing more placebo than ungoogled chromium.

>hurr durrr what is a fork
>documentation just says "using electron as a base"
>hurr not going to explain the obvious to an idiot
you're the idiot user, it's default electron which is basically chromium, building a browser on that is fucking autistic and they should have never bothered.

Their GitHub page clearly says they're using Muon, which is a fork of Electron.

Is this a counter troll or are people actually this dense?

>it's default electron

>which is basically chromium

>building a browser on that is fucking autistic

>they should have never bothered

How do you get so many things wrong in one post?

please, explain to me how building a browser within another browser is not the most autistic idea anyone could ever have.

>a browser within another browser

>inb4 it's a framework
It's a piece of shit abomination made by smashing chromium source code and node.js together, building a browser on technology like this is so half assed and stupid i can't even begin to understand why anyone would even consider it, maybe you can explain?.

I migrated from chrome to ff 57 a couple of days ago because it's objectively better

I never see Epiphany on these charts. Is it any good?

I would guess it falls on the "too stupid to replace it" category.


you're an idiot.

I switched to safari in mid 2000s.

Firefox ESR

I use ESR, but what to do next June when support for ESR 52 ends?


so well put, thank you

Don't plan that way ahead. Wait and see. Maybe WebExtensions will be cool by then

>We do work with multiple foundations funded or aided by Soros
>Soros is a lie, we haven't spoke with him, i personally haven't even met the guy in my life!

I can't decide if I want to use this or nightly.
Can waterfox match the speed of nightly?

>literally falling for and spreading fake news.

I mainly use pale meme

the thing is so damn riceable, and it reminds me of firefox before it was shit

>the pot calling the kettle black

Why is Opera bad?

It used to be great feature-wise, but proprietary and closed-source.

Now it's a featureless botnet Chrome clone, and still proprietary and closed-source.


Explain please. Are they using Opera users as DDOS slaves, are they selling their information, how is it a botnet?



Unfortunately not. Nightly is still the fastest browser out there.

Help please, I used to use Chrome(never really liked FF) but had to wipe my laptop a few days ago, I've been using Edge since and so far it isn't bad but it not playing webms is annoying, so what's the best browser to switch to or which would be the best for good speed but low memory usage?

I've been using Pale moon as well for two years now on all my PCs, at home and work. I think it's the best thing since Opera 12.

Use Brave. It uses Chromium like Chrome which you like, but it's made by the original creator of Firefox and JavaScript.